AIBSNLEA/ ChTD / 2014-15 /CEC/01 Date: 27-03-2015
Respected President, and my beloved Comrades,
I have great pleasure in welcoming you all for this First CEC of AIBSNLEA-Chennai Telephones after the change of guard. Though many of us are not new to this forum,it can be proudly said that it is nothing but home coming.
Before starting the regular CEC report on activities of our Association between 10-12-2014 to till date, let me submit a brief about the historic merger of AIBSNLOA-Ch.TD with AIBSNLEA-Ch.TD.
The talk of unity amongst Executives has been lingering in the minds of all of us and the then AIBSNLOA-ChTD was always discussing this issue as an agenda in all its meeting. There were fervent appeals from speakers in that forum to somehow manage and achieve the unity. With this in mind, a lot of threadbare analysis was undertaken by the Circle Office bearers of AIBSNLOA as to which direction we need to move and finally it has been decided to open up the dialogue with AIBSNLEA-Ch.TD (with whom we have been maintaining cordial relationship despite differences on certain issues) as far as Chennai is concerned.
Though nothing is lost in maintaining a separate identity, with both the Chennai Circle and CHQ of AIBSNLOA performing its level best to satisfy the needs of its members, we were of the firm opinion that if AIBSNLOA-Ch.TD takes a lead towards Unity, then others in rest of Circles will follow suit.As a culmination of our efforts, a combined CEC of AIBSNLEA & AIBSNLOA Chennai was held on Wednesday the 10th December 2014. In this meeting all those present were unanimous in wholeheartedly welcoming the move to come closer and observed that we will be able to do better for our comrades at any time during their hours of crisis if there is unity amongst us. Accordingly it was decided to merge both the Associations in Chennai to start with. Moreover since there is no personality clash between us in Chennai, we do not foresee any conflict of interest and the Executives can be rest assured that better days are ahead for us.
It is a known fact now that the message of unity has spread across BSNL and the strength of AIBSNLEA is growing much more than anticipated. We are also of the firm view that at one point of time in the near future a complete transformation will take place as far as unity of Executives is concerned.
For the benefit of one and all I am reproducing the Website message flashed by our Circle President on the day of Merger.i.e 10th December 2014.
11-12-14: AIBSNLOA-Ch.TD merged with AIBSNLEA;
Much awaited merger of AIBSNLOA with AIBSNLEA took place in CHTD on10-12-14.
AIBSNLOA and AIBSNLEA had series of meetings to come close and finally decided to fight for the rights under the banner of AIBSNLEA from where the faction took place some 5-6 years before.When leaders grow it is maturity of mind and not ego that should stand in the way.With so many associations the real common benefit cannot be achieved provided they are of similar view. But instead of functioning as two different associations if it is merged again as one it will benefit the members at large.
So AIBSNLOA CHTD merged with AIBSNLEA CHTD and an Adhoc Body was formed withCom.K.Vaithyanathan DGM as CP,Com.P.Udayasuriyan DE as CS and Com.V.Chandrasekar AO as FSand other office bearers till the next circle conference.
The merger was possible with the help of Com.N.VeerapandianEx. CS, and Com.S.SivakumarCS of AIBSNLEA TamilNadu Circle along with co-operation of allmembersof AIBSNLOA& AIBSNLEA CHTD.
We assure that the present setup will strive hard to see that theinterests of executives are at its best during our tenure.
Now let me move on to actual business and the activities of this Circle Body from 12-12-2014 is detailed below in chronological order.
On 12/12/14Warm wishes to Sri. V.Senthilvasan ITS(Ex-GM South CHTD), assumed charges as GMHQ- STRon 12th December 2014.CS CHTD introduced GM to CS TN and Com S. Sivakumar honored GM with Pattu Shawl.
On 18/12/2014AGB Meeting of the AMB,AvadiPonamalleeDivisions:
Meeting was held at Ambattur Telephone Exchange complexat 17:30 hrs. Com.N.Balasubramanian, OS(N) waschairperson in this meeting. Com.S.Baranidharan and Com.P.Ramalingam delivered welcome address.
Both TN and CHTD CSs Com.S.Sivakumar &Com.P.Udayasuriyanalong with oursenior Com.B.Ganesan CWC Member,Com.P.Velu VP, Com.T.R.S.Sriram & Com.S.Ravikumar ACSs, Com.Rajnarayanan OS-Accountsandother Circle Office Bearersattended the meeting and addressed the gathering. The following newoffice bearers were elected unanimously.
1.PresidentCom. R.Jayaraman,SDE/MGW/ RSU
2.Vice President-ICom. Kirupa Kasthuri,Sr. AO/AOTR/AMB
3.Vice President-IICom. N.Vasudevaprabhu,SDE/AVN RSU
4.Divisional secretaryCom. S.Baranidharan,SDE/AVD/EXTL-I
5.Asst Divisional secretary-ICom,S. Venkatesan,JAO/AOTR/AMB
6.Asst Divisional secretary-IICom.D. Padmavathy,SDE/PTM /RSU
7.Finance secretaryCom. S.Kombaiah,JTO/MGE/RSU
8.Asst Finance secretaryCom. Ganapathy,JAO/AOTR/AMB
Executive members: 1.Com.P. Majo P.JohnSDE/AVD/EXTL-II
2.Com.IndiraAO/AOTR/AMB 3.Com. Fadric,PS/AMB
4.Com. K.Rajendiran,SDE/AVD/INT
1.PresidentCom. S.Venkatesan,SDE/PML/ RSU
2.Vice President-ICom. C.Nandagopal,DE
3.Divisional secretaryCom. P.Ramalingam,SDE/KMN/RSU
4.Asst Divisional secretary ComM.Ganasekaran,JTO/TMZ/RSU
5.Finance secretaryCom. Nani,SDE/TVK/ RSU
6.Committee memberCom.P.A.Sundrarajan ,JTO/EXTL
Com.P.C.DINAKARAN, SDE-Nominated as Circle Executive Member
20/12/2014:It is reliably learnt that 1619 JAOs(OC: 1325, SC: 214, ST:80)are likely to be considered for the AO promotion and the DPC process is likely to be completed before Second Week of Jan'2015.
TAM & CHR meetingon 22/12/14.
Tambaram and Chrompet Divisional Meetingwas held at13.00 Hrs at CHR Exge Complex.Com.J.NambiNachiyar,DS& Com.N.Indumathi,FS well organised the Meeting,Com.M.PalanichamyOS-South with Our Circle Secretary Com.P.Udayasuriyan attended and address the meeting andexplained latest development and local issue in smooth manner.The following Branch Office Bearers were elected unanimously for next term.
1.Com. S.Sankar, AGM/ Extl/CHR-President
3.Com.J.Nambinachiyar, SDE /GSM/TAM-Branch Secretary
4.Com.G.P. Royen,JTO/ZPM/PVM-ABS
5.Com.N.Indumathi, SDE/EWSD -FS
6.Com. P.Suresh Kumar,JTO /VAN-AFS
EC Members:-1.Com.Nanthakumar,AGM/TAM2.Com.Tamilveni,SDE/TXM
23-12-2014: KCM & SPD Divisional meeting was held at 13-15 Hrs at Kanchipuram Telephone Exchange.Our Senior Com.D.Bhaskar,DGM presided this meeting. CSattended and addressed the meeting and also explainedelaboratelythe latestLocal and CHQ issues. The following Branch Office Bearers were elected unanimously for next period.
1.Com.D.Bhaskar –DGM[KCM.SPD.TTN&TVL]-President
2.Com.S.Janaki SDE-TXM-VP
3.Com.K.Guhan, DE SPD-TXM- Branch Secretary
4.Com.C.V.Kalidass,SDE PP& MDF - ABS
5.Com.G.Subramani,JTOTXM - Finance Secretary
6.Com.N.Sukeshkumar,JTO-SPD -AFS
7.Com.N.Mohan, DE - EC member
On 22-12-14 Kodambakkam (O&M) and Accounts west AGB Meetingwas held at 15:30 hrs at Kodambakkam Exchange Complex.TRSSriram ACS organized the combined meeting after merger chaired by Com.C.Vallinayagam BS attended by Com.S.Ravikumar ACS.Members actively participated in the meeting despiteheavy rain. Circle Secretary Com.P.Udayasuriyan addressed the meeting. The following office bearers were elected unanimously.
Slno / Name
Shri/Smt / Desgn / Post
1 / R.Raju / CAO(TR) / President
2 / K.Manoharan / DE(PV) West / Vice President
3 / S.M.RajaMohammed / SDE (KOD) / Branch Secretary
4 / E.Sekaran / JAO(TR) / Asst.Branch Secretary
5 / P.Thilagavathi / CRO(AFS) / Finance Secretary
6 / Uma Rajaram / AO(TR) / Asst.Finance Secretary
7 / J.Ramamurthy / AGM(W) / EC Member
8 / K.Lakshmi / AO / EC Member
9 / S.Rajendran / AO(MRS) / EC Member
29-12-2014: Letter to PGM-Finance Ch.TD on her assumption.Respected Madam,
On behalf of AIBSNLEA Chennai Telephones, we extend our warm welcome to you, Madam on assuming charge as PGM-Finance in this commercially important Metro. We are aware of the fact that you are not new to either Chennai Telephones or to its functioning. With your rich experience and expertise over the financial parameters, we are of the firm opinion that you will be able to infuse fresh hopes in the minds of our Chennai Telephones Team.
It is obvious that the financial position of our company is not conducive for launching much developmental activities but at the same time, it is to be borne in mind that unless and until we incur some expenditure in this already saturated Metro, the Revenue Targets will be beyond our reach. It is in this regard we feel that your effective intervention is required to balance both these aspects and bring BSNL, Chennai Telephones on road to recovery.
On behalf of AIBSNLEA-Chennai Telephones we confirm our commitment to perform and also support all your decisions that will ensure positive growth in the last quarter of 2014-15.With warm regards- P.UDAYASURIYAN-CS
31-12-2014 Circle Office AGB Meeting was held at 13:00 hrs at Hotel Raj BhavanPurasai. Meeting was well organized by Com.S.ArumugarajSDE(Genl) with good lunch provided by Com.B.Manjunath SDE (Wel).23 Members enthusiastically participated in the meeting. Com.P.Velu VP &Com.N.BalasubramanianOS[N] attended the meeting.Com.P.Udayasuriyan CS addressed the gathering.
The following office bearers were elected unanimously.List of Office Bearers of AIBSNLEA/Circle Office Branch
Slno / Name
Shri/Smt / Desgn / Post
1 / S.Shanker Ganesh / AO(BO&BGT) / President
2 / C.Vallinayagam / DE(Legal) / Vice President
3 / S.Arumugaraj / SDE Genl / Branch Secretary
4 / R.Janakiraman / Sr.AO(FC) / Asst.Branch Secretary
5 / B.Manjunath / SDE (Welfare) / Finance Secretary
6 / M.BenithPonmalar / JAO(BO) / Asst.Finance Secretary
7 / Uma Janakiraman / PS to Sr.GM(HR&A) / EC Member
8 / NirmalaSelvaraj / AO(MRS) / EC Member
1.Smt.JayasuriyaChellamRajbashaAdhikari (OL) and 2. Shri.V.UlaganathanSDE(Pers) nominated for Circle Executive Committee member by CS.
On 01-01-2015 New Year Wishes : Circle Secretary along with Com.B.Ganesan CWC, Com.P.Velu VP, Com.TRS.SriramACS,Com. S.Ravikumar ACS, Com.S.SritharanAFS,Com.C.S.DevikaCEC,Com.B.Manjunath FS/CO and Com.V.T.Gunasekaran Member conveyed New-year Greetings to CGM ChTD, PGM (Dev) and GM (S&M) CFA/CM/BB.
Subsequently Circle Secretary along with Com.B.Ganesan CWC, Com.P.Velu VP, Com.C.S.Devika CEC and Com.V.T.Gunasekaran greeted Sr.GM(North) in his chamber. Later CS met Sr.GM(HR&Admn),Addl.GM(HR) and AGM(Admn) along with Com.Shanker Ganesh President/CO, Com.S.Arumugaraj BS/CO and Com.B.Manjunath FS/CO and extended New Year greetings and introduced Circle Branch office Bearers.Finally CS met CGM STR & GM (Hq) STR and exchanged New Year greetings.
On 07-01-2015:Haddows Road AGBMeeting was held at 14-00 Hrs at Haddows Road Telephone Exchange. Com S. Shiva kumar has organized the meeting.
Com. V.Gabriel, OS (West) presided this meeting. CS and Com.R.RajnarayananOS(Accounts) attended and addressed the gathering. Our Circle Secretary Com.P.Udayasuriyan addressed the gathering and explained elaborately the latest Local and CHQ issues. The following Branch Office Bearers were elected unanimously for next Team.
On12 -01-2015 AGB meeting of KKN Division was held at 1730hrs in KKNagar building.The meeting was well organized by Com P.Jaganathan, JTO TXM KKN.Com.T.R.S.Sriram ACS presided over the meeting. Com.V.Gabriel SDE MSC KKN -OS (West) welcomed the enthusiastic participants.Com.Ravinarayanan PS to DGM(KKN) –ACS, Com.R.Rajnarayanan JAO GSM – OS HQ and Com.V.Chandrasekaran AO-FS attended the meeting and addressed the gathering, encouraging and appreciating the members for the hard work and unity. Com.T.R.S.Sriram also addressed the participants.
Our Circle Secretary in the midst of busy schedule attended and addressed the members explaining in detail the present scenario of BSNL facing hardships in Finance, Customer base, Manpower, Material etc., Our CS assured Utmost care for our members at anytime for any genuine problems, especially coming in the way of development of our ChTD BSNL services to the customers. Also our CS mentioned with gratitude the high esteem our Admn is having on AIBSNLEA, ChTD.The following Office bearers were elected unanimously for the next term:-
Slno / NameShri/Smt / Desgn / Post1 / C.G.Chakrapani / AO TR WEST IV / President
2 / P.Rajagopal / SDE(Power&AC)KKN / Vice President
3 / P.Jaganathan / JTO TXM KKN / Branch Secretary
4 / P.Suresh / JAO TR WEST IV / Finance Secretary
5 / S.Devaki / SDE OCB KKN / Asst.Finance Secretary
6 / S.Suriyakala / SDE EXTL II KKN / EC Member
7 / A.S.Vasanthi / Sr.AO TR WEST III / EC Member
The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by Com. P.Suresh FS KKN
13-01-2015:E4-E5 (Eligible Officers SDEs & DEs in Total : 303)
1.FiveDEs (V.Gurumurthy,R.Lakshmisudha,S.Natarajan,SivakamiNatarajanV.Rajasekar)have been relieved on Promotion to AP,ETP, BSNL CO & CG Circle. Screening report were sent via Email to concerned CGMs.
2.Nineteen SDEs have been relieved on Promotion to BIHAR/CGHR/CTD/ETP/KERALA/PB/WB Circles.Screening report were sent via Email to concerned CGMs.
3.Time Bound IDA Scale upgradation for DGM LA/DEs from E4-E5 scale. Kindly see local wan.[First list ]
4.Time Bound IDA Scale upgradation for SDEs from E4-E5 scale. Published through local wan.[First list ]
Latest : E4-E5 upgradation given for (42+3) DEs and 82 SDEs published through wan.
Remaining about 25 cases pending for want of ACRs.
16-01-2015 Congratulations!!!1.Promotion Orders of 1552 JAOs to AOs released
AIBSNLEAs untiring efforts yielded result in releasing promotion orders of 1552 JAOs to AOs. Two promotion orders have been released.
2.Appointment of ShriAnupamShrivastava, Director (Cons/ Mobility)
as Chairman & Managing Director, BSNL. Our GS and CHQ office bearers welcomed him in a grand manner.
JAO to AO1.Promotion and Posting in the grade of Accounts officer - 33 officers got place of posting on20/01/15,published through our Local wan.
2.Comrades Paul J T Oliver (183457) &T.Sahayadevakumar (183461)-Reallotted from MHT to Tamil Nadu Circle.
3. Remaining 3 cases being processed.
20-01-2015 CS-Madurai Programme at a glance
The felicitation function to Com. N.Veerapandian, Ex. Circle Secretary, AIBSNLEA, TN Circle & Com. J. Balasubramanian, JAO (Taxation), Vishisht Sanchar SevaPadak Awardee, 2014 & Retired Comrades of Madurai Branch was conducted in a grand manner at Level 4 Building, Tallakulam, Madurai – 2 on 09.01.2015 around 6.00 p.m.
The function was headed by Com. A.R.E Roy, President, AIBSNLEA, Madurai District & our DS Com. N. Srinivasan gave the welcome address. Com.M.Sangiah, Ex DS & Patron of this branch gave his inaugural speech. Com. V.K. Paramasivam, Advisor, CHQ, Com.S.Karuppiah, CWC Member, Our Circle Secretary Com. S. SivakumarCom. P. UdhayaSuriyan, CS, Chennai Telephones attended and address the gathering.
Smt. S.E.Rajam, ITS, General Manager, BSNL, Madurai delivered special address speech and graced the occasion by her precious presence till the end of the function which concluded at 11.00 p.m.
The memories and message of the function will last long in the minds of our Comrades.Our Sincere Thanks and Hearty Congratulations to our MaduraiComrades!
On 20/01/2015: AGB meeting of STM and South(BA) Branch Meeting was held at 17:30hrs in GM Guindy office. The meeting was well organized by FS Com. K. Chandrasekhar and presided by Com. Sheik Allaudin DGM (F&A).
Com.T.R.S.Sriram ACS, Com K. Vaithyanathan, Circle President, Com R.Srinivasan CWC, Com S. Ravikumar ACS, Com R. Krishnan ACS, Com N. Palanichamy OS-South, Com R.Rajnarayanan OS-Accountshave also participated in the meeting and addressed the gathering. All the members attended the meeting enthusiastically. The following Branch office bearers (SBA) were elected unanimously for the next term:-
President : / Com. Sheik Allaudin / DGM (F&A)Vice President : / Com. M Subramanian / AO (P&A)
Secretary: / Com. R Ravi / JAO( TR)
Finance Secretary: / Com.N Mahesh / JAO (works)
Executive Members / 1. Com. Parvathy Sridhar / AO (Works)
2.Com. Lakshmi Narayanan / JAO (P&A )
3. Com. Bhuvaneswari / JAO (Cash)
The following Branch Office bearers (STM) were elected unanimously.
President : / Com. N. Ramachandran / AGM(MKTG)Vice President : / Com. UshaRajam / DE TXM
Secretary: / Com. R Krishnan / SDE TGN
Finance Secretary: / Com.AnanthaSoubhagyaLaksmhi / PA to DGM (S)
Executive Members / 1. Com. M. Subha / DE VEL
2. Com. SanthaJayaram / JTO TGN
3. Com. S. Padmini / JTO NAN
On 27-01-2015:
1. Circle Secretary written a Letter to Chief General Manager, Chennai Telephones on 24/01/2015.
2. "Provision of GPRS facility to Executives expired on 31-03-2014” This issue was taken up with DE/Addl.GM (OP). This case will be settled very soon after obtainingformal approval from competent authorities.
On 28/01/2015: CPT, MMN and MDK General Body meeting was held at 13:00hrs at CPT Exchange campus. CS attended the meeting and addressed the gathering .The local issues and CHQ developments were raised by members and explained to CS.The following CPTBranch Office bearers were elected unanimously:
President / Com. M Ramarajan / DE TXMVice President / Com.M.Thirumurthy Kumar / DGM CPT
Secretary / Com. L.S Lalitha / SDE KBM
Finance Secretary / Com. C.Gopalakrishnan / JTO GDV
Executive Members / 1 Com. S.N. Sankara Lingam / SDE TXM
2. Com. G. Radha / SDE GDV
3. Com. Geetha Ashok / SDE (G)
4. Com. S.Janaki / JTO KVP
29-01-2015 E4-E5CHTD-Time Bound Promotion
Circle Secretary is continuously pursuing with Administration and concerned GMs/DGMsregarding this issue.
Concerned officers also should give priority for collecting the ACRs as Time Bound Promotion is due from 01-10-2014 onwards.
On 29/01/2015:1.NCES Meeting was held at Flower Bazaar Exchange. All the members actively participated in the meeting. NCES Members appreciated the approach of Gen. Sec. Com PrahladRai, in solving the individual cases at BSNL CO level. CS distributed the 2015 Hand Diaries to members during the meeting.
2.Our senior comrades,R.DuraiswamyEE Civil (VP of AIBSNLOA-CHQ) and Com.S.AyyappanSDE Civil resigned their respective posts in AIBSLNOA and joined as members of AIBSNLEA CHTD.Circle Secretary wholeheartedly welcomes their move for unity"