Services and Events December 2014

Monday 1 December, 2014 –

World Aids Day – Andrew, Apostle,

Patron Saint of Scotland

9.00am Morning Prayer

9.30am Holy Communion

6.00pm Choral Evensong and

Installation of the Archdeacon of St. Asaph

(Boys/ Layclerks) Decani

Introit: The Call of Wisdom, Will Todd

Responses: Ebdon

Psalm: 96

Charles V. Stanford in Bb

People Look East, arr. Malcolm Archer

Hymns: On service sheet

Voluntary: Symphonie III (i), Louis Vierne

Tuesday 2 –

The Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of Asia

9.00am Morning Prayer

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Wednesday 3 – Francis Xavier, Missionary

9.00am Morning Prayer

10.30am Holy Communion

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Thursday 4

9.00am Morning Prayer

6.00pm Evening Prayer

7.30pm Charity Concert: Tenovus

Friday 5

9.00am Morning Prayer

9.30am Cymun Bendigaid

12.00pm Celebration of Specialist

Music Schools

6.00pm Light up a Life Service

(Girls/ Layclerks) Decani

Hymns: On service sheet

Anthems: Love Divine, Howard Goodall

The Angel Gabriel, arr. Malcolm Archer

Voluntary: Trumpet Voluntary, J. Stanley

Saturday 6 – Nicholas, Bishop

9.00am Morning Prayer

6.00pm Evening Prayer

7.30pm Concert: Vale of Clwyd Singers

Sunday 7 – Second Sunday of Advent

8.00am Holy Communion

11.00am Choral Eucharist

(Girls/ Layclerks)

Harold Darke in E

Psalm: 85, 8-13

Antiphon: O Root of Jesse!

Motet: Matin Responsory,

G.P. da Palestrina

Hymns: 12, 18, 14 (341)

Preacher: The Canon Residentiary

Voluntary: Fantasia in G minor, J.S. Bach

3.30pm Evening Prayer

7.30pm Concert: Cor Rhuthin a’r Cylch

Monday 8 – Cynidr, Bishop

9.00am Morning Prayer

9.30am Holy Communion

6.00pm Choral Evensong

(Boys’ Voices) Cantoris

Responses: Neary

Psalm: 17

Edward C. Bairstow in Eb

Adam, Lay y Bounden, Peter Warlock

Hymn: 12

Voluntary: Nun, komm, der Heiden

Heiland, Anton Heiller

7.00pm Ysgol Esgob Morgan

Carol Service

Tuesday 9 –

Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor

9.00am Morning Prayer

6.00pm Meditative Prayer Service

Wednesday 10

9.00am Morning Prayer

10.30am Holy Communion

5.45pm Evening Prayer

6.30pm Confirmation Service

Thursday 11

9.00am Morning Prayer

2.30pm Fairholme School Carol Service

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Friday 12

9.00am Morning Prayer

9.30am Cymun Bendigaid

6.00pm Choral Evensong

(Girls/ Layclerks) Cantoris

Responses: Byrd

Psalm: 28

Second Service, William Byrd

This is the record of John, O. Gibbons

Hymn: 11, v1, 3, 4, 5&6

Voluntary: Nun komm der Heiden

Heiland (BWV 661), J.S. Bach

Saturday 13 – Lucy, Martyr

9.00am Morning Prayer

6.00pm Evening Prayer

7.30pm Concert: St Asaph Choral Society

Sunday 14 – Third Sunday of Advent

8.00am Holy Communion

11.00am Choral Eucharist

(St. Asaph Cathedral Consort)

Short Service, Adrian Batten

Psalm: 126

Antiphon: O Key of David!

Motet: Magnificat, George Dyson

Hymns: 443, 499, 161(385)

Preacher: The Dean of St. Asaph

Voluntary: Fugue sopra Magnificat,

J.S. Bach

3.30pm Evening Prayer

6.00pm Choral Evensong with

Carols by Candlelight

(Boys/ Girls/ Layclerks)

Introit: Love Divine, Howard Goodall

Responses: Smith

Psalm: 68, 9-20

Bryan Kelly in C

Anthems: The Nativity Carol, John Rutter

Tomorrow shall be my dancing day,

John Gardner

Carols: On service sheet

Voluntary: Overture (Occasional

Oratorio), G.F. Handel

Monday 15 – John of the Cross, Priest, Poet and Teacher of the Faith

9.00am Morning Prayer

9.30am Holy Communion

6.00pm Choral Evensong

(Boys/ Layclerks) Decani

Responses: Ebdon

Psalm: 34

Third Service, Philip Moore

Matin Responsory,

G.P. da Palestrina

Hymn: 14 (341)

Voluntary: Nun, komm, der Heiden

Heiland (BuxWV211), Dietrich Buxtehude

Tuesday 16

9.00am Morning Prayer

1.00pm St. Asaph V.P. School Nativity

6.00pm Meditative Prayer Service

6.45pm St. Asaph V.P. School Nativity

Wednesday 17 – Ember Day

9.00am Morning Prayer

10.30am Holy Communion

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Thursday 18 – O Adonai!

9.00am Morning Prayer

6.00pm Evening Prayer

7.30pm Ysgol Glan Clwyd Carol Service

Friday 19 – Ember Day

9.00am Morning Prayer

9.30am Cymun Bendigaid

6.00pm Choral Evensong

(Girls/ Layclerks) Decani

Responses: Sanders

Psalm: 112

Fauxbourdons, Thomas Morley

Evening Hymn, Henry Balfour Gardiner

Hymn: 7

Voluntary: Versets on the Magnificat,

Alexandré Guilmant

Saturday 20 – Ember Day

9.00am Morning Prayer

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 21 – Fourth Sunday of Advent

8.00am Holy Communion

11.00am Choral Eucharist


Plainsong Tones

Psalm: 89, 1-8

Antiphon: O Emmanuel!

Motet: Magnificat, Modei

Hymns: 3, 186, 11, v1, 3, 4, 5&6

Preacher: Rt. Revd. John Davies

Voluntary: Praeludium in D minor,

Dietrich Buxtehude

3.30pm Evening Prayer

7.30pm Trelawnyd Male

Voice Choir Carol Concert

Monday 22 – O King of the Nations!

9.00am Morning Prayer

9.30am Holy Communion

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Tuesday 23 – O Emmanuel!

9.00am Morning Prayer

6.00pm Meditative Prayer Service

Wednesday 24 – Christmas Eve

9.00am Morning Prayer

10.30am Holy Communion

7.00pm Candlelit Service of Nine Lessons

and Carols

(Boys/ Girls/ Layclerks)

Carols and Anthems: On service sheet

Voluntary: Grand Choeur, E. Gigout

11.30pm Midnight Eucharist

(Boys/ Girls/ Layclerks)

Introit: Tomorrow shall be my

dancing day, John Gardner

Messe Solennelle, Louis Vierne

Psalm: 98

Motets: In the bleak mid-winter,

Harold Darke

The Shepherds’ Farewell, Hector Berlioz

Hymns: 26 (omit*), 29, 32 (omit*)

Preacher: The Bishop of St. Asaph

Voluntary: Toccata, Marcel Lanquetuit

Thursday 25 – The Nativity of Our Lord

Christmas Day

8.00am Holy Communion

11.00am Choral Eucharist for

Christmas Day

(Boys/ Girls/ Layclerks)

Introit: A Saviour is born, Philip Duffy

Messe Solennelle, Louis Vierne

Psalm: 98

Motets: The Nativity Carol, John Rutter

The Three Kings, Peter Cornelius

Hymns: 28 vv1, 2&5, 36 vv1, 2&6,

30 vv1, 2, 6& 7

Preacher: The Dean of St. Asaph

Voluntary: Final (Symphonie 1),

Louis Vierne

3.30pm Evening Prayer

Friday 26 –

Stephen, Deacon and First Martyr

9.00am Morning Prayer

9.30am Cymun Bendigaid

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Saturday 27 –

John, Apostle and Evangelist

9.00am Holy Communion

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 28 – First Sunday of Christmas

Day of Prayer for Refugees

8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Eucharist with Carols

Psalm: 148, 7-14

Hymns: 32 (omit*), 22, 42

Preacher: The Dean of St. Asaph

Voluntary: Grand Choeur, Louis Vierne

3.30pm Evening Prayer

Monday 29 –

Thomas of Canterbury, Bishop and Martyr

9.00am Morning Prayer

9.30am Holy Communion

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Tuesday 30 – Tathan, Abbot

9.00am Morning Prayer

6.00pm Meditative Prayer Service

Wednesday 31 – John Wycliffe,

Priest and Translator

9.00am Morning Prayer

10.30am Holy Communion

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Thursday 1 January, 2015 –

The Naming of Jesus

9.00am Morning Prayer

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Very Revd. Nigel Williams: Dean Revd. Canon Michael Balkwill: Canon Residentiary

Alan McGuinness: Director of Music John Hosking: Assistant Director of Music