PRESENT: W Burditt, A Redman, C Rosser, D Earle P Abraham
Phil was welcomed to the Management Group and introduced to the other members
1Election of Officers
Chairman- W Burditt
Vice Chairman – A Redman
Secretary – D Earle
Letting Officer and Maintenance oversight – D Earle
Website - Lilli Robinson
Community Enabler – W Burditt
Legal Advisor – C Rosser
2Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as true and correct and signed by the Chairman
3Matters arising from minutes of last meeting
No progress yet on storage in hall 2A. It transpired that the building of the false wall would not accommodate the chairs and new plans were to be made. D Earle to contact Andrew Belk regarding progress.
The Summer Fete was well attended and was helped massively by the members of St Francis Church doing the teas and coffees as well as the barbeque. Letter to be sent by the secretary to St Francis Church thanking all the helpers for their contribution in making the fete a success.
The acoustic work in the main hall has now been done and improved the noise levels. Trustees looking into having the work done in halls 2A and 2B
Income for the year to date - £6669.88
Expenditure for the year to date - £8763.89
Difference £2094.01 but the expenditure includes the annual insurance of the building which is £2167
Balance of Accounts £22275.44
A Redman to look at costs for year and what is required to make the hall viable
Aspire Martial Arts have moved to the centre from the school and use the main hall two nights a week over the full year. A French class for children up to school age is now running on a Monday afternoon for one hour (Lingotot).
6Maintenance of Building
There has been a problem with the security lights which is being resolved. Fire extinguisher service to be done this month as well as the servicing of the kitchen equipment
The gardener gave back word and D Earle has therefore completed some of the work the rest of which is on-going. A Redman and P Abraham agreed to help. To be discussed again at the first meeting in 2018
8Trustees issues
W Burditt has commenced a City and Guilds Level 2 Food Hygiene course after Wiltshire Village Hall Association confirmed it was advisable to have one. Hopes to complete the course shortly.
D Earle to contact Andrew Belk regarding the doors to be fitted in the storage area in the main hall which were agreed some time ago by the previous chairman and not yet done.
The film nights have not been taking place due to lack of support from the residents. W Burditt will look at this and if it does not continue consideration to be given to not renewing the Motion Picture licence next year
10Date of next meeting
Tuesday 7th November at 7.30 pm in the centre