This form must be filled, concisely, with relevant information about the project, and sent to Alupar by the research institution, along with a detailed description of the scope (Word or Pdf File).
The information provided will be used to validate the decisions of the internal committees of Alupar for the selection and approval of the research lines, for later execution.
1.Project Title.
2.Name of Institution.
3.Duration of the Project.
4.Cost (in relation to hours allocated from team members and their associated values, as well as the description and values of the other Project costs)
… / …
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Cost description
5.Summary of the project (max. 10 lines)
6.Ponder the originality of the project and a description that justifies its relevance as a Research and Development project. (max. 20 lines)
Obs.: Beforehand, the research institution must consult the list of project in ANEEL’s R&D base regarding the absence of similar products in the market.
7.Which answer choice(s) best represent your project’s differential?
☐ / No similar product present on the domestic market☐ / Original in its application of methodology, material or procedure
☐ / Patent or software registration
☐ / An innovative product or methodology, including those based on original academic production and doctoral theses
☐ / Publications related to the product/methodology in international and/or national newspapers ranked as A1, A2, or B1 in the year of the publication of the article.
8. Which phase(s) of ANEEL’s innovation chain does the Project fit into?
☐ / Basic research☐ / Applied research
☐ / Head of Series “Cabeça de série” (CS)
☐ / Pioneer Lot
☐ / Market Insertion
9. In order to verify applicability, discuss the characteristic(s) of the R&D project that will be employed (max. 10 lines)
10. What is the coverage of the project? (Extension, economic sector, consumer class, number and potential consumers)? (max. 10 lines)
11. What is the relevance of the Project? Describe the possible benefits that cost reduction, efficiency increase, quality improvement or offer of new services, as well as eventual improvement of laboratory infrastructure, obtaining of intellectual property, transfer of knowledge and technological qualification, benefits to the environment, among others will bring. (max. 20 lines)
12. Why is the cost reasonable? Must include one of the following reasons: Economic feasibility study; When will the investment be returned (estimate); Internal rate of return or Net Present Value.
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