Barry Township Hall REGULAR MEETING presented 12-12-17
155 E. Orchard St. November 6, 2017
Delton, Michigan 49046 7:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Wesley Kahler, Supervisor
Judy Wooer, Treasurer
Debra Knight, Clerk
Lee Campbell Trustee
Teresa Schuiteboer Trustee
Absent: None.
Guests: Several interested guests.
Supervisor W. Kahler called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Those present stood and stated the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America.
ROLL CALL: J. Wooer, D. Knight, W. Kahler, L. Campbell and Teresa Schuiteboer.
Absent. None.
The Regular meeting minutes for 10-3-2017 were presented to members for approval.
MOTION by J. Wooer second by L. Campbell to approve the 10-3-17 regular meeting minutes as presented to members. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED.
MOTION by J. Wooer, second by L. Campbell to approve the 10-23-2017 special meeting as presented to members. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.
The Treasurers report for October 2017 stands approved as presented.
Tax Settlements: Summer #7 $ 23,267.64. Summer #8 $ 2,565.79.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Motion by J. Wooer second by D Knight to accept the agenda with 1 addition. 1. B.T.P.D. Par Plan grant. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.
UPDATE WITH COUNTY COMMISSIONER: Commissioner Jackson was not available.
HICKORY FIRE: Chief Wyman gave the report. (18) runs. 11 MFR. 7 general calls to service.
DELTON FIRE: Asst. Chief Shepard gave the report. 10 in Barry.
POLICE: Chief Mark Doster gave the report. 180 calls for service in October.
DELTON DISTRICT LIBRARY: J. Wooer presented the activities for the month of November.
CEMETERY: Sexton Garrett Lennon was not available.
BARRY TWP WATER: Rico Liceaga, Director of Municipal Operations, presented the water operations report for October.
SWBCSWA: Minutes from 10-24-2017 were presented to members.
4 TWP WATER: No report.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Cindy Vujea updated members on the Link with Legislators and the Barry County Economic Success Summit. Both are scheduled for December 2017.
HOPE HOUSE TRANSITIONAL HOUSING PROJECT: Judge Amy McDowell spoke on the need for transitional housing for substance abusers who have been through drug court and are currently on probation. These men need a temporary place to stay that provides guidance for starting over, getting a job etc.
FIRE INSURANCE WITHOLDING PROGRAM: Board Discussion followed.Further clarification on what this program offers is needed. This will be on the 12-12-17 agenda.
SNOW BIDS FOR 2017-2018: Supervisor Kahler stated 2 bids were received for snow removal. Bill’s Snow removal: $70.00 ($17.50) per trip for Delton Fire/Twp hall, Well house and Barry Twp office and Hickory Corners Fire.
Smith’s Snow removal: $160.00. Delton Fire/Twp hall $75.00. Hickory Corners Fire: $30.00.
Well house: $15.00. Barry Twp office: $40.00. MOTION by L. Campbell, second by J. Wooer to accept the contract with Bill’s Snow Removal. Effective 11-1-2017 thru April 30, 2018. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.
DELTON FIRE REQUEST: Chief Muskovinpresented members with information on the LUCAS 3 Chest Compression System. The system is $15,822.00. An anonymous donor has offered to contribute 50% of the purchase of the LUCAS 3. The Delton Fire Club will contribute $822.00, leaving $3,750.00 for both Barry and Hope Townships. Board discussion was held on taking the money from the Hurst Tools line. $17,470.00 is available in that line. MOTION by J. Wooer, second by D. Knight to approve the $3,750.00 for the purchase of the LUCAS 3 Chest Compression System, using 203-336-978-001. ROLL CALL VOTE: TS: Yes. LC: Yes. WK: Yes. DK: Yes. JW: Yes. MOTION CARRIED. Many THANKS goes to the anonymous donor! $29,750 has been donated to Delton Fire Department!!
HICKORY CORNERS FIRE BUILDING UPDATE: Board discussion followedon the cost of $1,500.00 for a site plan review and a preliminary drawing for a new Hickory Corners Fire station. Chief Wyman asked the funds be taken from the property and building line. MOTION by W. Kahler, second by L. Campbell to approve the cost of $1,500.00 for a site plan review and drawing from 206-336-930-000. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.
LIABILITY INSURANCE UPDATE: Clerk Knight and Supervisor Kahler have received costs for property and liability insurance from Ted Hartleb and BHS agencies. A cost for each entity was presented to members for comparison. Members would like to meet with Jonathan Koets, Municipality Specialist with the Ted Hartleb Agency to discuss his proposal.
POLICE GARAGE BIDS: Board discussion was held on the (1) quotereceived for theconstruction of the police garage. Dallas ConklinConstruction bid: $54,000.00. Further discussion was held on seeking references. MOTION by L. Campbell, second by T. Schuiteboer to except the bid of $54,000.00 and enter into contract with Conklin Construction for the construction of a garage for police use pending the Supervisor seeking 3 references and receipt of liability insurance and hold harmless clause. ROLL CALL VOTE: WK: Yes. TS: Yes. LC: Yes. JW: Yes. DK: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.
PAR PLAN GRANT: Boarddiscussion was heldon seeking up to $5,000.00 in grant funds for the replacement of 3 Tasers. For the 12-12-17 agenda.
MOTION by W. Kahler, second by J. Wooer to meet in CLOSED SESSION @ 8:20 p.m. under Sec 8(h) of the Open meetings Act, pursuant to section 13(1)(g) of the Freedom of Information Act, to consider a written legal opinion. ROLL CALL VOTE: WK: Yes. DK: Yes. JW: Yes. TS: Yes. LC: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.
MOTION by W. Kahler, second by J. Wooer to meet in OPEN SESSION @ 8:34 p.m.
WK: Yes. DK. Yes. JW: Yes. LC. Yes. TS: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.
MOTION by D. Knight, second by L. Campbell to allow the portion of the property currently occupied by the funeral home building and planter to be sold to Williams-Gores Funeral Home for the purchase price of $1,500. ROLL CALL VOTE: DK: Yes. JW: Yes. WK: Yes. TS: Yes. LC: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.
LIMITED PUBLIC COMMENT: Carol Price spoke on the site plan for HCFD, Fire Insurance withholding program and Fair Lake shortfall.
AUTHORIZE NOVEMBER BILLS AND CHECK REGISTER: Motion by J. Wooer second by L. Campbell, to approve the bills for November as presented and the check register for all checks dated 10-11-2017 thru 11-1-2017. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED.
Supervisor W. Kahler asked for any further discussion hearing none.
Motion by J. Wooer second by D. Knight to adjourn this meeting @ 8:50 p.m. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully Submitted,
Debra J. Knight
Barry Township Clerk