SEK INTERLOCAL Fall 2007 Inservice


(All 14-21 Year Old Students)

Student Interests and Preferences

1.What are the students primary interests based on the results of the Interlocal

provided age-appropriate transition assessment?

The Transition and Vocational Interest Inventory indicated that John was very interested in Buildings and Trades. He enjoys helping others and being outside. John is in his 3rd yeah of the building and trades program at the Life and Career Skills center.

2. If a different assessment method was used, please describe.

Can be any other assessment used for transition, vocational, and/or career planning. Also should include district assessments like Explore, Plan, and/or The ASVAB. Previous and current grades, interviews, observations, and any other resources to get a better idea of the student’s interestscan be used.

3. Date assessment was completed (month & year).

The student participated in the following assessments:

  • Explore-8th Grade- 01/06
  • Interlocal Assessment – 9th Grade - 10/06
  • Plan – 10th Grade – 02/07
  • ASVAB – 11th Grade- 10/07


Post Secondary Goals

Please write the student's measurable post-secondary goal that addresses each of the

following areas.

1. Education and Training: Specific vocational or career field, independent living skills training, vocational training program, apprenticeship, OJT, job corps, 4 year college or university, technical college, 2 year college, Vocational Technical School (less than a two year program) etc.


After high school, the student will:enroll in courses at OceanCountyCommunity College.

2. Employment: Paid (competitive, supported, sheltered); unpaid employment

(volunteer, in a training capacity); military; etc.


After high school the student will:work in an on-campus part-time job while in college.

3. Independent Living (if appropriate):Adult living, daily living, independent living, financial, transportation, etc.


After high school the student will:Not Appropriate


Graduation Plan/Course of Study

It is anticipated this student will complete the coursework to:

[X] Graduate with a regular high school diploma

[__] Graduate under an alternative graduation requirement plan

[__] Complete their educational program or exit at the end of the school year

during which the student becomes 21 years of age

Total number of credits required by this district for graduation: [25]

Anticipated month and year of graduation/completion of program: [05/08]

In addition to the core courses required to meet the above plan, list other courses

or courses of study that align with the student's post-secondarygoals.

1. Building and Trades

2. Life Skills Math

3. FACS Courses




Other graduation planning (optional):



