Pain Concern Annual General Meeting –13th June 2012 at 7pm held at Pain Concern Office, Fort Kinnaird, Edinburgh.
Present – Heather Wallace, Anne Damerell, David Deacon, Brian East, Ken Greig, Chris Hughes, (part), Helen Whitson (part)
Apologies – Sue Clayton, Isy Hart, Alan Brown
1. Welcome –. Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Minutes – Amendments - none
– Approved as a true record
3. Executive Committee Report & Annual Accounts
The annual report was tabled and discussed.
· Airing Pain – We need to make encourage interviewees to champion and promote the radio programme. Making sure they know when we are airing their interviews and getting their email address so they receive email updates about programmes.
· Organising Office Work -The charity is reliant on volunteers and this needs to be managed as absences and resignations can leave the charity vulnerable. The meeting supported the use of logs and contact sheets for each project; and wherever possible, the volunteers driving projects should work in pairs.
The annual accounts were formally adopted.
Proposed - Brian East, Seconded - Anne Damerell
4. Election of Honorary Officers and Executive Committee Members
· The elected Executive Committee Members are: Heather Wallace (Honorary Chair), Brain East (Honorary Treasurer), Chris Hughes, (Honorary Secretary), David Deacon, Ken Greig, and Isy Hart.
· Resignations were accepted from Sue Clayton and Anne Damerell, who were thanked for their service to the charity.
· It was noted that Helen Watson had stood down as a trustee during 2011 - 12.
· Rosie Saunderson, Fiona Townsley and Marion Beatson, are assumed to have stood down, but can be co-opted at a later date if they so wish.
5. The Draft Constitution
· The draft constitution was tabled along with the SCVO ‘bolt on’ document.
· The constitution was unanimously approved with the addition of supplementary clauses 1 and 2 from the SCVO document to facilitate membership by other organisations and clause 3 to facilitate the co-opting of trustees.
· It was agreed that the supplementary clauses 4-8 were not required.
· Brian East and Anne Damerell were thanked for all their work on the new constitution.
· It was noted that another General Meeting would be required to re -launch the charity with the new constitution.
6. Appointment of an Independent Examiner of the Accounts
Ross Robertson was appointed as the Independent examiner
7. Any Other Business
· Bank signatures- It was agreed that Ken Greig would be the third signatory
· Membership Fees – It was unanimously agreed that an increase in fees was appropriate in line with rising cost. It was agreed that membership would be increased from £5 to £10, the magazine remaining at £2 per issue.
· It was noted that the Financial Review including an evaluation of the radio programme will take place on Wednesday 25/7/12 at 10 am, and the next committee meeting by teleconference on Wednesday 12/9/12 at 7 pm
8. Date of Next General Meeting
To be confirmed following approval of the new constitution by SCIO