Mixed Blessings Programme -Autumn 2018

Date / Talk/ Activity / Speaker/ Organizer / Meal
4th Sept / Extend Exercise / Gill Tennant
11th Sept / Walk the Barratt Way / Ted Barratt / Fish & Chips
18thSept / The Road to Eurovision / Nicky Stevens
25thSept / Wimborne Miscellany Part 2 / Malcolm Angel / Lunch
2nd Oct / Legends of Conjuring / Alan Chitty
9th Oct / Harvest Thanksgiving / Fish & Chips
16th Oct / The Work of a Hospital Chaplain / Fraser Smith
23rdOct / Have a go, Joe (a fun quiz) / Graham Dunn / Lunch
30thOct / Violin and Piano Delights / Peter and Gill / (Team Meeting)
6th Nov / A Year in South America / Jared Littlewood / Fish & Chips
13th Nov / Researching Quirky Dorset / Janet Seal
20th Nov / Varieties of Life / Jenny Ball / Lunch
Life Story of a Farmer’s Wife / Margaret Bailey,
My time as an Army Wife / Margaret Gallagher
Wartime Memory / Pat Piddock
27th Nov / Extend Exercise / Gill Tennant
4th Dec / Making Christmas Table Decoration / Pat Gilbert / Fish & Chips
11th Dec / Merley 1st School Christmas story & songs presentation in the Lantern
18th Dec / Christmas Lunch / / Lunch
25th Dec / No Mixed Blessings.
Happy Christmas! /

The new term begins on 8th January 2019

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Hello Friends,

A very warm welcome to another Mixed Blessings term. We have the promise of a wonderfulhodgepodge of events listed overleaf. These include old favourites and freshventures. I’m particularly looking forward to the ten-minute talks on 20th November. If you’re new to us, a very special welcome.Here is our regular pattern of Tuesday mornings:

10:30onwards Coffee and Chat

11:00ish Notices, Birthdays, Bible Reading, Prayers, Talk or Activity

12:00 End or (fortnightly) Meal

Where can you romp in “Grandma’s Feather Bed”, do the twist with Chubby Checker and relax in the arms of Merciful Jesus (Pie Jesu)? Well, at Extend Exercise with Gill of course. Exercise for your whole body on 4th September and 29th November,all whilst sitting down! So much fun and highly recommended.

On 9thOctober, we will give thanks for harvest. If you have a reading, song or other contribution, please let John Taylor know in advance. Donations of non-perishable food will be forwarded to Wimborne Food Bank and Routes to Roots (Homeless people in Poole).

On 30th October Peter and Gill will entertain us with the recital they kindly offered to postpone last term. With all that extra rehearsal time it’s bound to be a cracker.

11thDecember Is a special day when some of the children from our local school entertain us with Christmas songs and the telling of the Christmas story. This takes place in the Lantern, so there is plenty of room for you to invite your friends and neighbours. Please enjoy this event and support our children by making this a well-attended occasion.

Our Christmas Lunch is always special and this year we will celebrate together on 18th December. As in previous years we will have a £3 “Secret Santa”

We will again be filling shoeboxes for children for the Samaritans Purse organization, so start collecting bits and pieces as soon as you can.

Last term you gave us permission to give surplus funds to good causes. As a result, we have been able to donate £200 each to The British Heart Foundation, Brain Tumour Research, Routes to Roots and the Wimborne Food Bank. Thank you very much.

This programme shows how your ideas shape our agenda. Keep your brainwaves coming in and I will use as many of them as I can. Thank you for your help.
