APES Review (30 points)
Use your notes, book and internet to summarize each unit
Unit#1 Human populations Chapter 6 and 5-3
Focus topics: 1 page summary minimum
- Carrying capacity
- Reasons for population increase
- World’s population and top 3 populated countries with number of people
- Growth rate and rule of 70
- R and K species
- Type I, II and III survivorship curves
- Reducing birth rate
- Age structure pyramids
- Demographic transition
- China’s one child policy (implementation, pros and cons)
- Carbon and ecological footprint
- Causes and solutions for world hunger
Unit #2 Terrestrial ecology Chapters 3, 7, 10
Focus topics: 2 page summary minimum
- What are species?
- Atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere
- Atom, molecule, cell, organism, population, community, and ecosystem
- Components of an ecosystem
- Range of tolerance
- Biogeochemical cycles (water, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen, carbon)
- Human impact on biogeochemical cycles
- Food chains and webs (producers, consumers, detritivores, decomposers)
- The commons
- Trophic levels and the 10% rule
- Climate, weather, Coriolis effect, hurricanes, tornadoes, EL Niño, La Niña, Hadley, Ferrel and polar convection cells
- The seasons
- Terrestrial biomes (location and characteristics)
- Human impact on terrestrial biomes
- Importance of forests, threats and sustaining them
- Importance of grasslands, threats and sustaining them
- Importance of parks and nature reserves, threats and sustaining them
- Biodiversity hot spot
- Any laws, acts or treaties
Unit #3 Aquatic ecology Chapters 8, 11, 13
Focus topics: 2 page summary minimum
- Layers of aquatic life zones and types of species in each
- Coral reefs, coastal zones, estuaries, mangroves, coastal and inland wetlands, intertidal zones, open sea, lakes, watershed, rivers, surface water, groundwater (their importance, threats and sustainability)
- Eutrophication, oligotrophic
- Major dams of the world (pros and cons)
- Invasive species
- Any laws, acts or treaties
- Overfishing and raising fish
- Zone of saturation, water table, surface water, recharge area, aquifer, floodplains
- Irrigation techniques
- Reducing water waste
Unit #4 Soil Chapter 12
Focus topics: 1 page summary
- Soil composition
- Soil horizons
- Clay, gravel, loam, silt, sand
- Permeability, porosity, aeration
- Soil formation
- Erosion (human impact)
- Desertification
- Types and impact of agriculture
- Waterlogging and salinization
- Using fertilizers
- The green revolution
- Problems with food production
- Producing more meat
- Any laws or acts
Unit #5 Pesticides Chapter 17
Focus topics: 1 page summary minimum
- Natural pest management
- Types and use of pesticides
- Biomagnification
- Genetic resistance, pesticide treadmill
- Hard and soft pesticides
- Pesticide poisoning, children’s susceptibility
- Synergistic effect
- Antibiotic resistance
- Infectious disease on the rise