The Custom House Vocabulary list
- Benumbed (2) – deprived of physical or emotional feeling
- Prolix (2) – using or containing too many words
- Eulogium (13) – funeral speech
- Venerable (29) – accorded a great deal of respect
- Phosphorescent (14) – of or relating to any kind of light that glows softly in the dark
- Truculency (3) – aggressively hostile; belligerent
- Unpicturesque (44) – not visually pleasing
- Consciousness (2) – awareness of one’s own existence, surroundings, thoughts, sensations
- Dilapidated (3) - reducedtoorfallenintopartialruinordecay,asfromage,wear,orneglect.
- Rheumatic (11) – any disorder of the extremities or back, characterized by pain and stiffness
- Witticisms (14) – amusingly clever remarks
- Vixenly (3) – ill-tempered or quarrelsome
- Condescension (23) - voluntaryassumptionofequalitywithapersonregardedasinferior
- Thitherward (4) – toward a place or point
- Unceremonious (42) - discourteouslyabrupt;hasty;rude
- Patriarch (15) – male head of family
Chapters 1-2 vocabulary list
- Inauspicious (46) - ill-omened; unfavorable
- Physiognomies (47) - the face or countenance, especially when considered as an index to the character
- Betokened (47) – to be or give a sign of; portend
- Invariably (45) – not changing or capable of being changed
- Illuminating (56) – giving or casting light
- sepulcher (45) – a stone building where the dead are buried
- inefficacious (36) – ineffective; not able to produce the desired effect
- intricate (57) – having many interrelated parts or facets
- delinquencies (53) – failure in or neglect of duty or obligation
- phantasmagoric (56) - having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination
Chapter 6 Vocabulary list
1. lustre (85)
2. imbibing (87)
3. unmercifully (92)
4. epoch (87)
5. radiance (86)
6. procured (86)
7. anathema (91)
8. preternatural (92)
9. Dexterity (86)
10. Puritanic (90)
Chapter 7:
1. dauntless (98) – very brave; showing fearlessness and determination
2. cabalistic (99) – relating to or associated with mystical interpretation
3. panoply (102) – a complete selection of things
4. ingenuity (98) – being clever or original in your creation
5. unpremeditated (98) – not thought out or planned beforehand
6. pestilence (99) – fatal epidemic disease
7. relinquished (103) – give up; cease to keep or claim
8. extremity (101) – the outer part of an object
9. commodity (100) – a raw material or primary agriculture product that can be bought and sold
10. melancholy (99) – pensive sadness
Chapter 8 Vocabulary
1. plumage (107) – a bird’s feathers
2. antiquated (104) – old-fashioned; outdated
3. indefeasible (109) – not able to be lost, annulled or overturned
4. autumnal (105) – a period of maturity verging on decline
5. catechism (108) – a summary of the principles of Christian religion
6. amid (106) – in or into the middle of something
7. inopportune (108) – inappropriate or untimely manner
8. depravity (109) – moral corruption or wickedness
9. perceive (108) – to recognize with your own senses
10. expatiating (104) – to speak or write at length in detail
Chapter 9 Vocabulary
1. appellation (114) – a name or title
2. heterogeneous (116) – composed of different substances
3. scrupulous (116) – diligent, thorough, and attentive to details
4. emaciated (117) – abnormally thin or weak
5. opportune (117) – well-chosen or particularly favorable
6. countenanced (118)–to approve or support
7. despondent (118) – in low spirits from loss of hope or courage
8. importunate (118) – persistent to the point of annoyance or intrusion
9. deportment (118) – a person’s behavior or manners
10. impelled (119) – drive, force or urge someone to do something
11. sagacity (120) – keen discernment or judgement
12. egotism (121) – talking about oneself due to sense of self-importance
13. refutation (123) – the act of proving something as false
Chapter 10
1. demerit (131)
2. perchance (125)
3. typify (127)
4. inimical (126)
5. penitential (129)
6. tenaciously (130)
7. retribution (128)
8. solace (128)
9. eccentricities (131)
10. afflicted (128)
Chapter 11
1. machinations (137) – scheming an action intended to accomplish something evil
2. abstruse (138) – difficult to understand
3. efficacious (138) – successful in producing a desired result
4. ethereal (139) – extremely delicate and light; too perfect for this world
5. abomination (140) – something that causes disgust or hatred
6. defiled (140) – sully or spoil
7. deluded (142) – imposed a misleading belief upon
Chapter 12
1. grotesque (148) – repulsively ugly
2. tumultuous (149) – excited, confused or disorderly
3. somnambulism (143) - sleepwalking
4. reverberated (145) – to be repeated several times as an echo
5. excursion (145) – a short journey or trip
6. erudite (153) – having or showing great knowledge or learning
7. beseech (154) – to ask someone urgently to do something
8. lurid (147) – gruesome or horrible
9. betwixt (150) - between
10. majestic (151) – having or showing impressive beauty or dignity
11. infirmity (144) – physical or mental weakness