Psy Climate (ROLE VARIABLES) and Job Sat, Turn Intent, OCBs
I) Role Conflict:
A) Job Satisfaction
1) Negative correlation – Acker, 2004 [mental health social workers]
2) Negative correlation – Glisson & Durick, 1988 [human service workers]
3) Negative correlation (supervision, pay, and promotions extrinsic) – Keller, 1975.
4) Negative correlation (university employees) – Kemery, Mossholder, & Bedeian, 1987
5) Negative correlation (department store) – Good, Page, & Young, 1996
B) Turn Intent
1) Positive correlation – Acker, 2004
2) Positive asociation with job strain à turn intent – Hatton, et al., 2001
3) Positive association – Kemery, Mossholder, & Bedeian, 1987
4) Positive association (even when control for emotional exhaustian and js, clergy) – Hang-yue, Foley, & Loi, 2005
C) Orginizational Commitment
1) Negative correlation – Glisson & Durick, 1988
2) Negative correlation (department store) – Good, Page, & Young, 1996
II) Role Ambiguity:
A) Job Satisfaction
1) Negative correlation – Acker, 2004
2) Negative correlation – Glisson & Durick, 1988
3) Negative correlation (general work intrinsic) – Keller, 1975
4) Negative correaltion at both 2-3 mos on job and 11-12 mos on job in new graduates – Chang & Hancock, 2003.
5) Negative correlation (university employees) – Kemery, Mossholder, & Bedeian, 1987
6) Negative relationship (clergy) – Hang-yue, Foley, & Loi, 2005
7) Negative relationship (department store) – Good, Page, & Young, 1996
B) Turn Intent
1) Positive correlation – Acker, 2004
2) Positive association with job strain à turn intent – Hatton, et al., 2001
3) Positive association – Kemery, Mossholder, & Bedeian, 1987
4) Positive association (when control for emotional exhaustion and js, ns) (clergy) – Hang-yue, Foley, & Loi, 2005
C) Organizational Commitment
1) Negative Correlation – Glisson & Durick, 1988
2) No relation (department store) – Good, Page, & Young, 1996
III) Role Overload:
A) Job Satisfaction
1) Negative correlation at 2-3 mos on job, but not at 11-12 mos on job in new graduates – Chang & Hancock, 2003.
B) Turn Intent
1) Positive association (when control for emotional exhaustion and js, ns) (clergy) – Hang-yue, Foley, & Loi, 2005
IV) Demographics:
A) Turn Intent
1) Age negatively associated with turn intent – Hatton, et al., 2001.
V) DV relationships:
A) Negative correlation: Job Sat with Turn Intent – Acker, 2004 [mental health social workers]
B) Negative correlation: work Sat with Turn Intent – Hatton, et. al, 2001.
C) Negative association: Job Sat with Turn Intent – Kemery, Mossholder, & Bedeian, 1987
D) Positive correlation: Job Sat with Org Comm (department store) – Good, Page, & Young, 1996
E) Negative correlation: Org Comm and Turn Int (department store) – Good, Page, & Young, 1996
VI) IV relationships:
A) Role conflict and ambiguity:
1) Positive correlation – Glisson & Durick, 1988
B) All Three:
1) Positive correlation (clergy) – Hang-yue, Foley, & Loi, 2005
C) Methodology
1) Found evidence of wording effects (comfort vs. stress, internal vs. external) in scales used in study, however, not completely invalidated; may represent the construct of interest – Harris & Bladen, 1994
2) Argue that CONFLICT seems to be related to external/other/stress concepts, and AMBIGUITY seems to be related to both internal/external, stress/comfort.