Special Meeting


November 19, 2014

11:45 am

Student Center (F) Building, Pit, Forum

College of Alameda

555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway

Alameda, CA 94501-2109

Call In: 510-289-7241

Members of the public may address the Council on any item within the Council’s jurisdiction. A summary of Council rules concerning communications from the public is available from the ASCOA Secretary at the meetings. Persons addressing items included on the agenda will be heard at the time the item is considered. Persons requesting to address items or subjects which are not on this agenda will be heard under the agenda item “Communications from Members of the Public.” Assistance will be provided to those requiring accommodations for disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Interested persons must request the accommodation at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to the ASCOA President.

CALL TO ORDER: Time: 11:56 am_


President Tarundeep Singh PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Vice-President of Operations Adrien Abuyen PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Vice-President of Programs Dayana Merino PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Secretary (Vacant)

Treasurer Jeramy Rolley PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Communications Officer Kristofer Stachar Pr_ Ab_ ExX_,

Executive Coordinator Gabriela Flores Pr_ Ab_ ExX_,

A.S.C.OA I.C.C Rep. Sabah Khanshali PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Senator Simi Muhammad PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Senator Jerry Sheppard Pr_ AbX_ Ex_,

Senator Richard Rose PrX_Ab_Ex_,

Senator Jonathan Rodriguez-Palacios PrX_Ab_Ex_,


It is moved by Jeramy, and seconded by Jonathan to approve the adoption of the agenda.

Vote Count: Unanimous

Motion: Passes


All minute’s approval are postponed until the next regular meeting.


1.  Student Trustees’ Reports: Nothing to report

2.  President's Reports: Talked about the G.A, and how we as a region were very successful, and we passed all resolutions we proposed, and we wanted to pass. Talked about how proud he was of the council, and how they conducted them self’s, and how they participated in the GA breakout sessions.

3.  Vice-President of Operation Reports: Talked about the GA, and how well we did, and how we need to prepare to finish strong with our upcoming thanks giving event. Talked about the district technology’s committee, and how they are working to improve the facilities on each campus, and how they are working with the local colleges to do so.

4.  Vice-President of Programs Reports: No report

5.  Secretary's Reports

6.  Treasurer’s Reports : No report

7.  Communications Officer Reports : Not Present

8.  Senators' Reports: : No report

9.  Advisor’s Report: : No report

10.  Committee Reports: : No report

11.  Ad Hoc Committee Reports: : No report


(Please line-up to speak when your name is called.) This portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council on matters not included on this agenda. A maximum of 14 minutes (2 minutes per individual maximum) will be provided for speakers under this agenda item. Requests to speak which cannot be honored within the time limit will be scheduled for subsequent meetings in the order received. Under the Brown Act, Council members are not allowed to discuss and/or take formal action at today’s meeting on items brought before them under this item. Council members are only allowed to respond briefly. Written statements can be submitted to the ASCOA Secretary for inclusion in the minutes.


1.  Approval of the We are Family dinner Budget.

Presenter: President Tarundeep Singh.

The council shall approve the budget of $1100 for “we are family dinner” payable to Fresh and Natural.

It was moved by Adrien, and seconded by Richard to approve $1,100.00 dollars for the “We are family dinner” event payable to “Fresh and Natural” from Fund 71 object code Object Code 5885 Misc. Operational Exp.

Vote Count:

Adrien Abuyen; Yes

Dayana Merino; Yes

Jeramy Rolley; Yes

Simi Muhammad; Yes

Sabah Khanshali; Yes

Jonathan Rodriguez-Palacios; Yes

Richard Rose; Yes


Motion: Passes

2. Special Guest Speaker.

Presenter: VP of Instruction Timothy Karas.

The council shall hear updates about the C, and D building, and the Accreditation Report.

V.P.I Karas summarizes the progress of the accreditation report. Informing the council that it has gone to the board of trustees for its first read, and how it will go for a second read, and then must be signed by the ASCOA President, and the other Presidents. We were also informed that the onsite visit will be in May.

We were also informed of the status of the C, and D building, and asked for input to where it should be place, and the completion date will be closer to 4 year. By the presenter from the district who is the project manager for the C, and D building Project.

3.  We are family dinner Drinks, Decoration, and Utensil Costs.

Presenter: President Tarundeep Singh.

The Council shall hear a proposal approve $250 for the “We are Family Dinner Event”

List Drinks $100, Decorations including Table Cloths $50, Utensils (Spoons, Forks, Napkins, Plates, Knifes) $100.

It is moved by Richard, and seconded by Jonathan to approve $250 dollars for the cost of Drinks, Decoration, and Utensil Costs for the “We are family Dinner” Event. From Fund 71 object code Object Code 5106 Events.

Vote Count:

Adrien Abuyen; Yes

Dayana Merino; Yes

Jeramy Rolley; Yes

Simi Muhammad; Yes

Sabah Khanshali; Yes

Jonathan Rodriguez-Palacios; Yes

Richard Rose; Yes


Motion: Passes

4. Open Gates Club Finance Request for an upcoming Event.

Presenter: Unknown.

The Council shall hear a proposal to approve funds for the Open gates events.

The item is moved to a special meeting.

5. Reimbursement.

Presenter: Dr. Luis Escobar.

The Council shall hear proposals to reimburse the extra costs at the G.A. including, but not limited to travel costs for trustee, and Gabi’s Per-diem.

It is moved by Adrien, and seconded by Richard to approve $138.50 for the emergency Travel cost for Jeramy Rolley (bus ticket/ Taxi ride) payable to Dr. Luis Escobar from fund 71 Object Code 5202 Travel.

Vote Count:

Adrien Abuyen; Yes

Dayana Merino; Yes

Jeramy Rolley; Yes

Simi Muhammad; Yes

Sabah Khanshali; Yes

Jonathan Rodriguez-Palacios; Yes

Richard Rose; Yes


Motion: Passes

Gabi’s food cost reimbursement is moved to our next meeting.

6. We Are Family Dinner Logistics.

Presenter: Dr. Luis Escobar

The Council shall create and approve a plan for the “WE ARE A FAMILY DINNER”




President Singh: Region III meeting 11/22/2014