Minutes of ElyriaTownship Board of Trustees Public Meeting
Held: at 41416 Griswold Road, Elyria, Ohio, 7:00 p.m., June 3, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. byChairman Rick Hutman.The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Elected officials present were: Chairman R. Hutman, Vice-Chairman B. Holtzman, Trustee R. Scheithauerand Fiscal Officer Robert J. Repas.
The minutes of the Elyria Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting on May 20, 2013 were reviewed. A motion was made by R. Hutman to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by B. Holtzman. Vote: 3 ayes, no dissent. Motion carried.
We have a payment request from Constant Contact. I will be changing the payment method from advance payment to monthly billing. A vote to extend the use of this service indefinitely is in order.
I have reviewed the Fire Investigation Mutual Aid agreement and find it in order with the exception there are no cost figures.
The Lorain County Township Association Building Department Committee has approved the final draft of a Request for Proposal and is presently distributing it to possible bidders.
May 31, 2013 Legislative Report
June 2013 Grassroots Clippings
May 28, 2013 Gov. Kasich update
May 28, 2013 ElyriaTownship E-News
May 30, 2013 Legislative Alert
May 20, 2013 ElyriaTownship E-News
Explanation of expanded re-cycling options from Republic Services
May 24, 2013 Legislative Alert
Letter from Lorain County Engineer Ken Carney recommending Precision Paving be awarded the Murray Ridge 2013 re-surfacing project
Road Department, Report by Kevin Burns for Tim Van Dyke:
Presented a quote of $1,184.74 from Willoughby Supply for material to treat the 41416 Griswold Road Complex built up roof system
Presented the road inspection repair list cost figures totaling $55,247.50.
Reported the new pickup truck accessories proposals from Judco of $3,028.42 and Auto Detail of $2,161.90.
Presented a quote for tow package switches for the pickup truck from Nick Abraham Auto Mall of $169.60.
Requested approval to hire another worker to help with the crack filling project.
Minutes of June 3, 2013 continued, page 2/3
Fire Department, Steve Holtzman:
See attached report.
Zoning Department, Tom Blaz:
See attached report.
Beverly Sams reported Sugar Ridge Towing is in violation of the Zoning Resolution. The Zoning Inspector will follow-up on this issue.
Webmaster: Rob Scheithauer reinforced the contract with Constant Contact needs to be arranged as quickly as possible.
ElyriaTownship Citizens Advisory Committee: None.
9/11 Memorial Committee: None.
Neighborhood Watch Committee: None.
B. Holtzman made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 060313-01 awarding the Murray Ridge Resurfacing Contract to Precision Paving at a cost of $83,416.00.
Motion seconded by R. Scheithauer. Roll call: R. Hutman: yes; B. Holtzman: yes; R. Scheithauer: yes.
R. Scheithauer made a motion to authorize B. Holtzman to complete a Conservation Easement on the Murray Ridge road property, sign it on behalf of the Elyria Township Board of Trustees, and file it with the Lorain County Recorder. Motion seconded by R. Hutman. Vote: 3 ayes, no dissent. Motion carried.
B. Holtzman reported the Safe Route to School non-infrastructure request has been submitted.
R. Scheithauer reported the Re-Trac tonnage reports are up to date and ElyriaTownship is in compliance for the 2013 Lorain County Solid Waste Management District (LCSWMD) grant process.
R. Hutman made a motion authorizing Fiscal Officer, Robert J. Repas, to sign the “Agreement for Fire/Arson Investigation Mutual Aid Assistance in LorainCounty.” Motion seconded by B. Holtzman. Vote: 3 ayes, no dissent. Motion carried.
R. Hutman made a motion affirming ElyriaTownship wishes to continue to use the services of Constant Contact indefinitely and authorize Fiscal Offier, Robert J. Repas, to make financial arrangements consistent with ElyriaTownship policy and audit requirements. Motion seconded by B. Holtzman. Vote: 3 ayes, no dissent. Motion carried.
R. Hutman made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 060313-02 authorizing a payment of $497.50 to swap radios from the old to the new squad. Motion seconded by R. Scheithauer. Roll call: R. Hutman: yes; B. Holtzman: yes; R. Scheithauer: yes.
The Fiscal Officer’s request to purchase pump test gauges was tabled until the next regular meeting.
R. Hutman made a motion to declare unit 115 (the old ambulance) is no longer needed by Elyria Township, and instructed the road department to advertise it is for sale on Gov-Deals with an asking price of $8,000.00. Motion seconded by B. Holtzman. Vote: 3 ayes, no dissent. Motion carried.
R. Scheithauer made a motion to move forward with a grant application from the Lorain County Solid Waste Management District to be used to purchase playground equipment for the Murray Ridge Road Complex. Motion seconded by R. Hutman. Vote: 3 ayes, no dissent. Motion carried.
Minutes of June 3, 2013 continued, page 3/3
R. Scheithauer reported Drew, the owner of Lad Excavating, was unsuccessful in getting the appraisal of property he offered for sale to Elyria Township that meets the criteria needed by the township to be included in grant applications. In addition, neighboring property owner Stanislawski was also unsuccessful in getting an acceptable appraisal of property he would like to sell to ElyriaTownship.
R. Hutman made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 060313-03 authorizing an expenditure of $55,247.50 for the 2013 chip and seal project conditional on the availability of funds to pay for it. Motion seconded by R. Scheithauer. Roll call: R. Hutman: yes; B. Holtzman: yes; R. Scheithauer: yes.
B. Holtzman made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 060313-04 authorizing a payment of no more than $1,500.00 to Willoughby Supply for materials to repair the roof on the 41416 Griswold Road Complex building. Motion seconded by R. Scheithauer. Roll call: R. Hutman: yes; B. Holtzman: yes; R. Scheithauer: yes.
R. Hutman made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 060313-05 to expend no more than $2,500.00 with Auto Detail to purchase accessories for the new Ford F-250 pickup truck. Motion seconded by R. Scheithauer. Roll call: R. Hutman: yes; B. Holtzman: yes; R. Scheithauer: yes.
R. Hutman made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 060313-06 to join the Lorain County Solid Waste Consortium and to pay Eastman & Smith, the legal firm representing the Consortium, a fee of $2,000.00, and authorizing the Fiscal Officer to sign whatever documents are necessary on behalf of the Elyria Township Board of Trustees. Motion seconded by R. Scheithauer. Roll call: R. Hutman: yes; B. Holtzman: yes; R. Scheithauer: yes.
R. Hutman made a motion to sign checks and documents followed by adjournment. Motion seconded by R. Scheithauer. Vote: 3 ayes, no dissent. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at9:00 p.m.
Rick Hutman, Chairman Robert J. Repas, Fiscal Officer
William Holtzman, Vice ChairmanRob Scheithauer, Trustee