Jerry R. Sims Management and Leadership Institute

February 14 – 16, 2011

Harvey’s South Lake Tahoe

Minutes for July 28, 2010

Present: Susan Shogren, Jim White, Wendy Olson

Excused Absence: Susan Murphy

Action items are in italics.

Theme/Website–Navigating Uncharted Waters – Topics and faculty have been posted. Registration will be brought up as soon as we are able. The costs must be established and the topics must be in place before it can go live. Our target date is late October at the latest.

NASFAA Regional Guest as Presenter – A regional guest will be joining us at our “super meeting.” Wendy will find out who that person is and invite her to participate on Wednesday. This will allow us to have additional faculty and also emphasize our relationship with NASFAA.

Schedule for Management and Leadership Institute as of June 11, 2010 – We have added some notes to our schedule. Overall the schedule itself looks very doable. See schedule for more information.

Information from Past MLI Chairs – Kay & Catherine are sharing the information they have from their time as chairs of MLI. Wendy will sift through the information and share with the committee any items that seem of interest to the committee as a whole.

Topics We May Cover – We will have further conversation on this when we next meet with all members present:

Resources Available for Staying Up to Date and Staying in Compliance

How to Organize Yourself

Managing Staff

Management Role Play with Small Groups

If I Only Knew Then, What I Know Now…


Management of Funds/Budget – Internal and External

Relationships with Other Operations/Working with Others On and Off Campus

How You Position Yourself So You Are At the Table

Decision Making Processes

Checks and Balances

Federal and State Regulatory Processes (May be a subsection of another item)

Charge for the MLI – Includes room costs & some meals – Registration should be clear. WASFAA EC members recommend no commuter rate. Committee members costs to participate will be covered through the payments from participants.

Advertising Schedule – Once a month until December – then once a week

Registration - Registration should be up by late October at the latest. Theearly registration deadline will be Friday, January 7, 2010. We must be clear on the logistics for the stay - travel arrangements from the airport to hotel so arrival time at the airport and hotel can be planned accordingly, meals that are covered and those that are not, free time, optional dessert reception.

End of Meeting Time for Committee Members – Wendy will confirm with the committee when we will end or working time together – depends on travel possibilities. If they are not too difficult, we will probably have lunch together and debrief until 2 or 2:30. We can also talk about arrival time at our next meeting so that committee members can begin to make plans.

Next Meeting: August 20, 2010 at 11:00 A.M.