Curriculum Committee
November 5, 2007 at 3:30 pm
13 Cluster Representatives)ARTICULATION OFFICER: (1)ADMINISTRATION: (3)
X A. Durbin, Allied Health_X J. McCurdyX_ R. Rowley, Co-Chair (Non-voting)
___ R. Rampersad, Applied TechnologyX_ P. James, (Voting)
_X_ D. Candelaria, Business & CIS, MVCCOUNSELOR: (1)X_ J. Johnson, (Voting)
___ TBA, Business & CIS, SJC_X M. Ish
_X C. Sleeper, Human Society & Culture, MVC
_X B. Rockwell, Human Society & Culture, SJCE.T.C. LIAISON: (1)
(Faculty Co-Chair)_X R. Bowman SUPPORT STAFF: (Non-Voting)
_X_ T. Blake, Language Arts, MVC___ TBA (Research)
_X _Y. Flournoy, Language Arts, SJC___ L. Burchett (Curriculum Office)
___ P. Ney, Math & Science, MVCLIBRARIAN (1)___ Enrollment Svcs: ______
_X S. Roulette, Math & Science, SJC_X_E. Anghel_X_ G. Tovar (Interim-Curriculum Specialist)
__X_M. Cvetko, Student Development
___ TBA, Visual & Performing Arts, MVCCLASSIFIED: (1)
___ TBA, Visual & Performing Arts, SJC___ TBA
___ TBA (Non-voting)
_X_ M. Stewart (Voting)___ TBA
X L. Lord(Non-voting)___ TBA
I.Opening of Meeting
1.Call to order@ 3:30 PM by B. Rockwell
- Approval of the minutes for October 8, 2007 (M. Cvetko/S. McCurdy)
- B. Rockwell recognized the attendance of Y. Flournoy, who is currently on sabbatical leave. In order to establish continuity of leadership, the faculty members on the committee voted to approve Y. Flournoy as Curriculum Committee Chair for Spring 2008.
- B. Rockwell announced an addition to the Information for next meeting: Course Outline of Record Format and Guidelines. Revised documents will be included as backup material for the next agenda.
- B. Rockwell observed that due to the length of the agenda, the bulk of the Information agenda could be deferred until the next meeting, except for the following:Liberal Arts Degree Program is currently non-compliant with TITLE 5R. Rowley explained options for the college: Eliminate the degree, transform the degree into a certificate of achievement, or bring the degree into compliance. In any case, MSJC will need to create an addendum to the 2007-2008 catalog. A task for force was created to propose ways to bring the degree into compliance: R. Rowley, K. Turner, J. McCurdy, M. Stewart, and S. Fears.
II.Consent Agenda - Action Items
The following items 1A-1M were approved. (M. McCurdy/S. Stewart)
- Final Approval – New Course Proposals- SecondReading
A.ANTH-111 Physical Anthropology Lab
Prerequisite: None
Units:1Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 0 Lab/wk 1
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: The course will provide interested students with hands-on exercises related to physical anthropology. The exercises will further solidify their understanding of evolutionary mechanisms and foster an appreciation of modern human diversity. The Anthropology program review demonstrated that a similar course is taught at many other comparable community colleges and is a major component of an Anthropology Major at four-year universities.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Fall 2008
- ANTH-125 Magic, Witchcraft and Religion
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: B2, F
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: Provides an opportunity for students to learn about different belief systems that are practiced throughout the world. This will help to foster tolerance within students for different perspectives. Additionally, the Anthropology program review demonstrated that this was one of the most common courses found at comparable community colleges that is not part of the MSJC curriculum. Additionally it is found at many universities as part of their lower division curriculum.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Fall 2008
C.CSIS-116F PERL Programming Level 1
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: D2
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: This course is a recommended elective for CIS students interested in the basics of using scripting to create web pages.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Fall 2008
D.OTEC-150 Records and Information Management
Prerequisite: None
Units:2Total Semester Hours: 32-36 Lect/wk 2 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: A core component of any business is information management. This course will explore this upcoming field, provide students information on working with physical records and introduce current trends in this field.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
E. OTEC-153Electronic Records Management
Prerequisite: OTEC 150
Units:2Total Semester Hours: 32-36 Lect/wk 2 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: The business community is increasingly becoming more reliant on creating and working with electronic information. This course will prepare the student to understand and work with electronic records in the business community.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
F.COMM-119Public Relations
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: D2
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: The ability to communicate effectively to various societal entities—including individuals—is one of the most sought after skills by organizations today. College graduates need a dynamic awareness of the multiple fluid contexts present in their day-to-day lives. This course provides such awareness, enabling successful students to participate more fully in the various societies of which they are, and will become, an integral part.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Fall 2008
G. COMM-115 Persuasion
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: Persuasion is used in various aspects of life. This course will specifically provide skills and abilities needed in the art of persuasion. The course will also provide skills that are needed for various occupations. The course will be used in creating a transfer program.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Fall 2008
H.NURS-232Role Transition
Prerequisite: Admission criteria to the Associate Degree Nursing Program
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 80-90 Lect/wk 2 Lab/wk 1
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: Students must take this course if they are planning to enter the Associate Degree Nursing program at an advancement placement level.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
I.AH-075 Medical Assistant Computerized Office Procedures
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: This course is required in the Certificate in Medical Assisting.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
J.DMS-095Sonography Medical Terminology
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: Students entering the DMS program train on site at affiliated hospitals and have to learn how to understand and effectively communicate medical terminology used in the care of patients and the daily functioning of a sonography laboratory/health care setting.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: Students are required to have knowledge of pathology in order to scan and properly document normal versus abnormal anatomy.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
L.DMS-102Sonography Medical Ethics
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: Students entering the DMS program and training on site at affiliated hospitals are required to perform daily functions within their scope of practice.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
M.DMS-103Sonography Techniques in Patient Care
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 80-90 Lect/wk 2 Lab/wk 1
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
New Course rationale: Students entering the DMS program train on site at affiliated hospitals and have to learn how to properly take care of patients and function in a health care setting.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
2.Final Approval – Major Course Revisions- Second Reading.
The following items 2A-2HH were approved. (M. McCurdy/S. Stewart)
A.ASL-100American Sign Language
Prerequisite: None
Units:4Total Semester Hours: 64-72 Lect/wk 4 Lab/wk
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: C
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Regular review and revision of existing curricula per the Education Plan for the ASL department.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Fall 2008
B.ASL-101American Sign Language II
Prerequisite: ASL 100
Units:4Total Semester Hours: 64-72 Lect/wk 4 Lab/wk
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: C
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Regular review and revision of existing curricula per the Education Plan for the ASL department.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Fall 2008
C.ASL-102Fingerspellers, Numbers & Classifiers
Prerequisite: ASL 101
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: C
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Regular review and revision of existing curricula per the Education Plan for the ASL department.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Fall 2008
D.ASL-103American Sign Language III
Prerequisite: ASL 101
Units:4Total Semester Hours: 64-72 Lect/wk 4 Lab/wk
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: C
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Regular review and revision of existing curricula per the Education Plan for the ASL department.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Fall 2008
E.ASL-104American Sign Language IV
Prerequisite: ASL 103
Units:4Total Semester Hours: 64-72 Lect/wk 4 Lab/wk
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: C
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Regular review and revision of existing curricula per the Education Plan for the ASL department.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Fall 2008
F.ASL-110Deaf Culture and Community
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: C, F
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Regular review and revision of existing curricula per the Education Plan for the ASL department.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Fall 2008
G.CAPP-160DUsing Microsoft Office 2007 Level 3
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Title change to reflect the current vision of the software used for this course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-120DUsing Microsoft Office 2007 Level 1
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Title change to reflect the current vision of the software used for this course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-122D Using Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 1
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Title change to reflect the current vision of the software used for this course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-123DUsing Microsoft Access 2007 Level 1
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Title change to reflect the current vision of the software used for this course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-124DUsing Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Level 1
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Title change to reflect the current vision of the software used for this course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-126FUsing Microsoft Publisher 2007
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Title change to reflect the current vision of the software used for this course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
M.CAPP-131DUsing Microsoft Outlook 2007
Prerequisite: None
Units:1Total Semester Hours: 16-18 Lect/wk 1 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Title change to reflect the current vision of the software used for this course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
N.CAPP-126GUsing Adobe InDesign CS3
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Title change to reflect the current vision of the software used for this course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
O.CAPP-135D Using Microsoft Project 2007
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Title change to reflect the current vision of the software used for this course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
P.CAPP-140DUsing Microsoft Office 2007 Level 2
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Title change to reflect the current vision of the software used for this course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
Q.CAPP-143DUsing Microsoft Access 2007 Level 2
Prerequisite: None
Units:3Total Semester Hours: 48-54 Lect/wk 3 Lab/wk 0
Proposed MSJC GE Breadth Area: N/A
Proposed: (Unavailable at this time.)
Course rationale: Title change to reflect the current vision of the software used for this course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-126A Using Adobe Page Maker 7.0
Rationale: PageMaker software is being replaced by InDesign, therefore we will no longer be teaching this class.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-122C2 Using Microsoft Excel 2003 Level 1, Part 2
Rationale: After reviewing department curricula faculty have reached consensus that there is no longer a need from the community for this one unit course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
T.CAPP-122C1 Using Microsoft Excel 2003 Level 1, Part 1
Rationale: After reviewing department curricula faculty have reached consensus that there is no longer a need from the community for this one unit course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
U.CAPP-124C1 Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Level 1, Part 1
Rationale: After reviewing department curricula faculty have reached consensus that there is no longer a need from the community for this one unit course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
V.CAPP-123C3 Using Microsoft Access 2003 Level 1, Part 3
Rationale: After reviewing department curricula faculty have reached consensus that there is no longer a need from the community for this one unit course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
W. CAPP-123C2 Using Microsoft Access 203 Level 1, Part 2
Rationale: After reviewing department curricula faculty have reached consensus that there is no longer a need from the community for this one unit course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-123C1 Using Microsoft Access 2003 Level 1, Part 1
Rationale: After reviewing department curricula faculty have reached consensus that there is no longer a need from the community for this one unit course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-123C3 Using Microsoft Excel 2003 Level 1, Part 3
Rationale: After reviewing department curricula faculty have reached consensus that there is no longer a need from the community for this one unit course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-124C2 Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Level 1, Part 2
Rationale: After reviewing department curricula faculty have reached consensus t that there is no longer a need from the community for this one unit course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-124C3 Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Level 1, Part 3
Rationale: After reviewing department curricula faculty have reached consensus that there is no longer a need from the community for this one unit course.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-141C3 Using Microsoft Word 2003 Level 2, Part 3
Rationale: This one unit class has not been offered in several years. Faculty members do not see a need for this one-unit class when the same material is covered in the CAPP 141C Using Microsoft Word three-unit class.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-141C2 Using Microsoft Word 2003 Level 2, Part 2
Rationale: This one unit class has not been offered in several years. Faculty members do not see a need for this one-unit class when the same material is covered in the CAPP 141C Using Microsoft Word three-unit class.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-141C1 Using Microsoft Word 2003
Rationale: This one unit class has not been offered in several years. Faculty members do not see a need for this one-unit class when the same material is covered in the CAPP 141C Using Microsoft Word three unit class.
Catalog inclusion date: 2008-09
Term Effective: Spring 2008
- CAPP-121C3 Using Microsoft Word 2003 Level 1, Part 3
New Course rationale: This one unit class has not been offered in several years. Faculty members do not see a need for this one-unit class when the same material is covered in the CAPP 121C Using Microsoft Word three unit class.