·  Advise officers, chairmen, committees on matters of parliamentary procedure, bylaws, and standing rules, and provide interpretation when requested or deemed necessary.

·  Assist clubs/members in establishing club bylaws, amendments, or other matters pertaining to local club functions, respecting the confidentiality of all requests. Update the Executive Office (and or others sending the request) to let them know that response has been sent. Forward requests outside area of expertise to other members of the BOD. Request release to discuss with Executive Committee, if deemed appropriate.

·  Assist members/clubs with preparation of bylaw/standing rule amendment(s) for Multiples of America (aka NOMOTC).

·  Tabulate each Round Robin vote for EC/BOD and distribute summary to them.

·  Prepare annual Round Robin Summary with all Round Robin results and include with pre-convention consent agendas (EC/BOD).

·  Receive in writing, all suggestions, recommendations, and proposals for Bylaws and/or Standing Rules amendments – deadline 12/15, acknowledge receipt of any materials, process and prepare for review by BOD at Midterm, submit appropriate copy for mailing.


·  As soon as returning from convention, update bylaws/standing rules to reflect newly adopted amendments. Send revised copy to the President, Executive Vice President, and Executive Office for inclusion in mailing and on the website.


·  Multiple Messages - submit reminder message about proposed bylaw/standing rule amendment deadline of December 15th and offer of parliamentary assistance, if needed.


·  Receive in writing, all suggestions, recommendations, and proposals for Bylaws and/or Standing Rules amendments – deadline 12/15, acknowledge receipt of any materials, process and prepare for review by BOD at Midterm, submit appropriate copy for mailing. Advise any makers of proposed bylaw/standing rule amendments that the finalized wording and rationales will be due by 4/1.


·  Submit consent agenda items for midterm meeting (Executive Committee and Board of Directors).


·  Attend midterm meeting.

·  Prepare for and conduct meeting with Registration Chairman and Convention Committee about registration process at convention (usually with ES and Pres/EXVP)

·  Complete evaluation for Advisor using Survey Monkey (if being completed for other BOD members).

·  Following midterm, respond to those with proposed bylaws/standing rules amendments to advise BOD recommendations/information and to allow for edits to rationales, verification to move forward with proposals, etc.


·  Multiple Messages – submit request for convention volunteers (Pages, Tellers, Timekeepers).

·  Prepare items for Dues Renewal Mailing

o  credential card

o  credential card instructions

o  bylaws/standing rules to be presented to delegation (final copy due 4/1)


·  Multiple Messages – submit request for convention volunteers (Pages, Tellers, Timekeepers).

·  Coordinate preparation of the voting cards with the MP/Convention Chair (need host convention logo) and determine copying process.


·  Send all materials for Convention Program Booklet to President for approval (and copy to the Meeting Planner/Program Booklet Chair). Include the following:

-  Convention Standing Rules

-  Convention Election Rules

-  Election of Officers/Officer Results

-  Election of Nominating Chairman

-  Election of Nominating Committee

-  Election of Endowment Chair (every 3 years)

-  Selection of Convention Site (if applicable)

-  Election of Scholarship Chair (every 3 years – if adopted at 2015 convention)

-  General Session Agenda (coordinate with President)

-  Convention Appointments (coordinate with Pres, Sec, EXVP, and Treasurer) – this should be ready by 6/10 after President’s appointment and confirmation completed.

-  Credential/Registration/Quorum Report

-  Proposed Bylaws/Standing Rules Amendments

-  Obtain listing of prospective convention volunteers from Meeting Planner (or directly from registration reports). Final appointments should be confirmed by 6/10.

-  Coordinate proposed convention appointees/volunteers and send to President for approval – Pages (4-6) including an Chief Page, Timekeepers (2-3) including a Chief Timekeeper, Tellers (8-11) including Chief Teller

-  After approval from President, send requests to prospective convention appointees and volunteers. Upon confirmation, verify how they want their information listed in the convention program booklet – include their name and local club(s) name(s) and the state where the local club is located.

-  Begin draft of President’s script for convention.

-  Complete evaluation for Advisor using Survey Monkey account.

-  Submit consent agenda items for pre- and post-convention to meet deadlines as requested by the President.


·  Confirm all convention appointments/volunteers (pages, tellers, timekeepers) and forward information on duties. Coordinate times for convention meetings with volunteers to review duties/expectations.

·  Review and prepare credentials. Coordinate with the Executive Office credential reports – verify via email the reports. The EO will forward all final credential reports.

·  Print voting cards in bright easily viewed color (Convention Committee’s choice of color – ideally coordinate with convention colors and different color than previous year, using convention logo). Printing may be done by Parliamentarian or Convention Committee.

·  Finalize President’s script for convention.

·  Review program booklet draft for accuracy and use to prepare scripts for others.

·  Prepare additional scripts for convention motions – Convention Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian.

·  Credential card distribution– may be done prior to convention or immediately upon arrival at convention.

·  Prepare all ballots for convention (to be copied by Parliamentarian or convention committee).

-  Officer ballot

-  Bylaw and/or standing rules ballot

-  Nominating Chairman ballot

-  Nominating Committee ballot

-  EDGE Chairman ballot (if needed)

-  Convention Site ballot (if needed)

-  Scholarship Chairman ballot (if needed and approved at Convention 2015)

-  Special Election (available if needed)

-  Blank ballot (if needed)

·  Prepare teller reports for all of the above ballot elections.

·  Coordinate materials needed for tellers and voting (large envelopes, pencils, calculators, sticky fingertip moistener/rubber tips, note pads, tape – to seal envelopes) and have available at convention.

·  Prepare materials for Credentials (to be copied by Parliamentarian or convention committee).

-  Credentials tally sheet

-  Credentials/Registration/Quorum report

-  Sign in sheets for credentials (prepared by EO)


·  Create and bring ballots for Executive Committee voting.

·  Have bylaws/standing rules available for reference.

·  Bring Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

·  Bring cue cards, RRONR, and other reference items for use with President/BOD.


·  Prepare and conduct delegate orientation prior to first general session/business meeting.

·  Attend all registration sessions to distribute and handle questions concerning credentials.

·  Coordinate and supervise all pages, timekeepers and tellers – coordinate indoctrination meetings prior to start of general session meetings.

·  Maintain timers and other supplies for timekeepers and tellers for convention use. Discuss registration area supplies with Registration Chairman so that all materials and ballot boxes are ready.

·  Supervise polling place with Chief Teller.

·  When tellers are counting, be available to assist when/if needed. Sign final report presented to the presiding officer for announcement.

·  Have bylaws/standing rules available for reference.

·  Have Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised available for use if necessary.

·  Have scripts/cues available for use with President, Convention Chair, and other BOD members.


·  Send personal thank you notes of appreciation (via email) to all pages, tellers, timekeepers, registration chairman, etc. for jobs well done. Ask them to share their thoughts about what went well and what could use improvement in the future.

·  Provide Secretary with contact info for all convention appointees/volunteers. The Secretary sends official letters of appreciation from Multiples of America/NOMOTC as part of her duties.

·  Remove all club assistance files prior to transition to successor. Files (confidential portions) should be retained by the outgoing Parliamentarian for one term and then destroyed.