Headteacher Appraisal Review


The National Standards of Excellence for Headteachers (January 2015) replaced the previous National Standards, 2004.

There are now four ‘Excellence as Standard’ domains: Qualities and Knowledge; Pupils and Staff; Systems and Process; The Self-improving School System. Each domain isdivided into six characteristics that are expected of Headteachers.

Name of School / Part 1 - Evidence provided for the Headteacher’s Appraisal Review
Part 2- Appraisal statement for the Headteacher to be discussed and agreed at the Review meeting (based on National Standards of Excellence for Headteachers, 2015).
Part 3 - Suggested new objectives, using the National Standards of Excellence for Headteachers, 2015
Part 4 - Planning statement for the forthcoming appraisal cycle 2016-17
The circulation of the completed Appraisal Review report is restricted to the Headteacher and the Chair of the Review Committee. The Primary Adviser will inform the Chair of Governors that meeting has taken place in a Note of Visit.
Date of Appraisal Review
Name of Headteacher
Appointed Governors

Structure of the Headteacher Appraisal Review Process

  1. The Headteacher undertakes a self-evaluation against the agreed objectives and Headteacher Standards (Part 1).
  1. The Headteacher suggests objectives for the coming year, using the framework of the National Standards of Excellence for Headteachers, January 2015 (Part 3).
  1. The Appraisal Review Committee meets to collate the evidence and make a preliminary evaluation of the Headteacher’s achievement against the agreed objectives and the Headteacher Standards (Part 1). The Committee also suggests objectives for the coming year using the framework of the National Standards of Excellence for Headteachers (Part 3).
  1. This self-evaluation and preliminary suggestions must be forwarded to the Adviser at least ten working days before the Review meeting. A secure email address must be used by the Chair of the Appraisal Review Committee for this purpose. (See Governor Guidance Note on electronic communication)
  1. The Adviser completes the preliminary evaluation section, drawing on evidence provided by the Headteacher and Governors (Part 1) and provides suggestions for new objectives (Part 3). The Adviser should forward this to the Headteacher and Chair of the Appraisal Review Committee, using a secure email address, before the meeting.
  1. The review meeting takes place in three parts:
a) Pre-review: the Adviser meets initially with the Headteacher to review the evidence provided in the self-evaluation and to discuss proposed objectives for the forthcoming year. The Adviser then meets with the Appraisal Review Committee to discuss their evaluation of the Headteacher’s performance and their suggested objectives for the forthcoming year. Interim review meetings should be diarised before the end of the Review. The Primary Adviser does not attend these meetings.
b)Annual Review: the Appraisal Review Committee then meets with the Headteacher and Primary Adviser to finalise these statements.
c)Post-Review: the Adviser compiles the final document, which is returned to the Headteacher and Chair of Appraisal Review
Committee and, once agreed, becomes the annual planning and review statement for the Headteacher.
  1. The Adviser will send a ‘Note of Visit’ to the Headteacher and the Chair of the Governing Bodyto advise that the Review process has been completed.

Part 1: Preliminary Evidence– review of the appraisal objectives. To be completed in advance of the Review meeting by the Headteacher, Appraisal Review Committee and Adviser

The Headteacher should complete Part 1 using the agreed objectives and success criteria from the previous year’s document, noting impact and the source of evidence. The Appraisal Committee and the Adviser should also complete preliminary evaluations for each objective prior to the Review meeting.

Objective 1:
Success Criteria / Headteacher self-evaluation
Initial Evaluation of the Appraisal Review Committee
Primary Adviser’s preliminary evaluation (drawing on evidence from the Headteacher’s self-evaluation and the Appraisal Committee’s preliminary evaluation)
Objective 2:
Success Criteria / Headteacher self-evaluation
Initial Evaluation of the Appraisal Review Committee
Primary Adviser’s preliminary evaluation (drawing on evidence from the Headteacher’s self-evaluation and the Appraisal Committee’s preliminary evaluation)
Objective 3:
Success Criteria / Headteacher self-evaluation
Initial Evaluation of the Appraisal Review Committee
Primary Adviser’s preliminary evaluation (drawing on evidence from the Headteacher’s self-evaluation and the Appraisal Committee’s preliminary evaluation)

Review of learning and development, including dedicated headship time and Headteacher’s wellbeing

The Headteacher should provide two or three examples of their professional learning and development activities prior to the Annual Review meeting.

Professional Developmentactivity / Impact - How did it meet your needs and how you have applied it?

Part 2: Appraisal Statement – Evaluation of the Performance of the Headteacher

To be constructed and discussed during the Review meeting using the evidence provided by all parties including the primary adviser’s evaluation

  1. Summary of performance against specific appraisal objectives and overall performance

  1. Headteacher comments on receipt of the draft statement (optional)

Signed ______(Headteacher) Date ______

Signed ______(Chair of Appraisal Review Committee)Date ______

Part 3: Preparing for the Forthcoming Cycle 2017 - 2018
To be completed by all parties ten working days before the Appraisal Review meeting and sent to the Primary Adviser who will be facilitating the meeting. Please refer to the ‘National Standards of Excellence for Headteachers’ (January 2015).
Headteacher suggestions for priorities and areas for objectives for 2017/18

Appraisal Review Committee suggestions for priorities and areas for objectives for 2017/18

Adviser recommendations for priorities and areas for objectives for 2017/18

Part 4: Planning statement for 2017 – 2018 Appraisal objectives

To be constructed and agreed at the Review meeting

Statutory guidance states that the objectives set should be such that, ‘if they are achieved, they will contribute to: (a) improving the education of pupils at the school; and (b) the implementation of any plan of the governing body designed to improve the school’s educational provision and performance’. (Appraisal Regulations, 2012)

The first objective should be related to the first characteristic in Domain Two: Pupils and Staff

Demand ambitious standards for all pupils, overcoming disadvantage and advancing equality, instilling a strong sense of accountability in staff for the impact of their work on pupils’ outcomes.

Please note: the Headteacher’s CPD and dedicated leadership time should be discussed and agreed during the process of strategic school development planning and resource allocation.

Headteacher Excellence Standard and related objective / Success Criteria / Governor Monitoring Process / Interim review evaluations
Objective 1 – Domain 2: Pupils and Staff
Insert objective related to Characteristic 1 / 1.1
Objective 2 - Domain
Insert objective and state related Characteristic / 2.1
Objective 3 - Insert Domain
Insert objective and state related Characteristic / 3.1
Interim Appraisal Review dates

Signed ______(Headteacher) Date ______

Signed ______(Chair of Appraisal Review Committee)Date ______

1©Cambridgeshire County Council: School Intervention Service