8th grade Language Arts - Advanced
Mrs. Bates, Class Policies and Information
It is my privilege to be your child’s Language Arts teacher this year I am looking forward to an exciting year. There are several things that will be very important to help your child succeed in my class this year.
Most students enrolled in this class have aspirations to join the International Baccalaureate (IB) or Advanced Placement (AP) Program at the high school level. With that goal in mind, I have prepared my curriculum with that end result as the focus. This is a rigorous curriculum that will require your child to have independent assignment requirements with higher expectations. The curriculum and assignments will add complexity and rigor to ensure your child is ready for their future academic endeavors.
Throughout the year we will be using the classroom book, short stories, novels, and on occasion, other supplemental materials. This year, Okaloosa County School District will be focused on: Writing through Reading, Close Reading, and Student Talk. The Language Arts Department will be implementing these components through:
- Writing: We will be doing various writing activities on a weekly basis. These writing activities will focus on informative and argumentative writing using informational articles, graphs, cartoons, videos, and other media sources. Students will also be learning and applying grammar skills.
- Close Reading: “Close Reading” will be a heavy focus throughout all academic areas. Students will Close Read in Language Arts at least once per week.
- Speaking & Listening Skills: This will be a concentrated area, with emphasis on working in a cooperative learning environment.
- Novel Studies: This school year, students will read at least three novels. If students have their own book either in paper form or on an electronic reading device, it would be beneficial to them. I will give students advanced notice of novel titles.
- The Giver (Starting sometime in September)
- Divergent
- The Outsiders
- Other Novel To Be Determined
Daily Supplies Required:
- 3 ring binder, folder with brads and pockets, or a designating section in their zippered binder for Language Arts class and a supply of notebook paper
- 1 folder with brads and pockets. These will beleft in class.
- Writing utensils (either pen or pencils with erasers are acceptable)
- Chapter Novel
- Occasional supplies will include index cards and highlighters
- Students will receive a log in to access their textbook digitally.
- All students will have a Close Reader workbook that they will be able to mark text and write their responses.
- The students will also have access to a Performance Assessment workbook that will be used to supplement classroom writing instruction.
- In addition to accessing the textbook digitally, students will have the availability to submit writing assignments using Turn It In. Turnitin.com is a cloud-based service for originality checking, online grading and peer review saves instructors time and provides rich feedback to students. There are also other online activities and tutorials that will aid students in being successful.
Grading and Homework Policy:
- 30% = Homework/Classwork (will include some assignments)
- 70% = Test/Quizzes (will include major assignments/projects)
- Grades will be posted online there are two ways to access this information
- iOCSD app for Apple and Android products
- Grades will be updated at least once a week
- Late work will only be accepted one day late and will have 10% taken off the score. Any work more than one day late will not be accepted.
Website and Edmodo:
My teacher website can be accessed through the Pryor website. Please check the site often for assignments and due dates for assignments. My website will be updated weekly. Please keep in mind, that with any daily schedule, things are subject to change.
In addition, I will be using Edmodo for assignments, quizzes and communication. I will be sending home information for parents to sign up for Edmodo. It is online networking application for teachers, students, and parents. I will use it for turning in assignments, writing, due date reminders and it will allow me to upload any worksheet or assignment that I pass out in class to be uploaded for access at home.
Classroom Expectations & Policies:
- Be on time and in your seat when bells rings or you will be considered tardy
- Enter quietly, be seated in your assigned seat immediately, and promptly begin the bell-ringer assignment posted
- Any spare time in class after all required work is completed should be spent reading your novel (bring to class; do not leave in locker!).
- When necessary to leave class, you must use your planner and you must sign in and out on the sign-out sheet. This should be kept to a minimum so as not to miss any more instructional time than absolutely necessary.
- You must have the required supplies every day.
- All work must be neat and legible.
- No gum, candy, food, or drinks will be permitted.
- You must adhere to the school dress code.
- You are expected to copy the weekly assignments from agenda board into your planner every Monday or the first day you return to class in the event of an absence; reading your novel will be a standing daily homework assignment.
- Your FULL NAME must be on ALL of your assignments. If you hand in a paper without your name on it, it is your responsibility to check the No Name Board. The assignment will be deducted ten points.
- If you are absent from class for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to inquire about and obtain any missed work upon your first day of return; any tests or assignment deadlines missed in your absence are due on your first day of return if they were assigned when you were present. Please check the “Absent Work” basket for any handouts you missed.
- Work is expected to be turned in WHEN DUE - late work will only be accepted one day late.
- You are expected to follow all school rules and the county code of student conduct.
School-wide Expectations for Students:
Students should be:
Responsible for personal actions
Responsible for their learning
Respectful of others and their personal space / School-wide Classroom Expectations for Students:
Students should:
Begin the “Bell Ringer” activity upon entering the classroom
Be prepared for class and ready to learn
Follow classroom procedures demonstrating respect for students and teachers
Classroom Management Procedures:
The following steps will occur when a student’s behavior needs to be redirected:
- Verbal Warning and Counsel with Student
- Verbal Warning and Parent Contact; May send to Buddy Teacher
- Referral to the Front Office
Parent Communication Procedures:
All students will have a planner that they will copy their assignments into for each week. Assignments are also posted on my teacher web page on a weekly basis. Handouts will be available for access through Edmodo. If you have any questions, you can email me at , call me at school: (850) 833-3613, or send a direct message using Edmodo. Please allow at least 24 hours for a response - I promise to try to get back to you as soon as possible!
Thank you,
Mrs. Bates
Please return this sheet to Mrs. Bates
8th Grade Advanced Language Arts
Please Check ONE:
My student has working internet access at home through a computer or tablet or access through a smart phone:
Student & Parent Acknowledgement: I have reviewed these classroom policies, as well as the student handbook in my planner, with my parent. I fully understand the expectations and consequences. Please sign and return to class by August 24th.
Parent or Legal Guardian Printed NameParent or Legal Guardian Signature
Student Printed NameStudent Signature
Parent or legal guardian e-mail address
Parent or legal guardian Contact Phone Number(s)
*teacher reserves the right to amend or alter as the need arises