of the
1:00 P.M. / (11/24) / (xx)
1. /

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - (Led by Hon. Van B. Robinson, President of the Syracuse Common Council)

2. /

Invocation - (Delivered by Minister Angelo Coker, Bellegrove Baptist Church, Syracuse, New York)

3. /

Roll Call - (All Present - 9)

4. /

Minutes - November 10, 2014 (Adopted 9-0)

5. / Public Hearing - Relative to Agenda Item #67, “Abandon - A portion, approximately .30 acre, of the 500 block of East Seneca Turnpike in the City right-of-way to facilitate future development on the adjacent property. At the Planning Commission Hearing, one person spoke in favor and no one spoke in opposition to the proposal. Sunoco, Inc., applicant.” (Public Hearing held on Monday, November 24, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.)(NO APPEARANCES)
6. /

Petitions - (none)

7. /

Committee Reports - (Public Works; Parks Recreation & Youth Programs)

8. / Communications - (From The Hon. William B. Magnarelli, NYS Assemblyman, letters acknowledging receipt of Resolution No. 33-R and Resolution No. 34-R, 2014; From The Hon. Samuel D. Roberts, NYS Assemblyman, letters acknowledging receipt of Resolution No. 33-R and Resolution No. 34-R-2014; From John Keehfus, owner of 1207 Willis avenue, a letter accepting the terms and conditions of Ord. #945-2014; From Derek Heath, owner of 116-118 Forest Hill Drive, a letter accepting the terms and conditions of Ord. #946-2014.)
9-0 / Resolution - Approving the Appointment of Various Persons as Commissioners of Deeds for 2014. / 36-R
9-0 / Authorize - Intermunicipal Agreement with Onondaga County regarding the PeopleSoft Project for the term of October 1, 2014 through March 31, 2016 on behalf of the Department of Information Technology. / 1007
9-0 / Authorize - The Commissioner of Finance to issue Revenue Anticipation Notes (RAN’s) in an amount not to exceed $28,100,000 on behalf of the City of Syracuse to provide cash flow funding for the fiscal year 2014/2015. / 1008
9-0 / Correct Tax Rolls - (219 Brooklea Place, 510 Craig Street) For various charges for Tax Years 2013/14 and 2014/15. / 1009
H / Abandon - Approximately 2,746 square feet of the 400 block of Seneca Street to facilitate future housing developments on SURA-owned properties. No one spoke either in favor of or in opposition to the proposal at the Planning Commission Hearing. Syracuse Urban Renewal Agency (SURA), applicant. (Public Hearing to be held on Monday, December 8, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.) /
9-0 / Permission - To SOMA Project, LLC, owner of the property located at 200-238 West Water Street, to encroach approximately 2' into the Erie Boulevard W. right-of-way with a proposed building and an aerial encroachment, a maximum of 52.5 square feet, of a 3' projection on floors 2-4 into the South Clinton Street right-of-way, an aerial encroachment, a maximum of 539 square feet, of a 7' projection on floors 2-4 into the West Water Street right-of-way. / 1010
9-0 / Special Permit - To approve a restaurant located at 405, 407 and 409 North Geddes Street. No one spoke either in favor of or in opposition to at the Planning Commission hearing. The Commission granted four waivers regarding driveway width, open area, street line treatment area and the arterial setback requirements. 1001 West Genesee Street, LLC, owner/applicant. / Gen.
9-0 / Lease Agreement - With Atlantic States Legal Foundation for the vacant lot located at 663 West Onondaga Street to be used as a non-commercial tree nursery to support urban forestry and green infrastructure initiatives. Annual rent of $1.00 for the term of five years with one five-year renewal option with the approval of the Mayor and the Council. / 1011
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 651-653 Midland Avenue, a wood house & garage, to Garrett Reed for the total sum of $5,425. / 1012
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 204 Collingwood Avenue S., a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / H
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1606 Colvin Street W., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / H
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 135 Crescent Avenue to Kennedy Street S., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / H
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 342 Elm Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / H
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 257 Martin Luther King W., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / H
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 437-439 Martin Luther King W., a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / H
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 125 Midler Avenue S., a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / H
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 250 Richmond Avenue, 2 wood houses & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / H
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 173 Woodbine Avenue, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / H
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 113 Amherst Avenue, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1013
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 133 Amherst Avenue, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1014
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 137 Amherst Avenue, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1015
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 207 Apple Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1016
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1123-1125 Belden Avenue W., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1017
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1243-1245 Belden Avenue W., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1018
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 215 Bruce Street, a wood house and unfinished garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1019
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 242 Bruce Street, a cement and shingle house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1020
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 132 Colvin Street E., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1021
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 214 Colvin Street E., a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1022
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 228 Colvin Street E., a wood house & barn, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1023
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 244 Colvin Street E., a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1024
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 259 Edison Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / H
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 232-234 Elk Street, a wood house & unfinished garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1025
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 110 Eureka Street a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1026
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 113 Eureka Street a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / H
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1965 Fayette Street E. and Westmoreland, masonry stores, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1027
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1715 Fayette Street E. Westcott, an unfinished wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1028
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1611 Fayette Street E. to Lombard S., a two-family wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1613 Fayette Street E. to Lombard S., an unfinished wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1029
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1311 Fayette Street W., an unfinished wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1030
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1225 Fayette Street W. to Nelson Street, a cement & wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1031
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 516 Garfield Avenue, a wood house & unfinished garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1032
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 535 Geddes Street N. & Belden Avenue, a wood house, store, a brick building & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1033
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 163 Liberty Street, vacant land, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1034
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 408 Liberty Street, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1035
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 116 Maplewood Avenue, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1036
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 939 Maryland Avenue, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1037
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 126 McKinley Avenue, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1038
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 217 McKinley Avenue, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1039
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 233 McKinley Avenue, a wood house & unfinished garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / 1040