AP English III – English Language and Composition
Summer Assignment for 2013-2014
All portions of this assignment are required and must be completed by Monday, August 26th.
PART A: Communications Setup
1. G-MAIL: You must set up a Google G-mail account. Make sure that your last name is included in your e-mail address. If you have an existing g-mail account that does not contain your last name, any e-mail you send to me must contain your name in the subject of the e-mail.
2. QUIZLET: You must set up an account with Quizlet in order to study vocabulary and terms. Instructions: Go to quizlet.com. Create an account. Search for mrsedwards85. Find box marked “CLASSES” (middle right). Click on “AP English III.” Click on “Join Class.” You may also add the app to your phone: I-phone users – Quizlet app; Android users – Encore Study Platform app.
3. TWITTER: If you would like assignment reminders, you may follow me on Twitter. Username – mrsedwards85
PART B: Reading Assignment
1. You must read each of the following literary works and complete a summary journal for each.
a. Public Statement by Alabama Clergymen and Letter from the Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King, Jr.
b. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
2. Clergymen Statement and Birmingham Jail are available online at: http://mrsedwardsvenue.weebly.com/summer-assignment-2013.html
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass also available at the above website or you may check out a book from Mrs. Edwards in room 220A after May 10th.
3. You will need to number the paragraphs of the both pieces of literature (If you have checked out a book from me, you may use a pencil to lightly mark the paragraphs).
4. You will also need to purchase a composition notebook (9-3/4" x 7-1/2"). We will use it for other assignments throughout the year.
5. As you read these works, you need to write a summary (1-5 sentences, depending on size of paragraph) of each paragraph of the works.
6. You need to look up any unfamiliar words or concepts and make note of them in your summary journal as well. Example below:
“Birmingham Jail”Paragraph 1
King is replying to the public statement by the Alabama clergymen, telling them although he usually does not address criticism of his efforts, he feels that they are worthy of a response.
PART C: Course Terminology
1. Attached* is a list of terms of which you will need to have a working knowledge.
2. You will need to purchase index cards (3” x 5”) and make a flashcard for all term in each section.
3. Each flashcard should contain the term on one side and the definition at the top of the other side. Leave enough room for an example. You will need to research and provide your own examples for the Grammar Terms only. Example below:
Side One Side Two
4. All terms and definitions are available on my Quizlet account and website. To obtain examples for Grammar Terms, you may try the following websites.
*If you are downloading this assignment from website, click on the “Terminology & Vocabulary” tab to find the following lists of terms: Analysis Terms, Argument Terms, Grammar Terms, Literary Terms, Prose Forms & Genres, and Rhetorical Modes and Patterns (total of 116 terms).
Supplies List for 2013-14 school year for my course is available on my website also.
If you have any questions, you may contact me at