The Road to NHD

T-minus 5 weeks to NHD – the Behring Contest is the highlight of the entire year.


Adrienne Harkness – Contest Manager

Jason Harris – NHD Oklahoma

Matt Durrett – NHD Indiana

Millie Frese – NHD Iowa

Renee McClendon – NHD Mississippi

The discussion focused on several topics relevant to the National Contest They follow in order.


The first step is to go to and you’ll see a button ‘contest registration’. Click that button and there you will see all the information you’ll need. Also on the main page you’ll see a map. If your state is red you can register. You then scroll down and begin registration. Follow the instructions in your registration booklet. If you got the instruction for pdf download you can download the registration instructions.

make sure you read the directions and follow them.

May 20 deadline

Registration and payment need to be complete by midnight EST. This includes all items dorm packages, meal packages, all payments (check, purchase order, credit card). These must be indicated in the system by 20 May

It is a hard deadline. If you don’t complete registration by then you’ll be charged a $50 late fee because staff has to do it. So don’t miss the deadline.

Special opportunities at national

1. Nominate your entry for special prizes. Lots of organizations sponsor prizes. You can browse the list, see their criteria and select two.

2. Nominate your exhibit entry for selection to be shown at NMAH. Also the case for a performance which will be performed at a VIP reception that evening

3. Students who are juniors/seniors in high school can choose to apply for up to 3 scholarships

Teachers: We’ll have workshops by Microsoft, Newseum and ChronlicingAmerica conducting workshops for professional development opportunities

Preparing an entry for National

1. Congratulations!!! You should make it the very best it can be. To do that you should look at all feedback form judges. Sometimes the comments are limited so seek out feedback. Go to your state coordinators, they’ll give you feedback. Also consider seeking out experts who can give you some specific feedback. If you’re doing performance consult with drama teacher. make it the best you can be!!!!! Remember, people will give you lots of suggestions. You have to evaluate the feedback and make decisions as the creator.

2. Come with a plan A,B,C,D. Bring along extra copies of bibs/papers. Bring stuff on jump drive, have it with you via Google Docs. Same with exhibits have extra supplies and materials for quick repairs

3. PROOF READ!!!! Make sure your fonts the same, no TYPOS!!!


Remember that papers and websites lock on May 20!

Remember: you can continue to research and add to bibliography. The hallmark of great NHD students: you never stop learning about your topic up to the moment you’re judged!!!!!

What happens when you get to the contest.

When you arrive go to Stamp Student Union to register. It’ll be very busy but at registration you can pick up your packets, get parking information etc. You can also pick up any materials your shipped. Recommendation: check out where your presentation area is going to be.

Judging: Hopefully it’ll be very similar to affiliate contest situation. Go to your judging room at the beginning of the day and see how other students are experiencing.

Anything to be afraid of? The judges are there for the students. Every person at NHD wants the student to be successful and have a positive experience. practice the interview but there’s nothing to be afraid of!!!

What can you do at UMD

Lots to do: Take advantage of free time and do as much as possible. Monday evening student dance, Wednesday evening NHD night at the museum of American history. On campus, spend time hanging out meeting students from other states. Lots of groups use lounges to watch movies etc. Pack your swimming suit because there’s a great pool. At Stamp, you can watch runoffs, etc. The campus is pretty much open

How is UMD related to WashingtonDC

College Park Metro station is a shuttle ride away. Once you’re on the metro you’re moments away from the Mall, Capitol, museums etc. 20 minute ride and you’re there. Have no hesitation of using the metro. It’s safe, it’s clean and easier than you think


All dorms are air conditioned!!!! Dorms do provide basic amenities. I like to bring my own towels, sheets, and a fan. It’s a great experience just be prepared for it. Shower shoes for the dorms and your basic toiletries. The biggest thing is to plan ahead. Scout out DC and plan what you want to do. museums etc. Dress for the weather so bring sun screen, sun glasses, bring an umbrella. Dress comfortably. Comfortable walking shoes and dress for the weather. It will be warm.

Dress professionally for your interview so bring appropriate attire. Bring extra copies of paperwork and everything on a jump drive. Remember your NHD t shirt and buttons!!!!! Talk to your coordinator before to learn any state event plans.

What not to bring: Don’t waste space.

Exhibit stuff and performance props.

Look at the registration booklet it has shipping instructions. You may also be able to ship prop items as well. Very useful tool. Communicate with state coordinator regarding transportaion of materials.

Contractor trash bags are your best friend. Cover in plastic anything that can’t get wet!!!

Night at the Museum

One student from each affiliate gets chosen to display at the National Museum of American history. They bus early in the morning and set up their exhibit. You get to spend the day at the museum. They will have different museum events going on. The night at the museum will have several events. It’s a celebration of all your hard work. In the evening the museum is pretty much an NHD event. You’ll have access to all the special exhibits in the museum. Everyone can visit that evening. Real celebration

Pin trading

It’s a wonderful event. It’s a favorite. Every student comes with pins from their affiliate. They trade pins with students from other affiliates. so, you want to make sure you have your pins at registration onward. This is one of the best networking tools. It’s a great way to meet people. You share/trade your buttons.

What’s the worst thing to forget?

Forgetting a component of the project. If you forget the bibliography, don’t panic! If you don’t have a back up copy (flashdrive, cloud) call home and think through the steps to get that entry component.

UMD/College Park is a big University. Would you encourage students to do a college visit?

Take advantage of your location. Visit GW, UMD, Georgetown. Take advantage of being in that area. visit colleges.

Packing – bring a fitted sheet. You get two flat sheets so bring a fitted.

What is your favorite DC thing? Make sure you don’t miss

Go walk the mall. Walk from one end to the other. Great to see people, monuments and be able to say you were there.

Wrap up with the One big thing!

Millie Frese: Don’t panic. Everything you encounter you can handle. Look to the community. There’s always someone who is willing to share. Rely on the NHD community and enjoy

Matt Durrett: Plan ahead and be prepared. If you really want to see something downtown, take care of advance planning. For the experience make sure you’re prepared. Know where your interview is, do a dry run walk from the dorm to the room. Also visit the spy museum

Jason Harris: Remember that you are one of 2800 students attending out of the ½ million students. Make friends, network, talk to coordinators and enjoy being around your friends!

Adrienne Harkness: 1. take some time before the contest to prepare and read over all the information on registration website and at the contest don’t panic. If something happens contact NHD staff and your coordinator.

The goal: every student has a good experience.

Final, Final reminders!

1. Ice cream shop on campus will be open!

2. Don’t miss the Kermit statue outside of Stamp

3. We’ll be live on twitter/Facebook take advantage

4. meet new people. Say hello to the staff and coordinators