A Dissertation Submitted to the College of Education and External Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Diploma in Youth Development Work of Makerere University
September 2011
I YUVENTINE OBONGI declare to the best of my knowledge that this study is my own undertaking and original that it has never been presented and submitted for any award in an academic institution of high learning for a diploma or degree prgramme.
Submitted by
……………………. Date………………………………….
Obongi Yuventine
This dissertation was supervised and is submitted with approval of the supervisor
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Sign: ………………………………………………Date ………………………………………….
To the almighty God I give thanks for enabling me complete this study and protecting me by his grace in all the challenges met during the study.
I extend appreciation to my parents, Mum. ASELO MACULATE and Dad Mr.EGAYU MILTON great thanks for their dedicated life supporting me, giving me parental love and guidance, in the firm foundation to having made it to this education level. May God bless you abundantly.
I am indebted to thank my dear friend Mr. Edechu Samuel who tirelessly worked hard to seeing me achieve this opportunity whenever I ask for any assistance with all required academic information and guidance towards successful completion of this study.
Compiling work of this type would be impossible without assistance from various circles. I would first and foremost express great thanks to the almighty God for making me strong under circumstances I went in collecting this information for the study. My thanks go to my supervisor Mr. GIDDUDU TOM for his enthusiastic help, encouragement, valuable comments and constructive criticism without which this work would never been completed.
I thank my friends and course mates for their wonderful contributions to make this achievement success, Mr. Sanday Moses, Senkumba Paul, Muswa Nicolus, Acupo Lynnet and Kawesa Peter.
A great debt lays on me to appreciate all the staff members of Makerere University, members of the community and all those who helped me in different ways most especially at the College of Education and Eternal Studies in particular Mrs. Bbuye Juliana, Ms. Nakawungu Betty the coordinator upon her guidance to the principles and work practices.
I appreciate my brothers and sisters for supporting me spiritually in prayers and any other support they rendered to me, may the almighty bless you.
1.1Background to the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.3.1 General Objectives of the Study
1.3.2 Specific Objectives:
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 The Scope of the Study
2.1 Introduction:
2.2 The Evolution of HIV/AIDS
2.3.1 Effects of HIV/AIDS
2.5 Strategies for Addressing HIV/AIDS
2.6 Challenges in Addressing HIV/AIDS Problem
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Study Area
3.4 Study Population
3.5 Sampling Size
3.7 Data analysis
3.9 Limitations
4.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………...... 28
4.2 Descriptions of respondents…………………………………………………………..….28
4.3 Factors Responsible For the Wide Spread Of HIV/AIDS among Youth in Kawempe Municipality……………………………………………………………………………………...29
4.4 Existing Strategies for Addressing HIV/AIDS Problem in Kawempe Municipality…....32
4.5 The Effects of HIV/AIDS among the Youth in Kawempe Municipality………………..35
4.5.1 The Social Effects……………………………………………………………………..…35
4.5.2 The Economic Effects………………………………………………………………...….36
4.5.3 The Political Effects …………………………………………………………………..…37
5.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………...…39
5.2 Summary …………………………………………………………………………..…….39
5.3 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………….....39
5.4 Recommendations …………………………………………………………………….....39
5.4.1 Government Management of HIV/AIDS …………………………………………..……40
5.4.2 The Role of Youths ………………………………………………………………...……41
5.4.3 Community Role in HIV/AIDS Management…………………………………...………43
5.5 Policy Makers in Preventing the Spread of the HIV/AIDS Virus…………………..…...44
APPENDIXES ………………………………………………………….………………….……48
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS Acquired Immune Diseases
W.H.O World Health Organization
VCT Voluntary Testing and Counseling
PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child Treatment
TASO The Aids Support Organization
AIC AIDS Information Center
PEPFAR President Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
FGD Focus Group Discussion
ABCAbstinence, Be Faithful and Use of Condoms
PEPFAR President Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
PEAP Poverty Eradication Action Plan
UAC Uganda National Abstinence
ACP AIDS Control Programm
STDSSexually Transmitted Diseases
STISexually Transmitted Infectious
UNICEFUnited Nation Children Fund
UYDEL Uganda Youth Development Link.
The study was conducted from Kawempe municipality which is north of the City. Kawempe borders Wakiso district to the West, North, East and Nakawa to the Southeast and Kampala central to the south, Makindye to the Southwest, Kawempe has a population of approximately 268,569 where 52% are female and 48% are male. The municipality was chosen because of its strategic location, convenience and demographic diversity characteristics. For example different ethnic groups, different economic status and different education level. This characteristics and variables were expected to enable the researcher with variety of the perceptions expected to provide reliable information. The research was conducted using the case study research design. This probes an issue from one area in isolation of others and involves in-depth investigation. The study dealt specifically with young persons aged 0-45years. Community members, youth, parents, civil servants from Kawempe municipality among others where targeted. Sample size of 95 members of the divers’ respondents, because the researcher was targeting respondents with real information regarding area of study. These include youth, parents’ health educators, community members, health workers and civil servants. Some of which were parents of the youth and civil servants from Kawempe health center IV and others .The information was synthesized during and after collection to reduce errors, percentages, frequencies and findings were presented in tables, this helped to determine the variables of the study. The measure of variation dispersion method was used for analyzing the reliability of the findings. The respondents were selected through purposive sampling (judgment) sampling procedure. The methods used during data collection includes; Documentary search, Interviews were used and Observation to help get more information to help in the study.
1.1 Background to the Study
The HIV/AIDS Human immune virus is a virus which attacks the human body and weakens the immunity, which in a long run results into illness because it destroys the white blood cells which fight diseases from our bodies. This eventually forms a disease called AIDS- meaning Acquired immunodefificiency syndrome. (United Nation Children Education Fund) (UNICEF PF.HIV/AIDS 2001).
The epidemic has impacted negatively on different categories of people, it is impact and implications on youth however are most significant; this is because young people’s lifestyle among other reasons exposes them to the risks of catching HIV/AIDS more than adults. These include drug abuse, such as Marijuana, Mairunji, Opium and alcohol, cross generation sex, pornographic materials, internet and related literature, It is estimated that more the 25 Million people around the world are affected by HIV/AIDS, Uganda is among nations worst hit by the epidemic. (UNICEF 2002). Although the world in general and Uganda particularly has made the efforts to fighting HIV/AIDS, the problem still is persistent. The youth in Uganda constitute the biggest percentage of existing infections and the situation is more likely to worsen unless something serious is done. According to the current statistics, it is said that the youth take 75% of the entire country’s population and this explains the high dependency ratio as the people below the age of 25 years are unemployed. World Health Organization (WHO 2008).
In Uganda the epidemic was first diagnose in 1982 in Rakai district at the shore of lake Victoria, a fishing village called Kansensero. The disease spread to the epidemic proportions reaching all parts of the country. A national sero-survey undertaken in 1988 suggested a national infection rate of six to eight percent government of Uganda (GOU 2004)
This rapid increase reached its peak in the early 1990s. Available data shows that by 1990 HIV/AIDS prevalence in the major urban areas was as high as 31%among pregnant women attending antenatal services after a decade of increasing number of cases the spread of epidemic began to wane in the early 90s (UAC 2004). AIDS is caused by infection with a virus called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
It is therefore important that all stakeholders, youth, parents, community leaders, government and doctors get back to the drawing board and plan strategically to overcome the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The youth in Uganda and elsewhere around the world is defined as growing persons who has reached the age of consent and who takes the responsibility in building up the future of any community of their belonging or country as a whole. The youth are considered in various countries to be between age of 16, 18-35 or 40 years old; in Uganda a youth is any one between the ages of 18-35 years old. Some scholars define youth as the leaders of tomorrow with young blood knowledge and skills who if given chance owe government (s) leadership of future development. They are persons who are energetic, strong and can bring news skills for development. (UNICEF 2005).
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The HIV/AIDS problems has captured attention of the whole world considering the far reaching consequences it has on personal well being as well as development of the world economy. The AIDS remains a challenge, in this regards of the concerted effort by different agencies including government, donor’s international community, private sectors, religious leaders and other individual. Uganda had received world recognition of its open approach for the HIV/AIDS problem for instance it is required that HIV/AIDS issue is reflected in all government programs there are awareness programs by organization both public and private involved in HIV/AIDS program and above all government consist a large amount of money towards this problem
The United Nations has set aside the first day of December each year for nations to join hands and focus on the AIDS problem. In Uganda, the government has come out to strongly advocate the popular ABC strategy which means A- means abstinence from sex; B- is Being faithful to your partner, while C- stands for correct use of Condom.
There are numerous programs in all sending out a message about prevention and management of HIV/AIDS. The existence of TASO (The Aids Support Organization) and Aids Information center (AIC) to help victims and those who are yet to be affected is all evidence of the great effort to fighting the virus. However, in spite of all these the incidences of HIV/AIDS are on the rise. Statistics reveal that up to 42,000 persons in the country is infected by HIV/AIDS and new infections occur every year.(Willis 1995) further, not many studies have bee undertaken to established implication of HIV/ AIDS among the youth in Kawempe municipality. The proposed study was therefore to try and fill this gap
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.3.1 General Objectives of the Study
The general objective of this study was to investigate HIV/AIDS among the youth in Kawempe municipality
1.3.2 Specific Objectives:
The study was intended to fulfill the following specific objectives.
- To establish factors responsible for wide spread of HIV/AIDS among youth in Kawempe municipality
- To find the existing strategies for addressing the problem of HIV/AIDS among youth in Kawempe municipality
- To determine effects of HIV/AIDS among youth in Kawempe municipality
1.4 Research Questions
The study was governed by the listed research questions which are driven from specific objectives below
- What are the general factors responsible for the wide spread of HIV/AIDS among youth in Kawempe municipality?
- What are the available strategies for addressing the problem of HIV/AIDS among the youth in Kawempe municipality?
- What challenges are encountered in addressing the problem of HIV/AIDS among the youth in Kawempe municipality?
1.5 The Scope of the Study
The study was conducted from Kawempe Municipality a Kampala suburb, it dealt specifically with young persons aged 15-25years and it covered the period 2000 to the present. The study specifically focused on strategies and factors responsible for the wide spread of HIV/AIDS among youth in Kawempe municipality; factors responsible for the wide spread of HIV/AIDS among youth in Kawempe municipality; and the challenge encountered in addressing the problem of HIV/AIDS among youth in Kawempe municipality
1.6 Significances of the Study
The study on Youth in Kawempe municipality was important considering that the spread of HIV/AIDS needs to be checked so as to protect the youth from getting more infected. It was expected to benefit a range of stakeholders, including the youth, parents, local communities, government and scholars. The researcher believes that the study and information her shall substantiate and contribute to awareness of youth in Kawempe community to act towards addressing the problem.
1.7. Justifications
The study on HIV/AIDS particularly in Kawempe Municipality among the youth was very vital because the disease (HIV/AIDS) has caused death and suffering in the whole country and other parts of the world.
1.8 List of Definitions
Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment
Ignorance is a state of being uninformed (lack of knowledge).
Youth is the time of life between childhood and adulthood.
Virus is a small infectious agent that can replicate only inside the living cells of organisms.
Illness is Poor health resulting from disease of body or mind; sickness.
Abstinence is a voluntary restraint from indulging in bodily activities that are widely experienced as giving pleasure.
Dependent A person who relies on another, esp. a family member, for financial support.
Drug abuse refers to a maladaptive pattern of use of a substance that is not considered dependent.
Cross generational sex is sexual behavior between young women and much older men that brings increased health risks for the women.
AIDS is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human virus.
2.1 Introduction:
This chapter deals with review of literature related to the study. The review is done under themes and sub themes derived from the study objectives, the general objective of this study was to establish implications of HIV/AIDS on the youth in Kawempe Municipality. The main theme are the main features of HIV/AIDS virus, factors influencing the spread of HIV/AIDS, poverty and HIV/AIDS, ignorance and HIV/AIDS, weak policies and HIV/AIDS. Other themes include causes of HIV/AIDS, effects of HIV/AIDS, and strategies for addressing HIV/AIDS problem, with its sub themes like sensitization on HIV/AIDS, policies on HIV/AIDS, ABC approach and challenges encountered in addressing HIV/AIDS problem
2.2 The Evolution of HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS, means Acquired Immune Virus and AIDS is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The first recognized cases of AIDS occurred in USA in the early 1980s (Lancet, 2004). (http: .org/origin-aids-hiv htm)
According to the Hunter (1988) HIV/AIDS virus was transmitted from a chimpanzee to the human when bush meat hunter was bitten or cut while hunting or butchering an animal. The rustling to exposure the hunter to blood or other body fluids of the chimpanzee could have resulted to infection this type of virus causes illness in the body and make the body weaker to fight other diseases that attack our body it breaks down the immunity in the body by destroying the white blood cells which is the security of our body to fight any kind of the disease that brings illness.
2.3 Causes of HIV/AIDS.
A number of factors that contribute to the wide spread of HIV, most of which occurred in the later half twentieth century. These include sexual intercourse which is un protected, blood transfusion of unscreened blood, use of sharp instruments, mother to child (to unborn babies) and bad uncontrollable behaviors like drug abuse, rape, defilement, homosexuality and lesbianism among the few. Duesberg, (1987) HIV is the cause of AIDS despite the fact that some scientists question the perception. He admits that HIV exist but harmless and that AIDS is caused by non contagious factors including drug abuse malnutrition and even the very drug used to combat HIV.
Among youth HIV is spread most commonly during sexual intercourse with infected partner; the virus enters the body through mucosal linings in the vagina, vulva, penis, or rectum after body fluid contacts or rarely via the mouth possibly upper gastrointestinal tract after oral sex. This livelihood of transmission increased by a factor that damages these linings especially other sexually transmitted disease (STD’s) that cause ulcers or inflammation (Akello.I 2009).