FY 10/11
Table of Contents
1) State the Department’s mission, vision and a statement of commitment for enhancing supplier diversity: 3
2)Identify the senior official responsible for monitoring and implementing the agency's plan, and explain how the Department tracks the progress and adjusts its strategy, if necessary: 3
3)The Department's proposed establishment of programs or initiatives aimed at promoting the participation of minority, service-disabled veteran and women-owned business enterprises, including those certified by the Office of Supplier Diversity: 4
4)The Department's proposed outreach activities targetingboth certified and non-certified minority, service-disabled veteran and women-owned business enterprises, to inform such firms of the availability of particular public contracting opportunities and to encourage such firms to seek work on public projects through the normal procurement process as applied to all businesses. This will include plans to participate in any local MatchMaker work shops: 4
5)The Department's plan to educate business owners in the various processes used, and the steps the Department plans to take to ensure that these programs reach both certified and non-certified minority, service-disabled veteran and women-owned business enterprises: 5
6)A summary addressing FDLE's past contracting success with certified minority, service-disabled veteran and woman-owned business enterprises, including a breakdown of purchasing dollars spent during the previous fiscal year with these businesses. This will include future projected targets: 6
7)Explain how the Department captures and reports subcontractor information:...... 6
8)List any new initiatives and internal procedures that enhance minority, service-disabled veteran and women-owned business enterprises: 7
1)State the mission, vision and a statement of commitment for enhancing supplier diversity:
The Department’s mission is to “promote public safety and strengthen domestic security by providing services in partnership with local, state and federal criminal justice agencies to prevent, investigate and solve crimes while protecting Florida’s citizens and visitors.” The vision of the Department is to provide “Service to the law enforcement community, Integrity to the organization and the individual, Respect for each member and Quality in everything it does.” The Department is committed to supporting the Governor’s mission of promotingequity in contracting for minority/service-disabled veteran/women-owned business enterprises (M/SDV/WBE). Every effort will be made to improve purchasing opportunities for certified and non-certified minority/service-disabled veteran/women-owned businesses in the State of Florida.
2)Identify the senior official responsible for theimplementation of the agency's plan, and explain how we track progress and adjust our strategy, if necessary:
Senior level Minority/Service-Disabled Veteran/Women-Owned Business Officer, Carol McCallum, and Coordinator, Bill Spencer, are responsible for the implementation of this plan. Progress is tracked by means of a monthly minority expenditure report compiled by the Coordinator from numerous SAMAS reports. If progress seems to be below expectations, FDLE Business Managers are contacted and the need is stressed to reach out and encourage minority/service-disabled veteran/women-owned businesses to participate inupcoming procurement opportunities.
3)The Department's proposed establishment of a minority business enterprise contracting program and/or other programs aimed at promoting the participation of certified businesses, including thoseownedby minorities, service-disabled veterans and women:
FDLE’s Minority/Service-Disabled Veteran/Women-Owned Business Enterprise Plan includes the following components:
- It establishes a Minority/Service-Disabled Veteran/Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program located in the Office of General Services within the Business Support Program.
- The program coordinates efforts with FDLE Headquarters and all regions to facilitate increased vendor participation and program familiarity.
- It reviews spending activities and promotes coordination with seven regional business managers to ensure Certified M/SDV/WBEs are considered for all possible purchasing opportunities.
4)The Department's proposed outreach activities are targeted towards Certified M/SDV/WBE businesses, including non-certified minority, service-disabled veteran and women-owned firms, to inform such firms of the availability of particular public contracting opportunities and to encourage such firms to seek work on public projects through the normal procurement process. FDLE's proposed outreach activities during FY 10/11 include the following:
- Participation in various workshops, seminars, trade shows and training sessions for M/SDV/WBE businesses.
- Attendance at Annual National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) Conference and one-on-one sessions.
- Attendance atthe annual Florida Minority Supplier Development Council Conference and Trade Fair, if budget constraints allow.
- Attendance at the Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD) 2010 Annual Matchmaker Conference and Trade Fair, and participating in one-on-one sessions, if budget constraints allow.
- Attendance at local one-on-one sessions as scheduled by the OSD.
- Continual reviews of expenditures to identify non-certified minority, service-disabled veteran and women-owned business enterprises utilized by the department, which may be directed to Certified M/SDV/WBE businesses.
- E-mails sent periodically to frequently utilized, qualifying non-certified M/SDV/WBE businesses to encourage those vendors to become certified through the OSD. These e-mails contain links to the OSD website and OSD contact information as well as a summary of the benefits connected with certification.
- Providing program users with applicable information from M/SDV/WBE vendors that have reached out to the Department through telephone calls, email inquiries or one-on-one sessions.
5) The Department's plan to educate business owners in the various processes used, and the steps the Department plans to take, in an attempt to ensure that these programs reach both Certified and Non-Certified M/SDV/WBE businesses.
- Efforts include the education of business ownersregarding various purchases through dissemination of an FDLE informational brochure.
- Providing information to M/SDV/WBEs promoting a good understanding of the types of goods and services FDLE purchases.Specific information provides more focused attention to the needs of the department, especially the department's unique scientific purchases.
- Providing annualbrochures titled “Purchasing Opportunities-FDLE” to the Small Business Administration offices in Florida.
- Disseminating information outlining the needs of the department, especially the department's unique scientific purchases, at all trade fairs and one-on-one meetings with vendors, if budget constraints allow.
- Directing vendors to the appropriate program users to help form strategic alliances foracquisition activities.
6) A summary addressing FDLE's past contracting with Certified M/SDV/WBE businesses, including a breakdown of related contracting with minority, service-disabled veteran and women-owned businesses:
FY09/10Commodity/Service/Travel Expenditures Through Certified M/SDV/WBEs:
FY 09/10 Breakdown / Commodities / Services / TravelH-African American / $202,521.88 / $0.00 / $0.00
I-Hispanic / $48,909.10 / $3680 / $0.00
J-Asian/Hawaiian / $523.5 / $417,804.55 / $0.00
K-Native American / $0.00 / $612,605.20 / $0.00
M-American Woman / $212,717.79 / $52,244.15 / $95,245.62
W-Service-Disabled Veteran / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Sub Total / $464,672.27 / $1,086,333.90 / $95,245.62
Other (Office Depot) / $33,570.00 / $40,690.00 / $0.00
Total / $498,242.27 / $1,127,023.90 / $95,245.62
Due to the past and future anticipated reduction in FDLE’s operating budget,we have set our new anticipated spend amount at $1,700,000.00.
7) Explain how the Department captures and reports subcontractor information: FDLE currently does very few facility construction and maintenance contracts and none of FDLE’sother contractual servicescurrently involve sub-contractors. If future procurements include sub-contracting, FDLEby way of procurement documents would request that general contractors use M/SDV/WBE sub-contractors if possible andproduce a monthly excel report of such use.
8) List any initiatives and internal procedures that enhance minority and women-owned business enterprises:
- New and updated vendor information is continually disseminated to the Region and Program areas as new business relationships are identified.
- A link to the OSD vendor search has been placed on the FDLE/OGS intranet site.
- All departmental program and regional offices are encouraged to use Certified M/SDV/WBEs in their spending. By reviewing the monthly SAMAS report, we are able to monitor spending and motivate areas where Certified M/SDV/WBE spending is deficient.
- A monthly summary of Certified M/SDV/WBE spending is available to the Executive Policy Board showing the Certified M/SDV/WBE spending of each region.
- The MBE Coordinator regularly reviewsthe Department’s procurement and spending documents to identify and make contact with qualified non-certified minority, service-disabled veteran and women owned businesses for potential certification.
- All agency personnel are regularly reminded of the importance of including Certified M/SDV/WBE vendors in all department acquisitions.
- The MBE Coordinator developed an Agency Minority Business Information Booklet, containing OSD information, rules, visitation reports and many other pertinent documents to help run the FDLE Minority Business program.