Event Booking Form
Please read with the “Terms and Conditions of Use” before booking events at the church
This will help make the process go much more smoothly for everyone involved.
Before you book, please be aware that:
It is your responsibility to make arrangements with someone who haskeys to open and close for you.
You are responsible for moving and setting up any furniture and returning the furniture to its original location after your event has finished.
Booking Procedure:
1. Complete the booking form below with all details that apply.Dates, start and end times for both the event and any set-up* and clear-up times are required. Your event cannot be booked without them.Please also confirm that you have read and agree with the “Terms and Conditions of Use” by signing and returning the form with your booking form.
2.When your event is booked, we will e-mail you a confirmation.
If the space and times you want are not available, we will e-mail or call you to discuss
Name of Event:______
Date: Day ______Month ______Year ______
Event Start time: ______am/pm
Event End time: ______am/pm (must include time for clearing up)
Space needed (Please check all that apply)
- Vestry
- Main Church
*If set-up time is needed:
Date: Day ……………………………..
Start time: ______ am/pm
End time: ______ am/pm
Name of person booking event:______
Contact details: e-mail______
Tel no______
Please send this form by email to
Bottom of Form
These terms and conditions apply to any organisation or individual wishing to use any part of
The Parish Church of All Saints Glossop
A booking will not be considered confirmed until a completed Booking Form is received by the booking manager. The person signing the Booking Form should be at least 18 years of age. This person is liable for the booking. If the person is signing on behalf of an organization, then that organization is jointly liable for the booking.
There should always be at least one person over the age of 18 present throughout the usage period.
The Church is available for use between 9am and 11pm Monday to Friday, 11am – 11pm Saturday, and 12.30 to 10.30pm Sunday. There is a minimum booking period of 2 hours.
The user shall be asked for a minimum donation towards heating and lighting costs (currently an average of £25 an hour throughout the year) to the Church as agreed with the Finance Officer, at the time of booking. An additional donation towards the general maintenance of the Church will be much appreciated. Payment can be made by cash or by cheque with a valid cheque guarantee card. (Please make cheques payable to Glossop Parish Church)
A booking is considered confirmed once the booking form has been received.
With less than 7 days notice: 50% of the minimum donation
At all times during use, the building, grounds and equipment remain under the full control of Glossop Parish Church and its representatives. Any instructions given by our representatives must be complied with
The User is not entitled to use or enter the premises at any other time other than the specified period unless by prior arrangement
The User must allow for setting up and packing up time in their booking request. If the event overruns, the User will be charged for the excess time.
The User is not entitled to store any equipment or other items on the premises outside of the usage period unless by prior arrangement. Glossop Parish Church bears no responsibility for items kept on the premises before, during and after the usage period
The User is requested to remove any rubbish accumulated during the event
Health and Safety
Please ensure that you have read the fire notices and that you are aware of the Emergency and Evacuation procedure (please see separate information sheet)
The User is responsible for keeping a register of the number, and where possible the names of people attending their event which can be used in the event of an emergency or fire drill.
All fire exits/ doors are to be left unobstructed and emergency lights should remain uncovered.
Users are expected to have their own Public Liability Insurance and may be asked to produce evidence of this insurance prior to the event.
The User will reimburse the Church for any loss or damage caused to the building or property belonging to the Church as a result of their usage.
- For weekdays : from 8am to 10.30pm there is limited parkingavailable
- Access to load/unload is through the main gates on South Church Street
- Vehicles must not be parked outside the church doors as the gravestones are insecure
I agree to the above Terms and Conditions of Use