Stone Creek Charter School

Agenda: Board of Directors Meeting

Monday June 7, 2010, 5 PM

375 Yoder Ave, Avon, CO

Call to Order (Note 5 PM start time, Monday 6/7!)

WORK MEETING 5-6 PM: 3 year plan

BOD MEETING: 6 PM: (Input and questions will be entertained as prescribed by the BOD President)

Revisions and Approval of Agenda:

Approval prior minutes: Minutes of May


Administrative Reports/Updates:

Enrollment Update:

Management/Headmaster Report (K-8):

Committee Reports/Updates:

Human Resources: Status and action on HR/Employee Manual…?

Teacher Rep Update:


Financial Statements:


Cash Flow

Operational Donation 2010 - 2011 School Year

Fund Development: Status of Foundation tax-exempt ruling and applicability of Colorado tax credit law


Governance: (items other than Resolutions):

  1. Motion approving 2010-2011 salary schedule;
  2. Motion committing to adoption of an Incident Command System Policy and procedure NLT September 1,2010 and assigning responsibility for drafting of the required Policy;
  3. Motion approving procedure ands schedule for 2010 BOD Elections as follows:
  1. Three seats up for election (Wolfe, Molina and Petrowski)
  2. Candidate Declarations distributed via website August 24
  3. Candidate Declaration deadline for submittal Friday, September 10th
  4. Ballot distribution starts Wednesday September 15th consisting of a printed ballot and an outer envelope; both must be returned with student(s) name, parent/guardian name and parent/guardian signature on sealed outer envelope
  5. Ballot submission deadline Friday October 1
  6. Ballot Committee appointed at September 7th BOD Meeting
  7. Ballot count by committee on Tuesday October 5th, announced same night at BOD Meeting with successful candidates being seated

Other Topics: As added to Agenda at beginning of meeting.

PTO Report:


RESOLUTIONS: Resolution 2010, Number 3: Adoption of a Policy that as of NLT July 1, 2010, SCCS will post and keep current on the website the following information…school budget, audited financial results, monthly or at least quarterly financial statements, any investment result statements, Bylaws, Governance Manual, Parent-Student Handbook, BOD Meeting Agenda and BOD Meeting Minutes which information includes required compliance with the Public Financial Transparency Act (House bill 10-1036) This Policy will be Section 42 of the Governance Manual “Publication of School Information.”

PARENT & PUBLIC INPUT: The BOD President will establish any required time limits and protocol for input and discussion

Next BOD meeting: There will not be a July Meeting. Next meeting is Tuesday August 3


Stone Creek Charter School

UNAPPROVED Minutes: Board of Directors Meeting

May 18, 2010, 6:00 PM

375 Yoder Ave, Avon, CO

Call to Order at 6 PM: Present RM,MR,DP (via phone),RC,WC,KE (arrived 7:20pm),EL,JG,JB

Revisions and Approval of Agenda:

Motion to approve: Bill Carty seconded by: Rachael Cohen

Approval prior minutes: Minutes of April 13, 2010

Motion to approve: Mike Rindone seconded by: John Goldstein


Administrative Reports/Updates:

Enrollment Update: 204 current; approximately 210 for next year.

Management/Headmaster Report (K-8): CSAP 3rd grade 89% proficient or advanced, this is total results. The Vail Daily reports on other schools are the English speaking only. Peak to Peak Academy for Staff Development next year. Peak to Peak is a very successful Charter School. CSI received $4,000. in title funding for this. 4th Grade will be going to the National Monument this week.

PTO brunch for all volunteers on 5/26/10. Talent Show 5/26/10. Virtue assembly 5/28/10. 8th Grade Continuation 6/1/10 (need to move BOD meeting to 6/8/10; now 6/7). Field Day 6/2/10

Committee Reports/Updates:

Human Resources: JG is working with John B gathering data from the staff, survey to get their input and voice their concerns etc. John G will complete the data and share with John B and the BOD.

Teacher Rep Update: Danielle

8th Grade Continuation 5:30pm Eagle Vail Pavilion

Spanish Camp at Stone Creek this summer

When will the contracts for teachers be? JB; next few days.


Financial Statements:


Cash Flow: Good shape through end of year.

Student count needs to be to CSI by 6/10/10; Budget to CSI by 6/30/10.

Russell provided Town of Avon an executive summary, plans to ask them for a 3 year extension.

Operational Donation 2010 - 2011 School Year

Eric Lyon will send one more email to families for Operational Donation. Also an email thanking parents for donating. $80,000 collected; 54% participation; 25% paid in full.

Fund Development: Technology: DP we have a 3rd party support vendor; John B has meeting on 5/26 to discuss curriculum for next year and the possibility of hiring a tech teacher.

All students using the same log in, need to have a group policy in place and training to the staff.

Governance: (items other than Resolutions)

Other: New Parent meeting tomorrow night 5/19/10 hosted by Rachael Cohen, 20 families attending

PTO: New members for next year, working on the transition. Valerie Mesch, Tracy Bossow, Krista Wolfe, Cheryl Goldberg.

NEW BUSINESS: Discussion of BOD Meeting schedule for the summer (RC request). The Bylaws require at least 8 meeting per year. No BOD meeting in July. Work Session 6/8/10 5pm; BOD meeting 6/8/10 6pm Now both on 6/7

Carrie has a potential Grant writer, BOD needs to determine Stone Creeks needs.

Carrie attended NIMS training, BOD needs a policy regarding “incident Command System” so that we are in compliance.


PARENT & PUBLIC INPUT: Addressing parent concerns, JB currently interviewing for a certified middle school math teacher. Question: Are both the current teachers in middle school certified to teach the core class of Science and Language Arts? JB’s response was that both are “Highly Qualified”. More specific, is Jen Gutmann “highly qualified” for middle school? Yes, highly qualified for middle school language arts.

Parents would like the Parent Survey to go out before the end of the year.

Next BOD meeting: 6/8/10 6pm Changed to 6/7 starting at 5PM with a work session.


Motion to adjourn: Bill Carty seconded by: Rachael Cohen

At 7:35pm



RESOLUTION: 2010, Number 3; “Publication of School Information”


MOTION: I move to approve Resolution 2010, Number 3, adopting a Policy for the website publication of school information on the SCCS website as required by state statutes and for the benefit of the school community. This Policy shall be Section 42 of the Governance Manual.





Bill Carty______

Rachael Cohen______

Karen Eyrich______

John Goldstein, VP ______

Eric Lyon ______

Russell Molina, Treas.______

Dave Petrowski ______

Mike Rindone, President______

Ron Wolfe, Secretary ______

On a vote of _____ to ____, this Resolution ______

Certified by Ron Wolfe, Secretary: ______;


Resolution 2010, Number 3:

Section 42: Publication of School Information

(Adopted June 7, 2010 Resolution 2010, Number 3)

Purpose: To adequately inform the school community and to comply with state statutes, it shall be the Policy of the Stone Creek Charter School to publish certain information and proceedings on the school website.

Publication of Information: Beginning immediately, and not later than July 1, 2010, SCCS will post and keep current on the website the following information…school budget, audited financial results, monthly or at least quarterly financial statements, any investment result statements, Bylaws, Governance Manual, Parent-Student Handbook, BOD Meeting Agenda and BOD Meeting Minutes which information includes required compliance with the Public Financial Transparency Act (House bill 10-1036) and other state statutes.

APPROVED: ______

Date: ______