First of all, we derive the “RISE” of Venice as the advancements that had been achieved in the political, economic and social fields. Venice developed during the early 10th century when the Byzantine Empire began to show signs of weakening. Venice had expanded its trade and territories in Europe through leadership at that moment of time which finally ended up rising to become an empire of the 15th century.

“Leadership is key.” In the Venetian government, there was a system of government in order to meet demands of the people and the growing city-state. There were reforms or changes introduced from 12th century, yet the leader was always the Doge without any changes. This was because the Doge is very important for Venice in term of its operation.

As what we know, capable leaders contributed to the rise of Venice. There were three well-known Doges who had made outstanding contributions in the growth and development of Venice due to their far-sighted view and opinion. They were Doge Pietro II Orseolo, Doge Enrico Dandolo and Doge Pietro Zaini and the three of them eventually presented good leadership in term of diplomatic and also enterprising.

Doge Pietro II Orseolo was a capable leader who first brought peace to Venice. He developed the Venice by building up strong diplomatic relationships with other countries. He felt that peace in the region was the utmost importance to help Venice to rise. Hence, he took a number of steps to ensure the peace in the region. For instance, he reconciled the feuding cities in order to maintain friendship. He negotiated treaties with major powers such as Europeans and Muslims states and even subdued the pirates in Dalmatia. He was wise as well because he disallowed the trade between Venetians and the cities controlled by the pirates in order to cut off their salt supply and other necessities. All his diplomacy contributions and leadership had then brought Venice peace and stability and also ensured its independence. This will then increase the people support and trust towards the country. Sea routes and passage of ships to trade were also becoming safe. More Venetians were willing to trade boost without any disruption and eventually wealth and prosperity would be brought into Venice. Finally, the economic of Venice became better and hence led to the rise of Venice.

Next, Doge Enrico Dandolo was enterprising in his leadership. He contributed a lot to Venice by directing the Fourth Crusade under the command of Pope Innocent III, head of the western Christian world in the 12th century. He also weakened the Byzantine Empire by overthrowing the Byzantine Emperor and taking over the capital of Constantinople. This event was important for the RISE of Venice because it was a turning point in Venice’s history as it weakened the Byzantine Empire and helped Venice to rise further. The capture of Constantinople was successfully completed in 1204 and it brought political recognition from the other states to help Venice in controlling some of the important territories which had once belonged to the fallen Byzantine Empire. With this power state, Venice was being respected for the political prestige that the country earned. Less political issues will occur and Venice was able to maintain the stability of the country in term of the political field. Hence, Venice is considered to rise due to the success of her political development and advancement.

Finally, Doge Pietro Ziani’s enterprising leadership had led Venice to rise to become a big and strong maritime empire. He followed an expansionist policy and further extended Venice’s control over the Mediterranean Sea through conquests. He felt that there was a need in setting up military outposts along important trade routes due to the increasing trade competition. Besides, he was also one of the great planners of Venice as he took a step to divide the city-state into many districts. This helped him to facilitate trading ships’ movement and ensure the safety along the Mediterranean Sea. Nevertheless, he also donated a piece of land to the city-state to relocate the shipyard, which was too close to the government headquarters. Such capable leader who was able to plan ahead helped to deal with the problems more efficiently. All these had helped Venice to grow as a successful trading centre as Venetians were able to attract more ships and traders plying this region after the leaders helped Venice to control the major sea routes which linked Europe to Asia. The leaders had used the great geographical location to monopolise the trades in that region. The increase number in successful trades had then increased the income earned into the country and progressed the economic development. Therefore, Venice rose to be one of the greatest city-states in Europe and maritime empires of its time.

As a result, due to the work of all the far-sighted leaders, Venice was systematically transformed from a small city-state into a huge, powerful and wealthy maritime empire.