ISSUING OFFICE: This Information For Bidis issued for the State of Colorado by the Department of Public Safety,
Colorado State Patrol (CSP) Procurement Office, in conjunction with the Department of Law.
Purchasing Agent:Matthew McNew
Telephone Number:303-273-1648
E-mail Address:
^Enter your FEIN or SSN as registered on Colorado’s Vendor Self Service System(VSS).
CITY______STATE______ZIP CODE______
PHONE ______FAX ______
My company is registered on Colorado VSS.Yes______No______
Confirm #_____ of Amendments received.Confirm #_____ of Addenda received.
Confirm that you are aware that the award notice will be published on Colorado VSS. Yes _____
TITLE: ______
Handwritten signature by an authorized officer or agent of the vendor.
Department of Public Safety
Information For Bids
Notice # 2016000079
Is this a two step AFB:______No
Construction Cost Category: ______$0 to $250 thousand
Estimated Construction Cost:______$185,000.00
Should this notice include print media:______No
Project No:______RAA/CBI
Project Title: ______CBI Pueblo Lab and Office FacilitySecurity
Project Description:______The Colorado Bureau of Investigation is requiring theinstallation of the Audio Visual at CBI Pueblo Lab Facility at 79 North Silicon Drive, Pueblo West, CO 81007. The work is to include purchase and installation of all components required completion and operation of the Audio Visual System.
Project Information:
- The Principal Representative has determined that the entire project shall be substantially complete with in 60 calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed, and the project shall be finally complete, including the delivery of any or all guarantees and warranties, the completion of the final punch list and the calling for final inspection, within 75 calendar days, if applicable, from the date Notice to Proceed. In accordance with Article 46 of the General Condition of Contract, Time of Completion and Liquidated Damages, failure to complete the work within the agreed number of calendar days shall be considered breach of contract and subject the bidder to liquidated damages to the extent specified in Article 7D of the Contractor’s Agreement Design/Bid/Build (SC-6.21).
- The right is reserved to waive informalities or irregularities and to reject any and all Bids.
- Bidders may request Bidding Documents information from: Alain Dalmau / CBI Pueblo Project Manager/Owners Rep. – Phone: (719) 339-0528 or Email:
- Documents will be available through the Architects/Engineer FTP Site.
- Each Bid shall be submitted on the required Bid Form and must be accompanied by a Bid Bond on the State Buildings Programs Bid Bond Form SC-6.14 in an amount not less than 5% of the total Bid. The Bid Bond may also be (1) a cashier’s check or (2) a certified check made payable to the Treasurer of the State of Colorado in an amount not less than of the total Bid. The Bid Bond is submitted as a guaranty that the Bid will be maintained in full force and effect for a period of thirty (30) days after the opening of the Bids for the project.
- The Bidder promises, in submitting his Bid, that if issued a Notice of Award, he will, within the prescribed time, execute the required Agreement, furnish the required Performance Bond, Labor and Material Payment Bond, Insurance Policy and Certificates of Insurance, or forfeit his Bid Guaranty as Liquidated Damages.
- For any State Public Works Project (Over $500,000.00), per 8-17-101 C.R.S., Colorado labor shall be employed to perform at least 80% of the work. “Colorado Labor” means any person who is resident of the state of Colorado at the time of the Public Works project. Bidders indicating that their bid proposal will not comply with the 80% Colorado Labor requirement are required to submit written justification along with the bid submission. A governmental body that allows a waiver shall post notice and justification for the waiver on its web site. (Does not apply to any project that receives federal moneys)
- Contractor Registration is not required. Colorado VSS registration is required for bids to be accepted.
- Notice to nonresident bidders per 8-19-104 C.R.S., if a nonresident bidder is from a state that provides a percentage bidding preference to resident bidders of that state, then a comparable percentage disadvantage will be applied to the bid of that nonresident bidder.
- If the bidder anticipates services under the contract or any subcontracts will be performed outside the United State or Colorado, the bidder shall provide in a written statement which must include, but not be limited to, the type of services that will be performed at a location outside the United States or Colorado and the reason why it is necessary or advantageous to go outside the United States or Colorado to perform such services. (Does not apply to any project that receives federal moneys)
Scope of Services
The work is to include purchase and installation of all components required completion and operation of the Security System at the CBI Pueblo Lab Facility 79 N. Silicon Dr., Pueblo West, CO 81007.
Contractor is responsible for acquiring State permits if any electrical work is to be done in the shop, scheduling of inspections and all associated fees.
Submission Details
Submission Deadline:______August 20, 2015 2:00 PM MST
Submission Accepted Via:______In Person
Details:______CSP Project Manager
______15203 West 12th Ave.
______Golden, CO 80401
Comments:______Sealed bids will be opened at Camp George West Building 105 Conference Rm.
______At 2:00 PM. (Note: Bids must be turned in at Building #105 PRIOR to 2 PM).
Point Of Contact
Name:______Alain Dalmau
Agency:______CBI Pueblo Project Manager / Owners Rep.
Must be Registered in Colorado VSS to submit bid
Mandatory Pre-Bid Meetings: Required – YES Bidders must attend one or both of two available meetings
Date/Location of Pre-Bid Meeting #1:August10, 2015 2:30:00 PM MST / 6000 West 54th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002
Date/ Location of Pre-Bid Meeting #2: August 11, 2015 11:00AM MST / 79 North Silicon Drive, Pueblo West, CO 81007
Send Written Questions to Alain Dalmau / CBI Pueblo Project Manager / Owners Rep. via email:
Final Question by:August 17, 2015 2:00 PM MST
Questions Answered:August18, 2015
Bid Opening Date:August 20, 2015 2:00 PM MST
Bid Opening Address Details: 15203 West 12th Ave., Golden, CO 80401
CDPSNotice # 2016000079
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