Mt. San JacintoCommunityCollegeDistrict

Budget Committee Meeting


May 11, 2007

Members Present:

Management Co-chairCatalina Cruz

Faculty Co-chairMichael Beckham

Management:Becky ElamFaculty:Rhonda Goetz

Pamela DeeganKeith Hanz

Dennis HoganPaul Hert

Classified:Gail JensenStudents:Maria Boer

Jennifer MarrsDavid Cordova

Robert ParkerResource PersonsRebecca Teague

Karen WattsSusan Guarino

Kristi DiMemmo alternate #1Michael Plotkin

Lee Dawson alternate #2Robin Armour

Fred Frontino alternate #3

Jennifer Pickens alternate #4



1.On motion by Fred Frontino and seconded by Paul Hert, the March 9, 2007 Minutes,with one correction, were approved.



1.Faculty/Staff Development Funding

SB 1131 authorized the “Faculty and Staff Professional Development Fund” to support the personal and professional growth of all California community college employees. Mt. San Jacinto College was funded$39,405: $21,673to faculty, $15,762toclassified staff and $1,970 to management.

a.The Faculty Association committee met and agreed that some funds will pay for flex activity guest speakers and workshops and remaining funds, not to exceed $600 per individual, can be used to attend conferences and workshops. Requests will be reviewed by the FLEX committee, approved by Vice President of Instruction, Pamela Deegan, and then by Vice President of Human Resources, Jon Tyler.

b.The classified Staff committee will meet in June to establish parameters for its portion of staff development funds.

c.VP Deegan requested that the District advance say 70% of the funds once the Chancellor’s Office notifies districts of funding, so that the spending plan can commence. This request will be considered at the time of Chancellor’s Office notification.

2.Budget Development Process

Presented for committee consideration is a revised Budget Development Cycle which better reflects the budget process and the role of the budget committee and is aligned to the Budget Committee Charge adopted on February 1, 2007.

The Budget Committee will utilize a new process to achieve the goal of planning-driven budget development.

a.The new process provides that the cycle will begin one month earlier (in October)to accommodate the receipt of the annual goals from the Board of Trustees and Superintendent/President.

b.The new process adds a step for publicizing the budget committee’s prioritization of the annual institutional goals to stakeholder groups. The Committee will consider parameters for requesting an annual report and tangible evidence of accountability from initiators of funded Budget Change Proposals (BCR).

3A.Institutional and Departmental Learning Outcomes

a.In accordance with Board policy and ACCJC accreditation standardsadopted by the Academic Senate and College Council, the following Institutional Learning Outcomes will be implemented upon Board approval May 10, 2007:

Communication, Critical Thinking, Aesthetic Awareness, Social Awareness, Responsibility and Scientific Awareness

A student’s level of proficiency for ILOs will vary with each course or group of related courses.

b.Departmental Learning Outcomes can be measured by certificates, degrees, etc.

c.East coast colleges have excellent models–they have also fifteen years experience.

3B.Institutional Goals

a.Becky Elam has visited another college as part of its accreditation and knows what our Accreditation Team will be looking for.

b.The first thing for us to do is inventory and assess where we are and then can we can move forward.

c.It is helpful to reviewmodels from other colleges, for example,YubaCollege had a good report and planning.

4.Facilities Task Force Report

a.FUSION (Facilities Utilization, Space Inventory Options Net)will help assist District with facility assessment.

b.Individual facilities projects can’t really be prioritized and carried out (unless a Bond Issue is passed) therefore, projects are done in pieces with priorities established using safety issues, available personnel, and the scheduled maintenance plan.

5.Enrollment Report

a.District enrollment is up 9-10% from Spring 2006.

b.2,632 early Summer 2007 head count

c.Most of the District’s registrations are done on-line, however, we are probably losing many students who simply reach a point and give up because they can’t get through by phone or don’t meet up with knowledgeable help. It takes two to three weeks to train someone and the need for trained personnel to answer phones and assist is great. Help from other offices is greatly appreciated.

6.Student Report– not available

8.Information Technology Report

a.At present, all web creations and adjustments are being funneled through one person. Soon, however, web content management will be dispersed to departments.

b.A total of 401 computers have been ordered in 06/07 under the new computer lease program.

c.Software maintenance and leasing fees are about $371,000.

d.Some IT personnel are moving to the MenifeeValley campus.

e.IT continually working to prevent network and security intrusions.

f.Document imagingwas submitted for consideration.

g.Blackboard is not yet compatible with the new Windows VISTA. District will be staying with Windows XP for at least one more year. However, there are 206 instructional computers which have VISTA.

h.District is looking into a public address system or another efficient method of disseminating information to students and faculty quickly. It might be possible to combine a fire alarm system with a PA system.

7.Grants Report

a.Nursing Faculty Retention provides for nursing faculty retention incentives of $128,544 over five years.

b.$350,000 from California Community Colleges @One-Project for technology training.Mt. San JacintoCollegeand the District will be working together with EvergreenCollege at Mt. San Jacinto College.

c.District did not pursue NSF Grant

d.Puente (used to be called Destino) Grant awarded.

e.Pre-K $175,000

f.Click-it or Ticket $9,000

g.$1.7M awarded, still $1M pending

h.The District has submitted the same amount as last year, but this year we’ve been awarded 70% of our submittals.

9.Accreditation Progress Report

a.The committee has done an impressive amount of work. Writing should begin by July. Final draft should be distributed by August and the Final Report will go for Board approval by the second Board Meeting in September.


a.Reminder that Budget Development Committee is a two-year commitment.

b.May Revise comes out next week.

c.The next meeting (September) to be determined as soon as faculty members receive their schedules and can determine their availability.