Medway Council Housing Services
Notice of Termination of Tenancy
Notice of Termination of Tenancy - Guidance Notes for Tenants
The Notice of Termination is a legal document to end your tenancy with the Council. Every care should be taken to avoid crossing out or alterations, which may invalidate the Notice.
Make sure that you answer every question. If you need help with the form, contact your Neighbourhood Housing Officer.
The sections on the Notice are numbered and the advice below matches these sections.
1. Give the full names of all the tenants.
2. Give the full postal address of the property you are leaving, including the postcode.
3. You must give us four full weeks notice that you are ending your tenancy.
· The four weeks “notice” time must end on a Monday.
· You must sign and date section three otherwise the termination is not legally valid.
· You must give us vacant possession when you leave. Don’t leave anybody else living in your property when you move out. (Contact your Neighbourhood Housing Officer if someone is remaining).
· You are responsible for the rent until the termination date.
· If you cannot give the legal notice period you must contact your local Neighbourhood Housing Officer without delay.
Please note that only a tenant (or an Executor or Administrator in the case of the death of the tenant) can sign the Notice.
4. You should leave the property (and garden/patio/shed) in a clean and tidy condition. If you leave any belongings in the property the Council will dispose of them. The Council will make a charge for this.
· Complete this section giving the date you will be moving, which should be the same date as the keys to the property are returned to the Council.
· Remember to sign and date this section
· You will be given a receipt for the keys. This is your proof of their return - keep it safely.
· In the case of a joint tenancy, any one of the joint tenants can terminate the tenancy. Not all the joint tenants have to sign the termination.
5. The Council must know when you will be moving - it may be different to the termination date. This will help us to take steps to keep the property secure after you have left.
6. Please state what you intend to do with the keys when you move. If they are not returned on time i.e. before noon on the Monday of your termination, the locks may be changed and the cost charged to you. You will also be charged an extra week’s rent.
7. Tell us where you are moving to so we can contact you if we need to. For example, if you have left something of value in the property.
If you were renting a garage you will need to end this agreement also. If we haven’t sent you a separate form for this, please contact your Neighbourhood Housing Officer.
NOTE for tenants completing this notice without assistance, please refer to the guidance notes provided1) Full Name (s) (in block capitals)
2) Address of Property (including full postcode)
(Please note four weeks’ notice is required by law to terminate the tenancy)
3) I hereby give notice to terminate the tenancy of the above property on
Monday the ______day of ______20 ___ or at the end of the week of the tenancy which shall expire next after the expiration of four weeks from the date of receipt of this Notice.
Signed______Date ______
4) Disposal of effects
When my tenancy ends I understand that I am responsible for leaving behind the following items in a serviceable condition:
Electric light fittings and sockets, internal and external doors, kitchen fixtures and fittings, bathroom fixtures and fittings, heating and hot water systems.
I undertake not to remove any of the above fixtures when I leave the premises, and if any of these items are missing or in a poor condition, I realise that I am responsible for the cost of replacement and will be charged accordingly. I must also allow access before I vacate the premises for a council officer to inspect the property.
I also understand that my Tenancy Agreement requires me to leave the dwelling in a clean and tidy condition with all doors and windows secure, with gas, electric and water services left in a safe condition and that I will be responsible for the cost of removal of any rubbish, shed, and greenhouses and the cost of reinstatement of any unauthorised alterations.
I authorise Medway Council to enter the above property on or after the ______(date of actual move) to dispose of any articles left there and I agree to indemnify the Council against any claim whatsoever arising from the loss or damage to those articles
Signed______Date ______
Medway Council Housing Services
Notice of Termination of Tenancy
5) I will actually move from the property on(date)______
6) The keys to the property will be:
a) Returned to the Chatham / Rainham/ Gillingham Contact Point (Delete as appropriate)
b) Other (please specify) ______
7) My new address for correspondence is
______Post Code______
8) My contact phone number is:
Landline ______
Mobile ______Other (e.g. family/friend phone number)
Signed ______
Date ______
9) Rent account checked Y/ N. Balance £………………….DR/CRSub Accounts checked Y/N. Balance £…………………….DR/CR
Former Tenants Arrears Y/N Balance £…………………….DR/CR
Agreement made:…………………………………………………………………………
Signature [Tenant] ……………………………………………Date………………………
Witness. ………………………………………………………Date……………………….
Exit Survey/ Tenancy Termination Form
Helping To Improve Our Services
The information we are asking for below aims to help us improve the services we provide to tenants and to help us understand the reason why people leave our property. The information provided is confidential and will only be used for research purposes.Please complete and return this form with the attached notice of termination.
Office Use Only:
Tenant Reference Number
Q1. /
Where are you moving too?
/ To live with relatives /To another council property
To live with a partner / / To a private rented propertyTo a residential care home / To buy your own home
Another Housing Association / Other, Please tell us
Q2. /
If you are moving to a council or housing association property what is the name of the organisation.
Q3. /Are you moving out of Medway?
/ Yes / NoQ4. /
Please tell us why you are moving (any that apply)
/ Buying my/our own home /
Near to work/college
Nearer to family/friends / Relationship breakdownNeed larger/smaller home / Financial reasons
State of repair of my home / Unhappy with Medway Council
Unhappy with Area / Medical reason
Need more support / Problems with nuisance
Please feel free to make any further comments:
Q5. /
Do you currently have a transfer application in with Medway Council?
/Don’t know
If yes, please state how long you were on the transfer list for.0 - 6 months / 6 –12 months / 1 – 2 years
2 –5 years / 5- 10 years / 10 years plus
Q6. /
How could Medway Council have persuaded you to remain in one of their properties? (please tick the main reason only)
Completed my repairs / Transferred me to another propertyDealt with the anti-social behaviour in . the area / Made my home more secure
Allocated me a larger property / Given me more choice about the area I live in
Other (please tell us)
Q7. /
How do you feel about the service you received from Medway Council whilst you were a tenant?
Very Satisfied / Satisfied / Dissatisfied / Very DissatisfiedQ8. /
Would you consider taking a Medway Council property again?
/ Yes /No
If no can you say why?
/The information provided on this form is to ensure that Medway Council complies with its policy on ensuring Equality and Diversity in service delivery. To enable us to do this, we would be grateful if you would give the details about yourself, which are requested below.
You do not have to complete this form, but it will help us to improve our services if you do.
AGE / 16-19 c / 60 & over cPlease choose one option / 20-29 c / OR
only. / 30-39 c / 60-69 c
40-49 c / 70-79 c
50-59 c / 80 & over c
I prefer not to answer this question c
Do you have caring responsibilities (ie for children, parents or others)? Please choose one option only.Yes c / No c / I prefer not to answer this question c
Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person i.e. may experience discrimination on grounds of impairment or long-term health condition? Please choose one option only.
Yes c / No c / I prefer not to answer this question cIf yes, please choose all the relevant options.
Physical impairment c / Sensory impairment c
Mental health condition c / Learning disability / difficulty c
Memory impairment c / Visibly different c
Long-standing illness or health condition c
Any other impairment c - please specify below
I prefer not to answer this question c
Please tick one box only / Male c / Female c
I prefer not to answer this question c
Please choose one option only (the one that best describes your status).Married or in a
civil partnership c / Divorced or dissolved
civil partnership c / Separated, but still
legally married or in
a civil partnership c
Widow or widower c / Surviving partner from
a civil partnership c / Living with someone c
Single c
I prefer not to answer this question c
Please choose one option only (the one that best describes your racial/ethnic origin).
White / British c
Irish c
Any other White background c - please specify below
Multi-Ethnic / White & Black Caribbean c / White & Black African c
White & Asian c
Any other Multi-Ethnic background c - please specify below
Asian or Asian British / Indian c / Pakistani c
Bangladeshi c / Chinese c
Any other Asian background c - please specify below
Black or Black British / Caribbean c / African c
Any other Black background c - please specify below
Other / Arab c
Gypsy / Romany / Traveller of Irish Heritage c
Any other ethnic background c - please specify below
I prefer not to answer this question c
Do you belong to a particular religion or hold a particular belief? Please choose one option only.
Yes c / No c / I prefer not to answer this question c
If Yes, which option best describes your religion or belief? Please choose one option only.
Agnostic c / Hindu c / Pagan c
Atheism c / Humanist c / Sikh c
Buddhist c / Jewish c
Christianity (all c / Muslim c
Other religion/belief c - please specify below
I prefer not to answer this question c
Please choose one option only (the one that best describes your sexuality).Bisexual c / Gay woman/Lesbian c
Gay man c / Heterosexual/Straight c
Other c / - please specify below
I prefer not to answer this question c
Protecting your personal information
Medway Council will keep the information provided above as confidential. Access to, retention and disposal of this information will be strictly in accordance with data protection requirements. It will be used solely to ensure that Medway Council meets its obligations under equality legislation. Individuals will not be identifiable in any reporting.