Hampden Township Volunteer Fire Company #1
Proudly Announces
The 19thAnnual “Firefly” Night Golf Tournament
All Proceeds to Benefit
Hampden Twp. Volunteer Fire Company #1
(a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization)
Saturday, September 16, 2017
(No Rain Date)
Armitage Golf Club
800 Orr’s Bridge Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
You may have thought you were a good golfer until now.
Let’s see how good you are in the dark!
Golfers of all abilities are welcome. Check-in begins at 6:00 PM.
Golfing starts after the sun sets.
$70.00 per person
Includes: 9-Holes of Golf, One Illuminated Golf Ball, Personal Illumination Markers, Door Prizes for Everyone, and a Light Buffet with Beer and Refreshments Afterwards
Sorry, no riding carts are permitted!
There will be three team awards (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place with 3rd Place chosen arbitrarily) plus two awards each for closest to the pin and longest drive. Awards will be distributed for both groups of players (the Front 9 and the Back 9 tournament groups). In addition, special awards will be presented to anyone making a hole-in-one. Mulligans and extra illuminated golf balls are available on-site for an additional fee.
If you are interested in participating in this event as a golfer, please complete and return the included form ASAP. If you are interested in sponsoring this event, donating prizes, or have any questions please contact Asst. Chief Tom Hoffecker at 773-5362.
The event has sold out the past sixteen yearsso register early!
Return this form NO LATER than September 1,2017 to:
Hampden Twp. Volunteer Fire Company #1
ATTN: Firefly Golf Tournament Committee
295 S. Sporting Hill Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
Each team must designate a Captain who will be notified in the unlikely event that the tournament is postponed. Postponement will occur ONLY if course is closed by Armitage Golf Club and course is deemed unplayable. Play WILL occur in the rain(Captains are responsible for notifying all members of their teams).
Due to the popularity of the tournament, only foursomes will be acceptable for registration and play. All players under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Captain Name:Click here to enter text.Age:Click here to enter text.
Address: Click here to enter text.
Contact: (w)Click here to enter text. (h)Click here to enter text. (c)Click here to enter text.
Captain E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.
Player No. 2 Name: Click here to enter text. Age:Click here to enter text.
Player No. 3 Name: Click here to enter text. Age:Click here to enter text.
Player No. 4 Name: Click here to enter text. Age:Click here to enter text.
Amount Enclosed: $Click here to enter text.
Make Checks Payable To:
Hampden Twp. Volunteer Fire Company #1