Judging criteria
Your project must be completed and evaluated. It can address any of the five categories.
Your project will be assessed against each section:
Section / CriteriaBackground and Aims / SMART Objectives used to describe the aims:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Appropriate
- Realistic and relevant
- Time limited
Methodology – your approach and theory of change / Your methodology should incorporate the following:
- The Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle
- Changes you have tested and implemented and why
- Evidence of an evaluation framework? i.e. measuring against clinical indicators, audits and other ongoing sources of data collection
- How the changes were communicated
- Realistic and logically ordered timeframes
- Relevant risk management considerations
- Based on evidence and examples of best practice
- Active involvement of relevant stakeholders, multidisciplinary team including consumers/patients
Outcomes and sustainability / Your outcomes and their sustainability should include:
- Describe the intervention and steps taken to define / address the problem
- Demonstrate a consumer centred approach
- Articulate the changes and how they were introduced
- Describe research methods and evaluation undertaken as appropriate
- Data used to demonstrate the improvements and measures used are accurate and relevant to the project aims
- Demonstrate innovation in identified service improvements
- What were the improvements in processes and outcomes?
- Demonstrate that people on the receiving end of the initiative felt that it improved their participation in their own care
- Outline how the improvement has or will be sustained
- Projects that have embedded and spread to other departments, settings or organisations
Lessons and learnings /
- What were the lessons you have learnt that would benefit others undertaking a similar improvement
- What worked well
- What didn’t work as well
- What would you change next time
The judging panel come from a variety of environments and the only opportunity they have to understand your project is through your written submission. Please make sure you write clearly, articulate the issues and the solutions and use data to quantify both the problem and outcome.
Thank you for considering participating in these Awards.
If you require advice or assistance please contact
The aim of the awards is to recognise and showcase initiatives that improve the safety and quality of health care in the ACT.
Contact Person
Name: / Email: / Phone:Organisation/Area of Work:
Team members:
1. Project title: (Keep this short and sharp)
2. Category:
Please select only one (1) category that best suits the principle focus of the project scope and outcomes. The Selection Panel reserves the right to alter an application’s category.
/ Person centred:
Co-design with patients/consumers/carers
Improved experience of care
Improved staff experience
/ Safety: reductions in harm and improvements in processes and delivery to enhance patient safety
/ Effectiveness: services based on scientific knowledge and best evidence based practice, to all who could benefit, to deliver improvements in outcome and patient experience
/ Efficiency: avoiding waste, including waste of equipment, supplies, ideas, time and energy
3. Abstract: (Limit 200 words).
Please keep it clear and concise. Your abstract will describe your project in the Quality in Healthcare ACT Awards commemorative booklet.
4. Background and Aims: (Limit 500 words) Include:
What was the problem, how was it identified and what baseline data did you have? (quantitative/qualitative- audit data, consumer feedback, reports etc)
What was the concept and scope of the project?
5. Methodology: (Limit 500 words) Include:
What changes did you test and implement and why?
Who was involved (multidisciplinary team, consumers etc)?
Data that supports the analysis and conclusions
6. Outcomes, benefits and sustainability: (Limit 500 words)
What were the improvements in processes and outcomes? Measures used are accurate and relevant to the project aims. How has the improvement been sustained or what are the plans for sustainability?
7. Lessons and learnings:
What did you learn that will benefit yourself and others in the future?
Submit your application by 27 October 2017 to