TATE Action Group Meeting 25th August 2016
Present: Peter (Chair), Shirl (acting as secretary), John R, Bern, Graham
Apologies:Nicola, Keith,
- Previous minutes
- Meeting with Chris Dows – traffic videos
- Update on contacts
- Brain storm future activities/how to undertake campaign against new planning application
- a.o.b.
- Next meeting
Item 1 Previous Minutes and Actions
The previous minutes were agreed as accurate.
Matters arising:
●John still to contact Ray Collins in mid-September regarding any contacts he might still have in BAe (Action JR).
●Shirl had spoken to Sue and John King but they were not able to offer any suggestions
●Bern’s contact in his photo at the St Congar exhibitionis working abroad so no contact possible at present.
●Graham still needs to find out whether any of the new proposed housing around Skelton Lane is in the Outer NE quadrant (Action GD).
The remaining actions had been completed.
Item 2 Meeting with Chris Dows – traffic videos
PL and Bern to meet with him on 9/9/16 and show videos (action PL/Bern).
Item 3 Update on contacts
Aaron – PL contacted him after new planning application was submitted – it seemed he probably wouldn’t be involved and that the new contact may be Adam Ward. Peter has contacted him and it seems that David Newbury will still be involved but at a higher level. – The traffic team are to remain the same.
Tim Hill - wrote to say he was unwilling to discuss pre app details, but would check with information governance team. Since then the application has been submitted. PL will make further contact (action PL)
Gillian PL will contact her. The data in the application suggesting <1 round trip per house per day are unlikely to be reliable. (action PL)
AECOM – the company submitting plans for Parlington development – PL made contact with Matthew Smedley, who has referred him to Eleanor Nicholson, the community contact representative (action PL)
Tony Blackburn PL has contacted him. No PPA is planned. It was PL’s feeling that St Congar expected LCC to reject their application and that they would be going to appeal.
Cllr Procter – PL will try to contact him after the holidays (action PL)
A further contact has advised PL that if the application goes to appeal, we can apply to register as a ‘rule 6 party’, which will enable us to participate in a live hearing. (Action – keep under review)
Item 4 Brainstorm future activities and how to undertake campaign against new application
Both 13/9/16 and 30/9/16 have been highlighted by LCC as dates for comments to be submitted.
The advice received is that actually all comments submitted before the hearing should be taken into account.
PL will write to LCC to inform them we will be submitting comments later than these dates. (action PL)
It was decided that work involved in updating our previous objections should be split between us all. – see table – items considered most important in bold
Objection volume / Action1. Strategic overview / PL
2. Sustainability issues / PL
3. Contamination issues / Pl & GD
3add Special site viability implications / PL & GD
3add2 contamination – loose asbestos / PL & GD
4,inc add1 & 2 / SD
5. Consultation issues / JR
6. public transport comparisons / Bern
7. Walking accessibility / GD
8. Woddlands Walton chase car survy / ?
9.Photographic evidence / X – consider later
10. Accessibility criteria / GD
11.Deliverability and viability / PL (later)
12. Employment land retention / X
13. Distortion of planning process and lack of local involvement / X
14.and add. Relief road petition / X
15. objection to refer and delegate / X
16. Infrastructure and sustainability / Bern
17. Objection to detail in planning application documents / PL *
18.and add1,2,3 Objections to WYGtech note 10, and trip rates / x
19. Re preliminary site survey / PL & GD (with volume 3)
20. WYG tech note 11 / X
New objections / Action
Highways overview / Wait until after mtg with Chris Dows and professional advice
Highways detail / Keith (start to compare base case between 2 applications and try to make sense of figures used (PL to discuss)
Not in line with Neighbourhood plan, SAP etc / PL – as part of overview
Not brownfield / For later – ?await LCC position
Item 5 AOB
It was felt that discussions with Walton PC and Boston Spa PC would be better held with TAPC
Bern had looked through some of the detail in the application documents , and highlighted many inconsistencies and inaccuracies he has spotted so far
Item 6 Next meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 15th Septemberat the Pax