The Design and Implementation of a
Mobile Healthcare System with AppleWatch For Seniors
A Master Thesis Proposal
Arij Alfaidi
1. Committee Members and Signatures
Approved by Date
Advisor: Dr. Edward Chow
Committee member: Dr. Rory Lewis
Committee member: Dr. Jonathon Ventura
2. Introduction
In the contemporary world, a lot of technological inventions are being developed at fast rate. In this regard, many businesses are using the technological development to improve their functions and operations for achieving the required levels of output. Many people can afford to manage their social and private lives using different technologies like personal digital assistants among others [Diva2013]. Technology has improved the manner in which information is developed and shared [ONei2013]. The development of the Smartphone seems to have had a big impact in the social and economic dimensions of life. With these smart devices, people can manage their emails and social networking from their convenience. Developers have focused on creating many essential functions that people often seek. Developers have not stopped at that, thousands of mobile applications are being to influence business practices, governance, and investment. It is important to point out that the beneficiaries of these technological have not been businesses alone, the healthcare industry is also benefiting heavily from technology.
The healthcare is an urgent society problem. With the increase of elderly population, the demand on senior healthcare has been increased. The GreatCall Health agency reported a statistics shows that the mobile healthcare industry will be projected a 26 billion dollar industry by 2017. There are a lot of health and Fitness applications that have been downloaded daily by users all over the world. To be able to manage your health from your phone is a promising idea. Especially we would like to remind senior people their medication and to assist them to contact their health providers easily. I will focus my Master Thesis on the mobile healthcare for seniors by using the Apple Watch as a sensor to measure the heart rate. I would like to investigate how to use the notification system to contact the relatives of seniors when needed.
2.1 Literature Review
When people become old, the level of activity tends to reduce considerably and need more support from other people. Additionally, [Yoo2013] explains that many elderly people tend to have health issues that need constant attention from medical practitioners. When these elderly people visit hospitals and are given medicines, they often forget taking them as required. This observation is common among many elderly people, who in most instances, prefer to rest for long hours with little physical activities. When these people do not have someone to monitor their progress, they can succumb to the old-age health complications. Perhaps this may explain why many people prefer having their elderly family members taken to nursing homes where they can be taken care of by people specially trained for that.
According to [ONei2013], taking the elderly to nursing homes is not always a better option, because most seniors like to be taken care of by their own relatives. In this regard, taking them to the nursing homes makes them feel lonely and stressed up, something that can aggravate their health conditions. This understanding has sparked the need of having special ways in which, these elderly people can be monitored by doctors from the comfort of their homes without necessarily having aides. Many developers have been active in the research and development of various applications that can be used to achieve this important goal [Ozda2012].
2.2 Mobile apps that can help the elderly to manage their health
The goal of my proposed research is to develop the mobile applications where the iPhone paired with the Apple watch to manage the health of elderly people and evaluate their effectiveness. The application will remind the users to take their medicines and record the dosage they take. If the user misses a dosage, the mobile app can notify the emergency contact or the health provider. The notification will also be shown on the watch to remind and alert the senior. Also it will measure the heart rate and when the heart rate becomes below or above certain threshold, it will notify his emergency contact. It will remind the user daily to move around and perform some activities because they are good for their health.
Currently, hundreds of applications have been developed with the aim of managing some important tasks and resources like time and information, access and maintenance of health records, consulting and communications, training, education and decision-making among many others. However those are not the focus of the proposed research.
Different companies are currently researching on how they can tap into the business opportunity that exists in the healthcare industry. Healthcare practitioners acknowledge the fact that the use of mobile devices has been instrumental in improving the health of patients. The mobile apps also help doctors in their clinical decision-making.
Apple has in the recent past made huge strides in this sector. The development of the Apple watch has been regarded as one of the best innovation in healthcare [Guar2015].
2.3 The Apple watch
The Apple Watch has been described as the big thing in health care [Guar2015], having features that bring the doctor virtually at the patient’s home, especially for the seniors in the society. The Apple Watch comes with an accelerator and heart rate monitor, which are beneficial in calculating the level of general fitness for the patient or person wearing it. The device has the ability to augment the particular information by linking with the iPhone. Using Wi-Fi networks and GPS satellites, the device can also gather information that is used in determining its specific location at any point and any place.
The data from the Apple watch are provided by the two built-in sensors, accelerators and infra ray sensor. One reports the movement of the body. The other reports the expansion or shrinkage of blood vessel. The data collected by the accelerator sensor will then used by the apps to derive one’s workout and activities. The data collected by the infra ray sensor will be used by the app to decide the heart rate. This device enables the user of the watch to track the intensity of jogging and gym activities as well as walking and other exercises being done in the neighborhood. On the other hand, the sensor devices are quite passive. It tracks light exercise session like movements that the user makes during the day. These exercises may have been done within a minute or 12 hours. The activity and workout apps work alongside the Healthkit framework and health app, which have been announced by the company as having been incorporated in its iOS 8 [Guar2015].
Apple develops the HealthKit to enable sharing data among new health apps and the devices. With Health kit, you can manage the data from different sources and merge the data from all sources based on the user choice. The user of the main health app can choose which data to share. The health information is encrypted in the Apple health database and therefore it is safe and secure. The HealthKit also provides storage service that synchronizes the local health data on apple watch with those in iPhone and iCloud. [Appledeveloper].
Another important feature of the Apple Watch is that it can easily monitor sleep patterns and heart rates in the most convenient way [Kise2011]. Other essential tests that can be done including blood and urine where data can be entered by the user and can be managed through the kits and the resulting information linked to the iPhone. The phone can perform an analysis of the data and store it for future use, or the data can be sent to the doctor for further treatment.
The owner of the iPhone can have a highly comprehensive profile relating to their health. In this regard, he can determine his lifestyle patters and activities that affect his life on daily basis. This understanding is important in making decisions that can be used to improve the health in different ways [Appledeveloper]. As far as we know, currently there is no many health application for the Apple Watch because it is a new thing. By developing mobile apps with Apple Watch, we hope to contribute to the developer community and enable others to develop app in this area. The current idea is to use the HealthKit to measure and record the heart rate and notify the elderly emergency contact in case of emergency.
3. Research Question
Here is my research question:
Can I design an accurate and effective application using the HealthKit with the Apple Watch?
Since the correctness and timely of health information report by the mobile device is critical to the user’s health. It is critical that the design of mobile healthcare app with Apple Watch be conducted with extra care, more rigorous process, and thorough experiments. The difficulties are further complicated by the fact that there are few resources for the watch. The challenge here is to use the Apple Watch sensors in my health application and to send these data back to the iPhone. Also, notifying the emergency contact based on the measured health information in real time is still a new idea. Related questions include who to notify and in what order, and what are the information to reveal. All of these will be discussed in my thesis.
4. Thesis Plan
To address my thesis question, I will first learn about how mobile apps are created on iPhone plus Apple Watch devices with Xcode IDE and related APIs. HealthKit API and Network API will be studied. We will then develop programs for collecting heart rate information, creating GUI for users to configure the thresholds of heart rate and the list of emergency contacts and their priority, monitoring the health status of the user based on the history records and the profile information, and sending out alerts if certain conditions satisfy. Once the baselines of program are developed, we will conduct experiments to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of these programs.
The metrics related to my project include the accuracy of measurements, the effectiveness in terms of the speed, response time, and storage usage of my design, and the reliability of the program.
4. Tasks Schedule
Task / Task Description / Length / Status1 / Gather information about the HealthKit and the Apple Watch applications / 1 month / Completed
2 / Write the Thesis proposal. / 2 weeks / Completed
3 / Use HealthKit API and Network API for the Healthcare App / 2 weeks / Yet to be done
4 / Develop programs for collecting heart rate information, / 2 weeks / Yet to be done
5 / Create GUI for users to configure the thresholds of heart rate and the list of emergency contacts and their priority, monitoring the health status of the user based on the history records and the profile information / 3 weeks / Yet to be done
6 / Develop program to send out alerts and notifications / 2 weeks / Yet to be done
7 / Perform tests on the HealthKit API and GUI program / 1 weeks / Yet to be done
8 / Evaluate the performance of the completed App with the alerts and notification in different situations / 3 weeks / Yet to be done
9 / Write thesis Document / 2-3 weeks / Yet to be done
5. Deliverables
· The master thesis report that documents the results of my research including the design and implementation of the mobile apps and the analysis of the experiments conducted.
· iPhone and Apple Watch application for improving healthcare for seniors.
6. References
[Diva2013] Divall, Pip, Janette Camosso-Stefinovic, and Richard Baker. "The use of personal digital assistants in clinical decision making by health care professionals: a systematic review." Health informatics journal 19.1 (2013): 16-28.
[Guar2015], Guardian News (2015). Apple Watch has designs on health industry – but is it good for doctors? The Guardian News. Retrieved from <>
[Kise2011] Kiser, Kim. "25 ways to use your smartphone. Physicians share their favorite uses and apps." Minn Med 94.4 (2011): 22-9.
[ONei2013] O’Neill, K. M., et al. "Applying surgical apps: Smartphone and tablet apps prove useful in clinical practice." Bull Am Coll Surg 98.11 (2013): 10-18.
[Ozda2012] Ozdalga, Errol, Ark Ozdalga, and Neera Ahuja. "The smartphone in medicine: a review of current and potential use among physicians and students." Journal of medical Internet research 14.5 (2012).
[Yoo2013] Yoo, Jin-Hong. "The meaning of information technology (IT) mobile devices to me, the infectious disease physician." Infection & chemotherapy 45.2 (2013): 244-251.