Extreme Learning “Makeovers”
Content and trainers need to shift and change. Learning in the business is about changing people.
Questions and needs: need a way to find content. LMS is too hard. How do we remake content and trainers? VILT-virtual instructor-led is wanted but don’t know how because you can’t see the learner easily. Challenge of delivering the same content from ILT to virtual. Company may need to change where they are spending money-camera and set-up.
Change is not optional, it is urgent! We lose attention much sooner now and difficult to capture.Learners must be captivated.
People resist change that they are not part of. Traditional will always have a place but it must include new and constant evolvement to match the new world.
Not a linear process.
Virtual training gains and saves money-no travel. Can lose peer-to-peer interaction and visual cues.
Platforms don’t handle hands-on easily, perspective must be shifted to how it could be done. Content and culture need to change.
Learning producers are critical now.
Real change happens when you move the “not yet” in a change process. Give the first adopters the responsibility of moving the middle!
Look at other productions that we use now all the time: news, movies-they have a production team, not a single person. Show them something that works and brainstorm on how to use it. Virtual trainers.
The key to virtual training is to have an ensemble. Cast and crew-learn from the ‘screen machine’. Training must be a story and dynamic.
Culture shift: have to be special instead of just different. Special sounds more fun, people will be more willing to change.
S: storyboard and script in-try changing to this and pairing early adopters and those who have not yet adopted.
P: production studio set up-think like a studio.
E: experiential design-use interns-high school and college-that have more media and film and pair with all The Way designers for reverse mentoring. They both have fun and great results.
C: captivating content-insert video etc. for small. If you want to change, go extreme. Watch commercials together etc. and YouTube to explore how to change with everyone.
I: instruction is a skill, not a role.
A: agile Coke creation.
L: learn project management KANB a.m.
*think skills not roles