Teacher Education Coordinators
March 4, 2011 Meeting
Attending: Erin LaSala, Averil McClelland, Bette Brooks, Connie Collier, Drew Tiene, Janice Hutchison, Janice Kroeger, Joanne Arhar, Lori Wilfong, Lyle Barton, Meghan Harper, Nancy Barbour, Dawn Bagwell for Pat Grutzmacher, Ramona Freeman, Rebecca Chism, Robin Vande Zande, Sandra Pech, William Kist
Absent: Health Education coordinator, Margaret Haas, Mary Hricko, Patrick O’Connor, Sarah Rilling, Sue Grogan-Johnson, Verna Fitzsimmons
Guests: Kathy Zarges, Laura Harper
Welcome (Joanne Arhar)
LDES-ITEC 19525 revise course; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2012 (Drew Tiene)
Drew Tiene discussed the proposal to change the prerequisites for EPSY 29525 and ITEC 19525 to eliminate administrative issued caused by the restrictions to registering for the courses. The way in which the prerequisites are recorded cause students to need manual overrides to register for courses because the registration period for the course is in effect before grades are posted for the prerequisites. This causes a problem in Banner. Note: while this change will eliminate the grade requirement, this requirement will be checked for completion as students apply for Advanced Study. This change also opens registration to the courses to any student who meets the prerequisite requirement, not just EHHS students. Teacher education coordinators were asked to indicate their support for the change by their signature and response on the meeting sign-in sheet.
Clinical Experiences Update (Jim Knapp)
Jim shared with coordinators that the last student teacher was placed on Thursday. She also said the placement requests for spring 2012 would be going out on Oct. 15th. There is concern because many schools are considering teacher layoffs due to funding issues.
Jim also showed coordinators the new Blackboard information system for supervisors and coordinating teachers. He is also working with Jason Piatt to create a job posting board for schools.
There was also brief discussion of possible volunteer opportunities for students and if services learning, aka “experiential” learning should be offered as a for credit course for students. Details would need to be considered but this could be a meaningful opportunity for both students and teachers.
Student Teaching Assessment Inter-Rater Reliability Study (Joanne Arhar)
Joanne asked coordinators if they were interested in doing this. Discussion indicated that this project might be good opportunity for doctoral students. A few coordinators indicated they were already doing this but others indicated they were already very busy. Joanne shared that she hoped that the study would result in data to use for a program assessment.
Disposition Assessment: confidentiality (#16) and recording (#17) (Joanne Arhar)
Joanne posted the statement that all students in Education in a Democratic Society will be required to sign stating that have read the disposition assessment policy. Students must sign and it is hoped that this will assist in building awareness among the students that good judgment is needed. There was discussion of Facebook postings and the challenges of teaching students about professional attire.
National Network for Education Renewal
Joanne asked the coordinators to look over the web page for National Network for Educational Renewal and provide feedback. The Holmes partnership has dissolved and this organization is a possible replacement as a community partner. We have the local Kent Excellence in Education Partnership (KEEP) but this would be larger, broader link with schools and community. Several other Ohio universities, including Wright State, Ohio University and Miami University are already members. Membership dues range from approx. $2,000/2 yr. as an affiliate member to $5,000/2 yr. as a full member. There will also be the question of how we could pay for the membership.
All coordinators agreed to visit the web page and consider the organization’s usefulness. Joanne also suggested that possibly the TEC could arrange a video conference meeting with other Ohio university members to learn how they participated through the organization. There is also a NNER national conference at the end of Oct. that might be useful to attend.
Study Groups
Joanne shared with coordinators that the study groups will have their own web space; Beth Thomas is working on it now. She also shared that Stephane Booth found more funding for groups (between $3,000 - $6,000) and that we will be sending an RFP for additional funding. We will also be creating a new study group for Family Engagement. Janice Kroeger and Rhonda Richardson will be facilitating it. Averil McClelland also mentioned that a Diversity study group may be created as well.
Family Engagement (Janice Kroeger)
Janice discussed the articled posted, “Teaching the Teachers: Preparing Educators to Engage Families for Student Achievement”, sharing that this is a well established group with solid research on family engagement and connections with schools. Janice and Rhonda hope to use the new study group to add this concept to other groups in college. She also mentioned that family engagement is mentioned several times in the No Child Left Behind Act. It was noted that family engagement would extend beyond Early Childhood to Middle Childhood as well.
Data Dialogue Day (Nancy Barbour)
Nancy Barbour reminded coordinators that the NCATE progress report is due one year from now. She has boilerplate reports for coordinators to use and that they should contact her to discuss any questions they have or anything needed to complete their report. Reports are based on changes made in program areas.
Data Dialogue Day is scheduled for October 7, 8:30 AM – 12 PM, in 200 White Hall. The meeting will focus on collectively looking at unit data. Nancy will be getting program data in the next few weeks.
Specifically, she needs
- sample evidence of students’ level of content knowledge
- evidence of students’ professional and pedagogical skills
- provide sample evidence of students’ ability to assess their students’ learning
- what changes to did they make to their program or assessments as a result of reviewing data
- NCATE criteria handout
A handout with these questions will be emailed to the TEC listserv.
Coordinators will also need to collectively choose which standard to focus on (move towards target). She asked them to look closely at standards 3 and 4. The institutional report is due in Fall 2014. There was some discussion about which standard to focus on and Joanne told coordinators that she would be sending an email asking for their vote shortly. Once the focus standard is chosen, coordinators will need to answer the question, “How does our group work toward this standard?”
Praxis II Data (Laura Harper)
Laura had Praxis II data t share with coordinators. She had some hard copies but also said that she would email the data to coordinators. She said that ODE indicates that some graduates who have not passed Praxis II have long-term sub positions, teaching without passing the test.
Other News
Joanne shared a link to the OCTEO’s web page and a video of a KSU Distinguished Graduate who would be honored on the web site.
How We Teach Teachers on WCPN
Joanne asked teachers to watch the video above for future discussion.