Mr. Rosener

7th Grade Physical Science


1)You are to have a notebook in which all class notes are kept. Homework is to be completed on the pages following each days notes. A folder should be kept in which all papers can be organized.

2)You are required to come to class on time with your notebook (including homework), folder, planner, and pen or pencil.

*Once your textbook is covered for a cover, it may be left at home. A classroom set of textbooks will be available for use in school


1)Homework will be assigned daily for practice. The assignment is to be written in your planner.

2)Homework assignments will be checked daily.

3)Homework may be collected periodically.

4)Additional assignments may be given periodically. Due dates will be announced at the time of the assignment.

5)It is beneficial to complete extra credit when offered.

**Homework must be completed daily.


1)It is your responsibility to complete all missed assignments after an absence and to copy all notes missed while you were absent. (If you are absent for one day, your missing assignment is due the day after you return. If you are absent for more than one day, you should se me to arrange due dates.)

2)If you are in school, but have a music lesson, doctor’s appointment, etc.. at the time of class, you must see me first to turn in your homework assignment and discuss what will be missed. Be sure to copy the notes you missed.


1)Test and quizzes will be given for each unit. STUDY for each by going over homework, notes, and review assignments. Be sure to ask questions about any topic that you are not comfortable with during the review session before each test.

2)All students will make test corrections. Test corrections will count as a homework grade.

3)Students may retake a test for a higher grade. In order to be eligible to retake a test a student must see me and fill out the Test Retake Request for within 2 days of receiving the grade.


1)Labs and projects must be completed by the date given. All projects must be word processed. Any answers that are not legible will not be given credit. If a lab is missed due to an absence, you must see me to set up a make-up date.

2)You must have a minimum of 15 passing labs in order to get full credit for this class.

3)Any lab that is completed to satisfactory grade of 70 or higher beyond the 15 required will be counted as a 1 point bonus for the final exam. For example: If the student satisfactorily completes 25 of 25 labs, the student will receive a 10 point bonus on the final exam.


1)Test/ Labs /Projects will count for 90% of your final grade.

2)Quizzes/Homework/Classwork/Class Participation will be 10% of your final.


1)You must come to class prepared and should take care of bathroom visits, getting a drink, and going to your locker between classes.

2)No Hats

3)Food (candy included) or Drink is not permitted in this classroom. Water is permitted.

4)You are expected to remain quiet throughout the entire class period unless an activity requires discussion. You should raise you hand when you have a question and be courteous and respectful to me and your classmates.

5)I encourage you all to feel free to ask questions whenever you have them. (The only silly question there is, is one that is not asked.)

6)Extra help will be available during lunch and after school upon request.

**You will be successful if you work hard by doing all

assignments every day and you study for tests and quizzes.**