Offham Primary School

Midday Supervisors Job Description

JOB PROFILE TITLE / Midday Supervisor
DATE / October 2015

(Based around the KCC job profile for meal supervisors)

Summary of Job:

Supervise all pupils during the Lunchtime period (on the playground and in the dinner hall) to minimize any disruption, ensure their wellbeing and maintain their safety.

Outline of Main Duties:

  1. Set out plates, cutlery and beakers in time for the mealtime period.
  1. Ensure pupils enter the dining room in a safe and orderly fashion and behave appropriately when queuing for their meal in order to maintain safety and wellbeing of all pupils.
  1. Ensure pupils eating meals are seated in an orderly fashion to maintain safety and wellbeing of the pupils. Ensure children have eaten a good proportion of their lunch and had a drink. Any concerns regarding this immediately inform lead Midday Supervisor.
  1. Assist the pupils, as necessary, during the meal break to ensure their wellbeing. (This may include providing them with a drink, helping with spillages and cutting up food).
  1. Ensure plates, etc., are cleared from tables in an appropriate mannerto maintain a clean and tidy environment and to free up space for any furthersittings where applicable.
  1. Assist in the cleaning of the tables etc. so the dining area is left in a clean and tidy manner to maintain a clean and tidy environment.
  1. Enforce the Behaviour Policy in the dinner hall and on the playground.
  1. Supervise all children on the playground to maintain safety and wellbeing of the pupils.
  1. Attend relevant training provided by the school.
  1. Ensure awareness of children who have specific individual needs.
  1. Operate a first aid service, during lunchtime to deal with any accidents that occur. If concerned inform the named Lead First Aider immediately.

Name ...... (MDS) Signed...... Date…………………………

Name…………………………………….. (Headteacher) Signed……………………………….. Date…………………………