Holly Township Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes October 6, 2015Page 1 of 3
Holly Township
Planning Commission – Regular Meeting
Minutes of October 6, 2015
Call to Order: Chairman Gurski called the October 6, 2015 regular meeting of the Holly Township Planning Commission to order at 6:35p.m. At the Holly Township Hall, 102 Civic Drive, Holly Michigan.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Members Present:Others Present
Ted Gurski, Chairman Karin Winchester, Zoning Administrator
AC Alrey, CommissionerJohn Culcasi,Township Planner
Lloyd Kernen, Commissioner
Shane Mooney, Commissioner
Members Absent:
Mark Cornwell, Commissioner
Commissioner Alreymoved to excuse Commissioner Cornwell. Commissioner Mooney supported the motion. A voice vote was taken; all those present voted yes; the motion carried by a 4/0 vote.
Agenda Approval:
Commissioner Alreymoved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Kernen supported the motion. A voice vote was taken; all those present voted yes; the motion carried by a 4/0 vote.
Public Hearing:Proposed Ordinance Amendments to Chapter 32 Zoning, Article IV Supplementary Regulations, Section 32-142 Garage Sales, Rummage Sales and Similar Activities.
Commissioner Alreymoved to open the public hearing. Commissioner Kernen supported the motion. A voice vote was taken; all those present voted yes; the motion carried by a 4/0 vote.
Cindy Kreiner, 2122 Grange Hall Rd., stated that she preferred six garage sales a year instead of four and she felt that the last sentence “Overnight outside storage of goods or merchandise offered at such a sale is prohibited” did not make any sense and should be changed while the ordinance is being revised. She said that having to put everything away at the end of the day is not logical and makes no sense. She thanked the commission for amending the ordinance and pointed out that directly adjacent communities do not have ordinances for garage sales.
Commissioner Alreymoved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Kernen supported the motion. A voice vote was taken; all those present voted yes; the motion carried by a 4/0 vote.
Public Comment: None
Approval of Minutes – September 1, 2015 Minutes:
Commissioner Alreymoved to approve the minutes of September 1, 2015 as amended. Commissioner Mooneysupported the motion. A voice vote was taken; all those present voted yes; the motion carried by a 4/0 vote.
Communications: None.
Old Business:
- Request to Amend Garage Sale Ordinance.
The commission agreed that the language in the ordinance requiringgarage sale items to be put away at the end of the day should remain to avoid sales that could be leaving items out potentially for a month or turning a garage sale into a business.
Commissioner Mooney moved to recommend approval of the proposed Ordinance Amendments to Chapter 32 Zoning, Article IV Supplementary Regulations, Section 32-142 Garage Sales, Rummage Sales and Similar Activitiesby the Holly Township Board of Trustees. Commissioner Alreysupported the motion. A voice vote was taken; all those present voted yes; the motion carried by a 4/0 vote.
- Proposed Amendments to the Outdoor Gatherings Ordinance.
Commissioner Alrey moved to set a public hearing for November 3, 2015. Commissioner Kernensupported the motion. A voice vote was taken; all those present voted yes; the motion carried by a 4/0 vote.
- Master Plan.
John Culcasi handed outthe original future land use map, a proposed future overlay land use map using the same colors as the original future land use map and a spreadsheet explaining the changes and did a presentation of those changesbeing presented to the commission. Discussion was held with the planner regarding the proposed changes to the Master Land Use Map. No Action Taken.
New Business:
Public Comment:
Cindy Kreiner, 2122 Grange Hall Rd. addressed the commission.
Commissioner Mooney reported earlier on the Michigan Renaissance Festival parking and traffic issues over their last few weekends.
Commissioner Alreymet with Grand Blanc Township Planner and Zoning Administrator and will be attending their meeting next month. He would like to meet with all the neighboring communities planning departments.
He asked the commissioners to holdNovember 18th open for MSU Extension Focus Group Meeting in Waterford. He Chairs the MSU VisionLeadershipCouncil and will be sending invitations for that date to the Boards and Commissions.
He said that he will be attending the Storm Water Summit on October 9th. He is on the Michigan Association of Planning Government Relations Committee and they are having a Board/Government Relations Law Joint Meeting before the summit and is open for any commentsor concerns from the commission. He will send the commission more information.
Chairman Gurski, hearing no other business, adjourned the meeting at 8:08pm.
Karin Winchester, MMC
Holly Township Clerk