Department of Medicine Research day:
Eligibility and Judging Criteria
The Georgetown University Department of Medicine sponsors an Annual Research Day and encourages participation of all faculty, fellows and medical residents within the department. GeorgetownUniversity medical students are also encouraged to participate in this event. Because one of the Department of Medicine’s missions is to promote research and scholarly activities, this event serves as an important forum where the faculty, fellows, and residents can present ongoing or completed research. Through the efforts of Dr. Charles Rackley, several awards have been established for young investigators who participate in order to acknowledge outstanding research in each of the categories listed below.
Patsy Pulitzer Preston Research Achievement Award
Clinical Research Student
1st PlaceCash Prize: $1,000
2nd Place Cash Prize: $500
These awards will be given to recognize outstanding clinical research projects performed and presented by medical students.This work should be an original investigation by the medical student and the co-authors, and can include a clinical vignette, clinical case series/observation, orany other form of clinical research. In order to be eligible for this categorythe participant MUST be a Georgetown medical student,and he/she MUST have performed his/her clinical research under the supervisionof a mentor with a faculty appointment in the Georgetown University Department of Medicine (note that a student will also be eligible for this award if he/sheperforms the research under the supervision of a mentor at an affiliated institution, as long as that mentor also has a faculty appointment in the Department of Medicine at Georgetown University).
Jerry I. Cherner Research Achievement Award
Clinical Research Resident
1st PlaceCash Prize: $1,000
2nd Place Cash Prize: $500
These awards will be given to recognizean outstanding clinical research project performed and presented by medical residents. This must be an original investigation performed by the medical resident and co-authors, and can include a clinical case series/observation, or any other form of clinical research. A single case report or clinical vignette will not be eligible for this category. In order to be eligible for this award, the participant MUST be a PGY-1, PGY-2, PGY-3 or PGY-4resident in the Department of Medicine at Georgetown University Hospital, andthe resident MUST have performed the research under the supervision of a mentorwith a faculty appointment in the Georgetown University Department of Medicine, whether at Georgetown University Hospital or one of its affiliates.
C. Bertram Hoffberger Research Achievement Award
Clinical Research Fellow/Post DoctoralScientist
1st Prize Cash Prize: $ 1,000
2nd Prize Cash Prize: $500
These awards will be given to recognizeoutstanding clinical research projects performed and presented by fellows. This must be an original investigation performed by the fellow and the co-authors, and can include a clinical case series/observation, or a clinical research study of any type. A single case report or clinical vignette is not eligible for this category. In order to be eligible for this award,the participant MUST be a fellow in one of the subspecialty divisions within the Georgetown University Department of Medicine, and the fellow’s research MUST be performed under the supervision of a mentor with a faculty appointment in the Georgetown University Department of Medicine, whether at Georgetown University Hospital or one of its affiliates.
Clifford C. Kaslow Research Achievement Award
Basic Science Research Student/Resident
1st Prize Cash Prize: $ 1,000
2nd Prize Cash Prize: $500
These awards will be given to recognize outstanding basic science/translational researchproject performed and presented by medical students or residents. In order to be eligible for this award, the participant MUST be a Georgetown University medical student (the student can be an MD, PhD or MD/PhD candidate), or a PGY-1, PGY-2,PGY-3 or PGY-4resident in the Georgetown University Department of Medicine,and the student or resident MUSThave performed his/her research work in a laboratory at Georgetown University, or one of its affiliates, under the supervision of a mentor with a faculty appointment in the Department of Medicine.Eligibility for students/residents with a mentor with a Georgetown faculty appointment outside the DOM will be considered for an award based on the applicant pool for that particular year. The Research Day Committee will make the final decision on the day of the competition.
Lewis T. Preston Research Achievement Award
Basic Science Research Clinical Fellow/Post-DoctoralFellows/Post Doctoral Scientist
1st Prize Cash Prize: $ 1,000
2nd Prize Cash Prize: $500
These awards will be given to recognize outstanding basic science/translational research projects performed and presented by clinical fellows or a post-doctoral fellows (post-doctoral scientist). To be eligible for this award, the participant MUST be a clinical fellow or a post-doctoral fellow (post-doctoral scientist) in a subspecialty division in the Georgetown University Department of Medicine, andhe/she MUST have performed his/her research work in a laboratory at Georgetown University, or one of its affiliates, under the supervision of a mentor with a faculty appointment in the Department of Medicine.
Outstanding Clinical Vignette
1st PlaceCash Prize: $500
Theseawards will be given to recognize the medical residents who present the outstanding clinical vignettes. This includes the presentation of a single case report of an unusual or interesting clinical case. In order to be eligible, the participant MUST be a PGY-1, PGY-2, PGY-3 or PGY-4 resident in the Department of Medicine at Georgetown University Hospital.
Additional Eligibility Criteria:
-All posters must have original data. If a poster was presented in a previous year, it will not be eligible for an award unless there is new data presented for that project.
-If a student/resident/fellow has a collaborator in another category, the co-authors must specify which category they would prefer to have their poster presented in. The same poster cannot be presented in two separate categories.
-If there is collaboration between two authors, this must be specified at the time of submission, and the award will be shared evenly between the two collaborators.But in order to be eligible for the award, the presenting author must be there to present. If there is collaboration, both authors should be present at the time of the judging.
- Honorable mention awards may be given by the Research Day Committee, and this will be performed on the day of judging and will be awarded based on the quality of the applicant pool.
-The Research Day Committee reserves the right to determine participant/poster eligibility at the time of the judging and its decision is final for all awards.
All participants will be asked to submit a title and author(s), as well as the sponsoring Division and institution where the research was carried out. Based on the title and author information submitted, the Research Day Committee will determine the appropriate category for the poster competition. A total of two to three judges will review the poster, and individually assign a score to each poster that they have reviewed using astandardized scoring sheet. All participants must be prepared to give a 4-minute oral presentation and MUST be available during their assigned judging time.If a participant is not available during their assigned judging time slot, then he/she will not be eligible for the poster competition.
Judges will complete the scoring sheets and will return them to the Research Day organizers who will calculate all of the scores and determine the first place prize for that category. If there is a numerical tie between two contestants, then two members of the Research Day Committee will review the poster presentations and will select the first place winner.
All of the Research Day Winners will be offered the opportunity to give an oral presentation of their research project at a subsequent Department of Medicine Grand Rounds where they will receive their awards. The date of this Grand Rounds will be coordinated through the office of the Chief Medical Resident.
Prepared By: Joseph G. Timpone Jr MD
Revised 02/02/11