APES Review (30 points)

Use your notes, book and internet to summarize each unit

Unit#1 Human populations Chapter 6 and 5-3

Focus topics: 1 page summary minimum

  1. Carrying capacity
  2. Reasons for population increase
  3. World’s population and top 3 populated countries with number of people
  4. Growth rate and rule of 70
  5. R and K species
  6. Type I, II and III survivorship curves
  7. TFR, RLF, IMR
  8. Reducing birth rate
  9. Age structure pyramids
  10. Demographic transition
  11. China’s one child policy (implementation, pros and cons)
  12. Carbon and ecological footprint
  13. Causes and solutions for world hunger

Unit #2 Terrestrial ecology Chapters 3, 7, 10

Focus topics: 2 page summary minimum

  1. What are species?
  2. Atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere
  3. Atom, molecule, cell, organism, population, community, and ecosystem
  4. Components of an ecosystem
  5. Range of tolerance
  6. Biogeochemical cycles (water, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen, carbon)
  7. Human impact on biogeochemical cycles
  8. Food chains and webs (producers, consumers, detritivores, decomposers)
  9. The commons
  10. Trophic levels and the 10% rule
  11. Climate, weather, Coriolis effect, hurricanes, tornadoes, EL Niño, La Niña, Hadley, Ferrel and polar convection cells
  12. The seasons
  13. Terrestrial biomes (location and characteristics)
  14. Human impact on terrestrial biomes
  15. Importance of forests, threats and sustaining them
  16. Importance of grasslands, threats and sustaining them
  17. Importance of parks and nature reserves, threats and sustaining them
  18. Biodiversity hot spot
  19. Any laws, acts or treaties

Unit #3 Aquatic ecology Chapters 8, 11, 13

Focus topics: 2 page summary minimum

  1. Layers of aquatic life zones and types of species in each
  2. Coral reefs, coastal zones, estuaries, mangroves, coastal and inland wetlands, intertidal zones, open sea, lakes, watershed, rivers, surface water, groundwater (their importance, threats and sustainability)
  3. Eutrophication, oligotrophic
  4. Major dams of the world (pros and cons)
  5. Invasive species
  7. Any laws, acts or treaties
  8. Overfishing and raising fish
  9. Zone of saturation, water table, surface water, recharge area, aquifer, floodplains
  10. Irrigation techniques
  11. Reducing water waste

Unit #4 Soil Chapter 12

Focus topics: 1 page summary

  1. Soil composition
  2. Soil horizons
  3. Clay, gravel, loam, silt, sand
  4. Permeability, porosity, aeration
  5. Soil formation
  6. Erosion (human impact)
  7. Desertification
  8. Types and impact of agriculture
  9. Waterlogging and salinization
  10. Using fertilizers
  11. The green revolution
  12. Problems with food production
  13. GMO, GMF
  14. Producing more meat
  15. Any laws or acts

Unit #5 Pesticides Chapter 17

Focus topics: 1 page summary minimum

  1. Natural pest management
  2. Types and use of pesticides
  3. DDT
  4. Biomagnification
  5. Genetic resistance, pesticide treadmill
  6. Hard and soft pesticides
  7. Pesticide poisoning, children’s susceptibility
  8. Synergistic effect
  9. IPM
  10. Antibiotic resistance
  11. Infectious disease on the rise