Offham Primary School
Midday Supervisors Job Description
JOB PROFILE TITLE / Midday SupervisorGRADE / KR2
DATE / October 2015
(Based around the KCC job profile for meal supervisors)
Summary of Job:
Supervise all pupils during the Lunchtime period (on the playground and in the dinner hall) to minimize any disruption, ensure their wellbeing and maintain their safety.
Outline of Main Duties:
- Set out plates, cutlery and beakers in time for the mealtime period.
- Ensure pupils enter the dining room in a safe and orderly fashion and behave appropriately when queuing for their meal in order to maintain safety and wellbeing of all pupils.
- Ensure pupils eating meals are seated in an orderly fashion to maintain safety and wellbeing of the pupils. Ensure children have eaten a good proportion of their lunch and had a drink. Any concerns regarding this immediately inform lead Midday Supervisor.
- Assist the pupils, as necessary, during the meal break to ensure their wellbeing. (This may include providing them with a drink, helping with spillages and cutting up food).
- Ensure plates, etc., are cleared from tables in an appropriate mannerto maintain a clean and tidy environment and to free up space for any furthersittings where applicable.
- Assist in the cleaning of the tables etc. so the dining area is left in a clean and tidy manner to maintain a clean and tidy environment.
- Enforce the Behaviour Policy in the dinner hall and on the playground.
- Supervise all children on the playground to maintain safety and wellbeing of the pupils.
- Attend relevant training provided by the school.
- Ensure awareness of children who have specific individual needs.
- Operate a first aid service, during lunchtime to deal with any accidents that occur. If concerned inform the named Lead First Aider immediately.
Name ...... (MDS) Signed...... Date…………………………
Name…………………………………….. (Headteacher) Signed……………………………….. Date…………………………