Latitude – WBC 2016 UNISON Newcastle Volunteer Registration Form
Please fill in this form and send it back to Vikki Garratty either by email: ( ) or by post to: Vikki Garratty, UNISON Northern Region, 140 -150 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6TH. If you have any questions about filling it in, please contact Vikki Garratty by email.
All personal data is stored securely on a password-protected database, with only the WBC Workplace Contact for UNISON Northern Young Members Lead (Vikki Garratty) having access to it.
1. Your personal details
Last First Name / Address 1Last Name / Address 2
Email Address / Address 3
Mobile Tel / Town
Date of Birth / Post Code
UNISON Membership number (it will be on your membership card, or you can contact the UNISON branch office for help):
Are you willing to sign the WBC Volunteer Code of Conduct and abide by it when volunteering*? / YES / NO
Can you confirm that you will be available to volunteer between 12 – 16 July 2017**?
Next of kin contact details including telephone number****:
Details of any medical conditions you would like the Team Leader to know about*****:
* This is the Code of Conduct which the Workers’ Beer Company, which runs the bars at the Festival and with whom we will be volunteering, asks its volunteers to sign and which you will have been sent a copy of. Essentially you are agreeing to turn up for all staff briefings, work all your shifts and be in a fit state to work (not drunk or hungover), abide by the rules of working behind the bar (no giving away drinks!), and ensure you take all your camping gear with you at the end of the festival.
** Please check that you will be available to volunteer if you get a place before you register. This means that your manager is okay with your asking for leave on those dates, your nearest and dearest has not organised a surprise holiday, you will be able to arrange care for children / dependents / pets / etc for the week you’ll be away…
***Please don’t be alarmed at our asking for details of your next of kin! This is so that in the unlikely event of an emergency, we know who to contact. (We haven’t lost any volunteers yet – or ever needed to use this information.)
****You do not have to tell us about any medical conditions you may have unless you want to. This space is on the form solely in case you have a medical condition that you think that the Team Leader at any festival you volunteer at should know about, in case you have any problems whilst at the festival and having someone know this information could be helpful. If you do not want to write this down, you can contact the Workplace Contact, Louise Reeve, and tell her this information in person.
2. Other information required
a. Passport photograph supplied with this form?
Details of photo needed: Colour passport style and size. If sending via post, please write your name on the back of the photo. If emailing, it must be a JPEG file no bigger than 640x480 pixels.
b. Character reference by line manager or a union official supplied with this form?
Details of reference needed: The reference needs to come from either your line manager or a union official who knows you personally (such as a shop steward), and must contain the following information:
· how long your referee has known you for,
· whether they consider you to be reliable and honest and able to adequately represent Unison Northern Young Members and the Workers’ Beer Company,
· what relationship they are to you (either your line manager or a union official who knows you personally).
· Their signature and the date the reference was written.
· Contact Details: Email & Telephone number
If they wish to say more nice things about what a great person you are, this is fine too!
Thank you very much for your interest in volunteering for UNISON at the Latitude Festival 2017.