Homer Dickerson Youth Ethics
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Scenario Contest Rules
1. Ethics and leadership questions confront everyone daily in all walks of life. This conference is intended to stimulate student thinking in the practical application of ethics in their daily life. As Rotarians, we attempt to apply the Rotary Four Way Test in our business and private relationships:
a. Is it the Truth
b. Is it fair to all concerned
c. Will it build goodwill and better friendships
d. Will it be beneficial to all concerned
The scenario that you submit should focus on an existing ethical situation (sample attached) that you feel is important and
2. will encourage the discussion of ethics as it applies to the lives of other high school students.
3. Please emphasize the prizes that are being offered to the winners. The entry deadline within any given school should be established by that school.
4. All schools must submit their 3 student entries to the Rotary Club of Westlake Village by
Friday, January 16, 2015
5. These should be sent as MSWord documents via email to Russ Stone ()
6. Each entry must have a minimum of 7 discussion questions.
7. Each school shall review their entries and select their 3 best scenarios which will be submitted to the Rotary Organizing committee.
8. The Rotary Organizing committee will
a. Assign a letter to each student entry
b. Remove any name and/or school association from the student entry
9. The Rotary Organizing committee will then forward all entries to the Judging Committee. All entries will remain with the Rotary Organizing Committee
10. The Judging Committee will consist of 4 adults from either the Westlake Rotary Club, the Westlake / Thousand Oaks Chamber of Commerce or adult participants and 2 students from the attending high schools. Students submitting a scenario are excluded from judging.
11. The Judging Committee will review all entries and announce 10 finalist on or before
Friday, February 13, 2015
12. The three contest winners will be announced at the Homer Dickerson Conference
a. 1st place $100.00
b. 2nd place $ 75.00
c. 3rd place $ 50.00
Funding for the winners has yet to be determined.
13. We encourage but do not require that the finalist attend the conference.