Intelligent Mining Software “Solutions”

MineMap IMS - Scheduler

Copyright © 2015 by William Seldon Mart and Geoff Markey. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents



The New Scheduler Page 6

The IMS Scheduler Page 7


The Scheduler module is to create schedules based on the cells of block models constrained to a pit or wireframe. The module uses an intuitive interface that makes it easy to select cells and generate schedule reports as required.


To create a mining schedule for a block model:

1.  Select the ModelScheduler...> menu item (Figure 1) to display the first page of the Scheduler parameters wizard (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Selecting the scheduler menu item

Figure 2: The new/ load scheduler page

2.  Select either Create a new scheduler... to display the New Scheduler page (Figure 3) or Load an existing scheduler...> to edit an existing schedule.

The New Scheduler Page

Figure 3: The new scheduler page.

1.  Enter the name of the model file that will be used to create the schedule or select <Browse...> to find the model.

2.  Select <Browse CAD Files...> to find the CAD file that will encompass the model cells that can be scheduled.

3.  Select the relevant pit from the drop down list.

4.  Select <OK> to display an empty IMS Scheduler page (Figure 4).

The IMS Scheduler Page

Figure 4: The IMS scheduler page

  1. Select <New block...> to display the Schedule Block page (Figure 5).

Figure 5: The schedule block page

  1. Enter the Block name. Note that the block referenced here is a schedule block and not a model cell.
  2. Select the Seam that contains the required cells for the schedule block.
  3. Set the Start Date and the Shift for that date.
  4. Select the End Date and the Shift for that date.
  5. Select <OK> to add the scheduled block (Figure 6) to the scheduler.

Figure 6: The loaded new block

  1. To add cells to a schedule block simply select that block from the list and add the required cells as follows:

a.  To add cells one by one:

i.  Select <Add cell> from the toolbar.

ii. Left click on each required cell (Figure 7). The cell colour will change to reflect its selected status.

Figure 7: Add cell in IMS scheduler

b.  To add multiple cells:

i.  Select <Add cells> from the toolbar.

ii. Draw a region polygon around the required cells by left clicking on each vertex of the region polygon (Figure 8).

iii.  Right click to close the polygon (Figure 9) and add all the cells in that polygon to the schedule block. The colour of each cell will change to reflect its selected status.

Figure 8: Add cells in IMS scheduler (selecting the region)

Figure 9: Add cells in IMS scheduler (selected region)

8.  To delete cells from a schedule block simply select that block from the list and delete the required cells as follows:

a.  To delete cells one by one:

i.  Select <Delete cell> from the toolbar.

ii. Left click on each required cell. The cell colour will change to reflect its unselected status.

b.  To delete multiple cells:

i.  Select <Delete cells> from the toolbar.

ii. Draw a region polygon around the required cells by left clicking on each vertex of the region polygon (Figure 10).

iii.  Right click to close the polygon and delete all the cells in that polygon from the schedule block (Figure 11). The colour of each cell will change to reflect its unselected status.

Figure 10: Delete cells in IMS scheduler (selecting the region)

Figure 11: Delete cells in IMS scheduler (cells removed)

Figure 12: Multiple blocks in IMS Scheduler

  1. Use the <Pan>, <Zoom in> and <Zoom out> buttons to focus on specific areas of the schedule block.
  2. To write a schedule report:
  3. Select <Write CSV… to display the Output Page (Figure 13).

Figure 13: The output page

  1. Enter the name of a Microsoft Excel file to generate a spreadsheet in that format if one is required.
  2. Enter the name of the required CSV file.
  3. Select the required fields to display in the schedule output report file.
  4. Select <OK> to start writing the schedule file. After the completion of writing the schedule file, the message will be displayed (Figure 14).

Figure 14: Message after completing the CSV file writing

A CSV file format schedule output is shown in (Figure 15).

Figure 15: Example for a schedule (CSV file)

  1. Select the <Save> button to save the current scheduler for future editing (Figure 16).

Figure 16: Saving the scheduler file

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