Assignment of Life Processes DASHMESH ACADEMY
1. What is the normal blood pressure of a healthy person?
2. What is the structural & Functional unit of the kidney?
3. In which part of nephron does filteration take place?
4. Which of the four chambers of the human heart has the thickest muscular walls & why.
5. Why is there no mixing of deoxygenated & oxygenated blood in human heart?
6. Where does ultrafilteartion take place. & Draw a well-labelled diagram of nephron.
7. How does the blood differ in its components in a mammal, when it enters the lungs & when it leaves them?
8. Name the vessels which carry deoxygenated blood & oxygenated blood & differentiate them.
9. Define the terms:-
(a)Transpiration (b) Respiration (c) Saprotrophic nutrition
(d) Parasitic nutrition (e) Systole (f) Diastole
(g) Branchial respiration (h) Pulmonary respiration (i) Cutaneous
(j) Micturition (k) Haemodialysis (l) Ascent of sap
10. Explain different steps in nutrition.
11. Give functions of the following:- & From where they secrete?
(a) Pepsin (b) Trypsin (c) Hcl (d) Bile (e) Salivary amylase
12. Give alternative terms for food Pipe, wind-pipe, Adam’s apple, Air sacs, pulmonary respiration ,Anaerobic respiration.
13. Differentiate:-
(a) Autotrophic & Heterotrophic nutrition.
(b) Aerobic respiration & fermentation (Anaerobic respiration) (c) Arteries & veins
14. What do you mean by double circulation. Draw it.
15. How transport in plants takes place?
16. How many digestive glands are present in humans & give their functions.
17. In which different ways glucose is oxidized to provide energy in various organisms?
18. How are lungs designed in human beings to maximize the area for exchange of gases?
19. How is O2 & Co2 transported in human beings?
20. What advantage over an aquatic organisms does a terrestrial organism have with regard to obtaining oxygen for respiration?
21. How is the absorption of fats takes place in small intestine?
22. Explain the mechanism of breathing in humans?
23. Draw a well-labelled diagram of the Digestive system in humans. & Explain it.
24. Draw a well-labelled diagram of respiratory system in humans & Explain it.
25. Explain external structure of excretory system with the help of a diagram.
26. Draw a well-labelled diagram of human heart & Describe its working.
27. In which ways pulmonary arteries & Pulmonary veins are different from other arteries & veins?
Fill in the Blanks
1. The process of purifying blood by means of an artificial kidney is called ______.
2. ______carry blood away from the heart & ______back to the heart.
3. The network of capillaries, enclosed in a Bowman’s capsule is called ______.
4. ______& ______help in the transport of substances in the human body.
5. Urine is carried from the kidneys by ______to the urinary bladder.
6. Name the components of blood.