High School Life Skills Syllabus
Williamstown High School
3rd period
Instructor: Carla Arnold Smithers
Room: 223
Planning Period: 4th(11:30-12:30)
Credit: 1
Phone: 859-824-4421
Course Website and Description:
The purpose of this course is to cover essentials for everyday living skills such as: decision making, goals, family life cycle, child and human development, clothing choices, consumerism, nutrition and food preparation. Career awareness is part of each unit. Leadership development will be provided through the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (formerly FHA).
Text & Materials Required:
Applying Life Skills Textbook
Applying Life Skills Workbook
positive attitude
FCCLA Dues ($10 optional)
Grading System:
Daily grade 100 points
Budget Project 50 points
Tests/portfolios 100 points
Labs 200 points
Group project 50 points
FCCLA Power of One100 points
Total: 600 points
High School Life Skills Student Outcomes:
2.29 /- analyze the practical problems faced by families to balance the demands of work and family.
2.29 /
- predict the results of accomplishing or failing to accomplish the developmental tasks of adolescence.
2.29 /
- identify some positive and negative influences of peers on adolescent behavior.
2.29 /
- summarize ways of reducing or preventing teen pregnancy.
2.29 /
- practice coordinating clothing and accessories.
3.7 /
- use the decision making process.
2.30 /
- plan a personal budget.
1.9 /
- calculate sales tax, price per unit, and sale discounts.
1.2, 1.4 /
- analyze the results of good/poor study habits.
5.4 /
- develop personal short-term and long-term goals.
2.29 /
- identify physical, psychological, social and health influences on personal wellness and practice social skills (e.g., dining etiquette).
2.31, 3.2 /
- analyze the causes and consequences of diet, exercise, rest and other substance choices on various body systems.
2.29 /
- evaluate a meal for essential nutrients.
2.29 /
- plan menus for a day using Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Living – .
2.29 /
- prepare a simple meal and practice dining etiquette.
2.36 /
- analyze careers in Family and Consumer Sciences.
5.4 /
- analyze financial, social, physical and emotional costs of parenthood.
3.5 /
- evaluate the consequences of high risk behaviors.
2.32 /
- develop a plan to improve social skills.
3.4 /
- identify appropriate apparel maintenance.
2.30 /
- compare consumer products.
2.36, 2.37 /
- utilize activities of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America student organization as an integral component of course content and leadership development.
2.1, 2.8, 4.1 /
- apply math, science and communication skills within technical content.
2.37 /
- demonstrate employability and social skills relevant to the career cluster.
- National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences
- Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS)
- Kentucky Core Content for Assessment Version 4.1
Absentee Information / Make-up Work:
It is the student’s responsibility to get all make-up work from classes missed.
A file folder in STUDENT CENTER with work missed.
All make-up quizzes/tests must be completed before or after school.
Class Rules:
1. Be in your seat when the bell rings
2. No eating or drinking without permission
3. Classroom participation is required at all time, no sleeping or getting up without permission
4. Do not touch any classroom equipment without permission (promethean board, dry erase boards, projector, computer, other technology, kitchen equipment, phone, etc)
Failure to abide will result in immediate detention
6. Always leave work area clean
7. Listen when others talk
8. Treat others the way you want to be treated
9.No late work will be accepted unless absent
- Make-up work is located in STUDENT CENTER
- Do not turn in late / make up work during class time. Before or at the end of class.
10. No frayed edge papers accepted (10 points off per assignment)
11. Books, pens, folders and homework must be brought to class every day. Consequences: 0 daily grade
12. Treat Substitute Teachers with respect
13. Cell phones, ipods, mp3 type devices and playing cards are not permitted without permission from teacher.
14. School Code of Conduct will be followed for all other problems or situations
Behavior Procedures:
1: Verbal Reprimand
2. Teacher Conference
3. 30 Minute Detention
4. Office referral
Course Topics:
B. Power of One Project
C. Enabling Skills/Bully Prevention
D. Foods and nutrition
E. Family Life Cycle/Violence prevention
F. Budgeting
G. Child Development
H. Careers
I. Clothing
Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Parent Email address (optional): ______
Date: ______