10thFebruary 2017

Lighthouse Keepers

Gabriel Rouen – for working really hard on maths

Joe Penna – for working really hard on topic homework

Eva Hensler-Harris – for working really hard on topic homework

Eggs of Excellence (Friendliness)

Mia Silgram – for friendliness to others

Vinnie Johnson – for getting on with everyone

Bella Rial – for showing kindnesstowards others

Class 3 Student of the Week

This week’s Student of the Week in Class 3 is:

Jack Williams

Well done Jack!


After half-term, we will be learning about Service and we will update you fortnightly on which particular virtue we are learning about.

Pebble Wood Project – Saturday 25th February – 1.00pm until 4.00pm

This is open to all parents and friends and is a commemorative planting of trees and wild plants to create a woodland area in memory of Mrs Sara Illsley – a very much loved member of staff who sadly recently lost her battle with cancer. All ideas, suggestions and designs to take this project forward will be greatly appreciated. More details are given below:

The Vision for Pebble Wood – drop into the school to …………………………………

Look at the plans for Pebble Wood

Share your ideas

Join in some wildlife-garden related activities

Pledge your support for the project

Help us do some practical clearance in the area that will become Pebble Wood

Add to the collection of ‘Pebbles’ to create a plinth for a seat in the garden (all Pebbles who have known Sara Illsley are invited to bring a good sized flat pebble that will form a part of the plinth)

Join in the planting of specimen trees, with a special ceremony at 3.00pm

Enjoy tea & cake!

If anyone is able to help support the day by baking a cake or agreeing to serve tea/coffee or help with workshops, please get in touch with either Lucy (01209) 719577 or Sally (01209) 710887.

Thank you!


Mr Smith recently attended a Safeguarding training session and one important issue that parents need to be aware of is that Facebook requires everyone to be at least 13 years of age before they can create an account.

Swimming Goggles

We have eight pairs of unclaimed swimming goggles in school. Please come into school if you think any of these may belong to your child. They possibly belong to children in the Porth House Group who were swimming last term.

Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)

At Kehelland we work hard to develop a lifelong love of reading and sharing books. To help us in this endeavour we would like to invite parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles to a ‘Drop Everything and Read’ session on Tuesday 21st February at 2.30pm. Please choose a book and bring to school to share with the children and enjoy reading for pleasure.

Reading in Class 1

17 out of 29 children in Class 1 are reading five, six or even 7 times a week! This is absolutely wonderful news – keep up the good work!

Diary Dates

Feb13-17Half Term

16Nest Box Day at Kehelland Trust

21Drop Everything and Read – 2.30pm

25Pebble Wood Day – 1.00 – 4.00pm

Mar08School Workshop – Cheap Date Dance

09Carn to Cove production – Kehelland Chapel Hall

16PTSCA AGM – 7.00pm at school

24Kehelland School Spring Fayre

31End of Spring Term – 1.15pm

Apr18Beginning of Summer Term -8.45am

30School Gardening & Decorating Day

May01Bank Holiday – school closed

29-2nd June Half Term

Jun27Sports Day

30Gig on the Green

July01Kehelland Village Tea Treat

Geoff Smith