Clinical StatementConference Call
Attendees: Helen Stevens, Austin Kreisler, Jean Duteau , Rik Smithies, Patrick Loyd
Note Takers: Hans Buitendijk
- Common Product Model Linkage e-mail exchange initiated by Lise Stevens
- We’re all set so this CR can move to the Action Required section.
- Project Proposals
- Questions:
- There seems to be no apparent impact on CS scope, although consequences may require additional constructs in CS to track modifications.
- Unclear why this is done as two-step rather then a one-step update to the model.
- Is there an incomplete Scope sentence, or break between section 4 and 5? Looks like a break.
- Questions about recommendations still being part of scope. Potential for misconstrued interpretations.
- We are about modeling, not policy.
- Components of response:
- Move to vote negative, but indicate that we change to positive if the following are addressed:
- Remove recommendation sentence and state concern to be cautious about describing preferences on HL7 behalf.
- Additionally (not part of the negative), clarify to focus on the modeling aspects, not the policy and further clarify why two-step as it could be one-step.
- Rik, Isobel.
- Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 6
- There is expected to be more clinical genomics participation
- Move to support. Patrick, Helen.
- Against: 0; Abstain: 1; In Favor: 5
- Model Updates
- Need to get updates from Charlie on the following (We believe some are done, but not necessarily all. Need to confirm.)
- CSCR-070 Expand Clinical Statement Scope for Public Health (Approved 3 May 07)
- CSCR-085-PHER-Clinical Statement Boundaries (Approved 15 Jan 09)
- CSCR-086-PHER-Use Standardized CMETs (Approved 15 Jan 09)
- CSCR-087-OO-Criteria Choice (Approved 15 Jan 09)
- CSCR-090-Medication Events Topic Update (Resolved 12 Feb 09)
- CSCR-096-OO-Assign appropriate domains to Act.code, Role.code, and Entity.code (Approved 19 Feb 09)
- CSCR-098-CSCG-Incorporate Pedigree Family Structure (Approved 4 Jun 2009)
- CSCR-100-CSCG-Include title in Observation (Approved 18 Jun 2009)
- CSCR-101-CSCG-Include language in Organizer (Approved 9 Jul 2009)
- CSCR-102-CSCG-Include setID in Organizer (Approved 9 Jul 2009)
- CSCR-103-CSCG-Include versionNumber in Organizer (Approved 9 Jul 2009)
- CSCR-104-CSCG-Include title in Organizer (Approved 9 Jul 2009)
- Add the Patient Safety CR.
- Charlie has not been able to include them yet.
- We need to determine how to move forward with modeling as Charlie’s bandwith is very limited.
- Hans to send a message to Charlie to inquire whether there is an opportunity to commit to this or whether we need to find a successor.Retrieved from "
- Attribute Level Descriptions
- Isobel started.
- Public Health yielded ~35% of the content.
- During next week’s HL7 UK touching base with others on mechanics to further this work.
- Isobel will attempt to package sub-sets we can divvy up to spread the work. Hans can take on a package.
- CDA R3
- Bake-off in progress, but awkward timing for Europe
- January WGM
- Q3
- We will meet joint with CDA R3.
- Q4
- Pattern Approach Update (Charlie Bishop)
- Attribute Level Descriptions
- Ballot Feedback