


TEL: 0422 – 4394128, 4394227 FAX: 0422-4204328 E-MAIL: : Web :


Before filling up this application, please read Article II. A of Memorandum of Association and Bye Laws 2.0, 6.0, 14.2, 14.3 and 15.3, a copy of which has been enclosed with this application.

For any clarifications contact the office of the Association

The correct answer may be indicated by a tick ( √ ) mark in the box against the answer.

1. Name of the applicant unit to be enrolled as member:

2. Address:

Phone Number :

Fax Number :

Email :

Web Site :

3. Nature of Organization :

Sole Proprietorship Partnership Private Ltd.Co

Public Limited Co. Trust Society

Corporation Others Specify………………………..

4. Name of the Managing Director /CEO/Managing Partner / Proprietor

5. The year in which the organization was started:

6. (a) Is the applicant engaged in Engineering Industry: Yes / No

(b)  Products (mark all the items that you make)

1. GI Casting 2. Steel Castings 3. Motors

4. Pumps 5. Monoblocks 6. Submersible Pumpsets

7. Jet Pumps 8. Compressors 9. Starters & Switches

10. Wet Grinders 11. Machinery 12. Domestic Electrical Appliances

13. Fabrication 14.Machine Tools & Accessories 15. Textile Machinery & Parts

16. Furniture 17. Job Machine Shop 18. Automobile Ancillaries

19. Others………………………

7.Status of the applicant

Registered SSI Unit

Others ……………………….Registration No…, if any

8. Income Tax P.A.No…………………. Circle………………….

9. Size of operation: This information may be given based on your last financial year.

a. (i) Number of employees as on 31.3.2008 No………..

(ii)  Gross Values (Purchase Value) of Plant & Machinery as on 31-3-2008 Rs………………

(iii)  Annual Sales Turnover / Revenues for last year ending 31-3-2008 Rs…………..

(iv)  Annual Production of castings of last financial year (in tonnes) as on 31-3-2008

(v)  Type of Furnace – Cupola/Rotary/Induction Furnace

(vi)  Type (or) Brand (or) model of moulding machines and number of pairs.

(vii)  Type of foundry (Production) operation – fully mechanized / Semi Mechanized / manual operation.

10. If Membership with other Associations, please specify …………………………….

11.  Payment particulars:

Corpus Fund / Rs.5,000/- / Rs.10,000/- *
Annual Subscription: / Rs.500/- / Rs.1,000/-*
plus service tax 12.36%
Paid by Cheque No……………… dated……………….. drawn on ……………………………………………………………(Bank and branch)

* See clause No.14.2, 14.3 and 15.3 of the enclosed copy of the extract of Memorandum of Association.

12.  Authorized Representative:

Name :

Designation :

Signature :

13.  Declaration:

I / We do hereby declare that the above particulars furnished by me/us are true to the best of my / our knowledge.


Name of the person signing the application:

Designation :

14. Proposer & Seconder:

Signature / Proposed by / Seconded by
Name of the Signatory
Name of the member

For COINDIA use only:

Submitted to Committee on…………………..Decision…………………

Communicated to applicant …………. Cheque realized on


Coimbatore Industrial Infrastructure Association (COINDIA) is a Society registered under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 1975 (Registration No. 57/2005)


II. The objects for which the Association is established are:


1. To implement the project sanctioned by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Government of India, under the Industrial Infrastructure Up gradation Scheme, for the pump, motor and foundry industries at Coimbatore region.

2. To promote, provide, support and maintain the infrastructure, facilities and services to improve the competitiveness of engineering enterprises at Coimbatore region, in, but not limited to, in the following fields:

a.  Physical Infrastructure.

b.  Transportation and Logistics.

c.  Environment protection, pollution abatement and waste management.

d.  Power and Fuel.

e.  Water, sanitation and hygiene.

f.  Technical and Engineering.

g.  Human resources development.

h.  Material procurement and vendor development.

i.  Marketing and commercial relationship.

j.  Housing, education, healthcare and recreation.

k.  Legal, corporate and taxation.

2.0 Admission of members

2.1 Any individual, firm, company, corporation, undertaking, trust, society or body corporate engaged in any branch of engineering manufacture and meeting such conditions regarding eligibility as may be stipulated by the Association in a General Meeting by a Special Resolution and as may be in force on the date of admission of the member, shall be eligible to become a member of the Association.

The term Engineering Manufacture shall mean manufacture of engineering products, manufacture of machinery, equipment and accessories for the manufacture of engineering products and providers of designs, patterns, drawings, tools, fixtures and services, operating a factory.


(a) The applications for membership and the related papers shall be submitted to the President.

(b) The Committee may require the personal appearance of the applicant’s representative.

(c) The names of the persons proposed for admission to membership shall be placed before the meeting of Committee for its decision.

(d) The decision of the Committee shall be final in the matter of admission of members.

6.0 Authorized Representative

6.1. Every member shall nominate one person as his Authorized Representative to exercise the rights and privileges of the membership. The Authorized Representative should be a real person. The name and particulars of the Authorized Representative should be registered with Association in the form prescribed by it. The Authorized Representative may be changed by the member. However, if the Authorized Representative is elected/appointed to any office of the Association, he cannot be changed during his tenure of the office. The Authorized Representative should be the individual himself if the member is an individual. In case of a sole proprietorship, the sole proprietor should be the Authorized Representative. In case of Partnership, the Authorized Representative should be one of the partners. In case of a Society, the Authorized Representative should be one of its Committee Members or Office Bearers. In case of a Company, the Authorized Representative should be a Director or Senior Executive of the Company.

Corpus Contribution

14.2  The Committee shall prescribe the Corpus Contribution payable by a member on admission. The corpus contribution shall be a) Investment less than Rs.25 lakhs -
Rs.5000/- (five thousand only) and b) investment above Rs.25 lakhs – Rs.10,000/- (ten thousand only).

Annual Subscription

14.3  All members shall pay an annual subscription as fixed by the Committee. The annual subscription shall be payable on or before 30th April for each financial year of the Association. The Annual subscription shall be Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) or Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only), as the case may be.

15.3  A member who has contributed a sum of Rs.5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) / Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) towards Corpus contribution shall have one vote either by show of hands or by poll and an additional vote for every subsequent Rs.5,000/-/Rs.10,000/- thereof his contribution, in all General Meetings on all items of agenda.

SERVICE CHARGES Members of COINDIA Normal rate

Non-members Normal rate + 15% extra