404th ASB ‘Provides’ for Camp Marmal
Free supplies for all service members; civilians
Story by Spc. Jeanita C. Pisachubbe, 4th CAB Public Affairs
CAMP MARMAL, Afghanistan –The 404th Aviation Support Battalion ‘Providers’, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division opened a free service to all service members and civilians stationed here, regardless of nationality. The Providermart, whose shelves are stocked with clothing items, snacks, books, magazines, greeting cards, and toiletries, officially opened its doors Sept. 20.
The purpose of Providermart is to fill a need that the Soldiers have – at no cost to the Soldier.
“Because Soldiers are limited to the amount of money they can withdraw from their accounts every month, the Providermart’s service can fill in where they might fall short,” said 2nd Lt. Andre Powell, executive officer of C Company, 404th ASB and donation coordinator.
Currently donations are primarily sent by the city, chamber of commerce and citizens of Round Rock, Texas, a sponsor of the ASB through the Adopt a Fort Hood Unit program, coordinated by the Association of the United States Army. Providermart opened with approximately 50 boxes of inventory from the community. More items are in storage to replenish the shelves in case supplies are depleted.
Supporters from the states are not the only contributors. “Soldiers bring in items they’ve received in care packages they can’t use,” said Sgt. Brenda Lopez, flight line squad leader with B Co., 404th and Providermart volunteer. “It’s their way of giving back to other Soldiers.”
Often donations are sent and left in boxes in common areas where the Soldier has to rummage through and pick over. The Providermart gives them an opportunity to go ‘shopping’ in an organized environment. A sign-in roster keeps track of who is being served. An additional roster keeps track of which items the shoppers are taking, giving the sponsors an idea of what the actual needs are and prevents an overstock of items not in demand. If shoppers need something not on the shelves, they are encouraged to write down their request so the sponsors can be informed.
Lopez said the Providermart is open to everyone at Camp Marmal; members of all services, civilians and all nationalities. Anyone with a need is encouraged to come, and encouraged to donate.
“The hope is to eventually run the Providermart 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” said 2nd Lt. Jason Emond, JNN platoon leader, C Co. and volunteer coordinator. “Right now we don’t have the personnel to do that. We count on volunteers.”
The mart is open nine hours a day. Split in the morning and evening to catch the majority of Soldiers who work shifts. The hours are manned by Soldiers of the 4th CAB who donate their time.
The space also allows room for its patrons to sit and read, have a cup of coffee, or put a puzzle together. Providermart is a place for Soldiers to just be and relax after work, while picking up the personal items they might need. “It is for the soldiers, by the soldiers,” Emond said.