State of New Hampshire, Department of Cultural Resources 603-271-3483
19 Pillsbury Street, 2nd Floor, Concord NH 03301-3570
FAX 603-271-3433 Voice/TDD RELAY ACCESS 1-800-735-2964
(HB 395 CHAPTER 285, LAWS OF 1999 RSA 227-C: 27 – RSA 227-C: 32)
Ninety-Fourth Meeting – Monday September 8, 2014
2:00 p.m.
19 Pillsbury St., Concord, NH
(An accessible public facility)
John Porter, Professor Emeritus, UNH Cooperative Extension
Jennifer Goodman, Executive Director, NH Preservation Alliance
Ben Wilson, Bureau of Historic Sites, Dept. of Resources & Economic Development
Deborah Gagne, Grants Coordinator, NH Division of Historical Resources
Steve Bedard, NH Division of Historical Resources designee
Beverly Thomas, Program Director, NH Preservation Alliance
Jennifer Gornnert, NH Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food
I. Announcements and Minutes of June 9 meeting
There were no comments on the June meeting minutes and they were accepted as presented. Motion to accept Steve Bedard and 2nd by Ben and approved by all.
II. Review of Task Force Visit to Hooksett Welcome Center
Alex Ray did a great job when giving us all the tour of the new liquor store and commercial space on the north bound side of I-93 in Hooksett. The Barn Committee offered guidance early in the planning stages of this project and felt that this was a good opportunity to make him aware of the importance of the committee. The project uses New Hampshire contractors to build it and will only have New Hampshire businesses when completed.
III. Progress Report: N.H. Preservation Alliance’s Barn Preservation Research &
Engagement Project
A. Contacts with Town Barn Advocates – Going, but slower than anticipated
due to Beverly having the many other things to do. Should pick up with help
from Jennifer in the next few weeks.
B. Assessment Grants – Beverly is getting a lot of calls about barns and is hoping that there are new assessment grant candidates coming in. It is a bit slow this year but expected to pick up with all the programs going on now.
C. More re Solar Panels on Historic Barns– NHPA is partnering with
ReVision Energy on a Solar Open House at a historic barn in Deerfield on
September 18, 5-7pm.. Barn Committee could put together a handout for old barn owners who are considering solar. John likes that it sits on the roof and not
elevated or tilted. Beverly will put together a bulleted list to give us something to
start with.
D. Suggested barn preservation mailing– Beverly had a barn preservation
table at one of the barns on the Madison Barn Tour in July. The owners loved
the advice that they received and are interested in funding a mailing to all barn
owners in the state. Since there is no way that the Barn Committee could
generate this list, it was suggested to run a barn preservation ad in a regional
publication such as the Weirs Times. Beverly will contact the generous barn
owner discuss this idea.
IV. RSA 79-D Developments
Beverly said she continues to field 79-D calls for advice. There is a woman in Boscawen
who had some difficulties with the town but her barn is unique. John was at the initial
hearing and said the select board had issues with the door being an overhead door and not
a barn door like it once had. Maybe if she changed that garage door to a rolling door the
town might not have an issue. The interior is very old and retains its historic integrity.
Another call was from a North Hampton barn owner who had applied for 79-D, but the
town sat on the application because they said they heard the program was going away.
Beverly said a second hearing was scheduled for Aug 25th, but she had not yet heard of the
And a third call was from someone from Bradford. The owner bought a barn many
years ago, disassembled it to save it from demolition and stored it until now and wants to
put it back up. He was concerned of his increased property taxes. Beverly advised him to
talk to the town to see how they would view it in light of 79-D. The question is whether
the town would consider it a new structure. The barn once stood elsewhere in town.
V. Review and Adopt Barn Committee Work Plan for 2014-15
This version is very similar to the one last year but a few revisions have been made. It
was suggested that the plan should either have numbers or letters for each category except
for “Objectives” which makes sense to have numbers. The heading “Technical
Assistance” incorporates the explanation and taken from under “Educations Programming
and Outreach.” So now under “Technical Assistance” it should read “Use existing and
new opportunities to increase public understanding of preservation”. John suggested that
the bullet on the last page on new and evolving information could reach a larger audience
than just this group. The suggested bullet should read “Share new and evolving
information about barn preservation challenges, successes and needs through diverse
media outlets as well as quarterly meetings of the Barn Committee and information
sharing with the larger network of NH barn advocates”. Jennifer recommended that the
changes be approved, Ben seconded the motion, and they were approved by all.
VI. Review Proposed Biennial Report to the Governor and Legislature
Deb reported that the Biennial Report is still being worked on. The format is good and
Beth Muzzey will review and expand on that before November when these reports are due
to the legislature. Before it is sent out, it will be forwarded to the entire Barn Committee
for review and comment.
VII. Advocacy and Technical Assistance
A. Madison Barn Tour, in partnership with NHPA, July 12
This was a very successful barn tour. The barn owner where Beverly had a barn
preservation table has offered to help. She would like to send something out to every
old barn owner but since that is not possible, the Alliance is working on another
strategy to honor her generosity in a way that can be useful. See above (suggested barn
preservation mailing)
B. Solar on Old Barns, ReVision Energy & NHPA, Deerfield, September 18
Beverly brought a postcard for an Open House in Deerfield at the Mathews Residence
that has put a solar panel on the roof of their barn. This is a topic that is coming up
more often and the Alliance will create a handout with advice to owners of historic
C. The Alliance will present Hollis Open Barns: Lecture & Tour, in partnership with
Freedom’s Way National Heritage Area, the Hollis Historical Society and the Hollis
Heritage Commission on September 27 - Bev handed out posters and postcards about
the event. Heritage Commission did photo boards of barns past and present in Hollis
and will have them on display at the Lawrence Barn. John’s talk starts at 10:00 at the
Lawrence Barn. Steve Taylor will come at the end of John’s talk. Barn experts will be
at each barn. Jennifer asked if anyone knew of people that should get complimentary
tickets to the Hollis event. John suggested a couple in Goffstown who are doing a
great job repurposing and old barn.
D. Choose Education Session topic for 2015 Farm & Forest EXPO, due September 30
An application has to be in soon and John suggested his current slide show
presentation, Interesting Features of Old Barns. John has a summary that Beverly will
use for the talk.
E. Participate at N.H. Municipal Association annual conference ?
The NHDHR and the NHPA will share a table at the conference in November (11/12-
11/13). There will be RSA 79D information at the booth. This conference gives both
organizations an opportunity to educate the people who work in the town halls on all
aspects of preservation in New Hampshire.
VIII. Advance Showing of “Interesting Features of Old Barns”
John Porter previewed his new illustrated talk, which explains structural, stable, hay mow
and other features, plus intriguing detailssuch as scuttle holes, windlasses, hay forks, and
Everyone present at the meeting enjoyed John’s presentation. John will incorporate some
photos from others and suggestions made by Steve Bedard about internal silos and other
features of barns.
IX. Public Comments
No public comments
X. Other Business and Next Meeting Date: Monday, January 12, 2015, at the DHR.