Meeting Minutes

Thursday, December 5, 2013

3:00-5:00pm General Membership Meeting and Forum

5:00-5:30pm Closed Session

Mission College, Hospitality Room 104A

I. Call to Order at 3:00pm

Council Members Present:

Carol Beck, Randy Castello, Dianne Dorian, John Chew, Wendy Gachesa-Bowers, Cathy Jones, Clement Lam, LeAnn McGinley, Rod Pavao, Melvin Pritchard, and Jory Segal.

Absent: Leigh Burrill,

Guests: Jim Winkler-WV-PE, John Dedusky, Mission-Math, Char Perlas, Mission-Counseling

II. General Forum with David Bella-Hawkins, CCCI advocate & lobbyist and Rich Hansen, CCCI President


A. WVM Trustees could be called the Land Barons

B. Request copies of the Chancellor’s calendar

C. Get students involved

D. Part of the campaign could be to expose chancellor’s actions

E. Pasadena Facultyare going to leaflet the Rose Bowl Parade to expose very low Faculty salaries

F. Lobby Board of Trustees

G. Discussion about Banked Leave overfunding. Faculty are required to apply to take banked leave.

They will not all be granted leave at the same time, therefore the entire funds will not be needed in

the same year.

H. Shared Governance is a state law. The administration is not participating in shared governance.

I. Recommendation to have paperwork to share with the Board of Trustees, when meeting withthem

J. Shame the Trustees about the deficits that never occur

K. One possible strategy would be to ask for what you think you are entitled to, regardless of whether

the district can afford it.

L. Form aJOBaction committee to meet with David and strategize,to change the campus culture

M. The Job Action Committee should include any faculty interested in organizing. Give them small


N. Getting Trustees elected is about phone banking, walking precincts. Get students involved.

O. The focus should be on faculty who might be willing to help.

P. Suggestion for a print newsletter. The muckraker can write the column. Funny, ironic, columns

about the $$$.

Q. What would we be negotiating if we were at the table? Black comedy. There should be a lot of $$

next year.

III. 1/24/2014 is a FACC day at DeAnza 10:30 to 1pm. There will be a presentation about the San Francisco

City College Accreditation Hearings.

IV. Approval of the Minutes: Postponed

V. Administrative Business:

A. President’s Report

1. Ash will send paperwork to organize the PAC.

2. Brad Davis stated on 12/4/2013 that the WV Football Team will be eliminated.

3. The budget cuts were sent out today, 12/5/2013.


Association of College Educators Meeting Minutes12-5-2013

4. Enrollment goals will be affected by the football cuts.

5. Proposed College Forum on Tuesday, 12/10/2013 at 4pm WV in PE2.

6. Proposed College Forum on Thursday, 12/12/2013 at 3:30pm at Mission

7. Classified has proposed sharing the cost of the Forensic Accountant.

Wendy proposed that we share the cost of the Forensic Accountant. Dianne seconded

the motion. Melvin abstained. The motion passed.

8. David Bella-Hawkins. Compensation is $3000/month. Travel etc. is additional.

Rod will contract David and propose a 2 month contract.

9. Ideas to be disseminated by flyers: Do you know that the District has more than $10 million

in reserves?

B. Vice-President’s Report

1. PGC/DCC proposal to reorganize the divisions at WVC was discussed. No decision will be made until spring, 2014.

2. The WVC Academic Senate has not come to agreement on restructuring.

C. Secretary’s Report


D. Treasurer’s Report

LeAnn made a motion to approve the copy of the ACE Tax Return and Financial Documents.

Carol seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.

The Documents will be posted on the ACE web site.

VI. Old Business: Discussion of Article 26

VII. New Business:

  1. January Retreat Date to be decided. Rod will send out tentative dates to ACE Council Members.
  2. Agenda Items for the retreat include:

Articles 20, 26, & 48

ACE Bylaws

VIII. Council Reports: Postponed

IX. Adjourn: Melvin Pritchard moved to adjourn. Clement Lam seconded the motion. Unanimous vote.

LAST MEETING OF THE SEMESTER: Mission College 12/12/2013 at 3:30pm, room E2-301

The Association of College Educators is a faculty bargaining unity within the

West Valley-Mission Community College District.